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When selecting the songs that will be on an album....


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They should bring in some die hard fans and young people that really know how Britney sounds the best and what we truly want, and they should help choose the songs that get put on the album. I mean, some of the best tracks on Glory are bonus songs, and Mood Ring is only on the Japan version. I feel like they need to get extra opinions. A lot of us could make MUCH better decisions than her flop team. 

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We haven't heard Mood Ring in full though so we can't say that it should have made the album yet. Anyway, when it comes down to selecting songs for the album, a lot goes into it. I'm not saying her team is great bc they "miss" a lot but it's not just about picking the very best songs. A good executive producer will choose songs that will make a cohesive album and the track order in which it's best heard in (with singles usually at the top for marketing reasons). And (I don't like this but) her team obviously puts the most mainstream songs on the album so it is more commercially popular.

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This could be cool :saycheese: She definitely needs the input of young people who are plugged into music and pop culture, and also have her best interests at heart :carpoolney: But seeing the taste of some fans is actually kinda alarming tbh :embarrassney: I'd be afraid to see what some of them cook up nnnnnnn :moorangu: 

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