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Britney Spears And Ellen DeGeneres Are Double The Trouble At L.A. Mall: Watch

Jordan Miller

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3 minutes ago, Erreur 2 La Nature said:

Literally ONE second of this video promoted Glory and Britney almost didn't talk during the 7 minutes :drown:

But it was funny to watch and she looked amazing

Exactly. Ellen makes this funny. Britney is absent. She needs to go on interview to her but she needs to open up a bit

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People who complain (who's gonna complain) about Britney's behaviour: Ellen is a humorist, she doesn't give a ****, even if she commands you to suck her toe, because it's her job and it's the way she is. Look when Ellen commands the woman to take coins, Britney tried to stop her, because she feels bad (even knowing that it was a just a joke). She cannot be a rude superstar even when she's just pretending or joking, because she feels uncomfortable with this kind of behaviour. I mean, it is not very complicated to understand and even when you know how Britney is. The video is hilarious, Ellen was great and Britney as well.:myjam:

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She never liked being treated like a zoo animal. Let's not act like 2007 never happened. She was also never the type of celebrity who thinks 'I can get away with anything I want cause I'm a celebrity'. We all know she's still a very shy and private person and I think that's why she felt a bit nervous with all the attention. 

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21 minutes ago, mylonliNESS said:

I think so... But I think its cause their "stealing" :bcutelaugh:


18 minutes ago, Aegean said:

I think she felt a bit uncomfortable when Ellen told that little boy not to go to college and start auditioning as kids to become celebs :boredashell: But the part when they were in the bed was so cute 


yes, but she should know it's all about joking lol

I loved the spider part, gilr couldn't stop eating her ice-cream lmao

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The southern twang :CPKney:  Her cuteness is everything.

Her voice sounds so good, and she looks amazing. I thought it worked very well, and she came across as funny and went along with it all. 

If she was uncomfortable it was only moments, and not even uncomfortable in a bad way or in a way we might have used that word to describe her before, I felt like it added to the comedy in this case.

Love them together :wooney:

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