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AP? Britney talks about Track by Track (Glory) from Invitation till Clumsy


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Her Slumber Party description.. :zoomzoom: I'm sure she just went by the title and she has no idea what the song is about.. If it is a single, she would probably make another Make Me type of video of her having fun with her girls :zoomzoom: 

Private Show urban :zoomzoom: 

Just Luv Me being just a cool song to do yoga with :zoomzoom: 

Oh well, at least she served her best vocals for this album :bgrin:

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I want to download these soundbites into an MP3 and just listen to her beautiful voice. SO much personality and comfort in these recordings. THANK you for posting, I LOVED listening to them. I found myself upset I didnt get to hear each song after she expertly introduced them!

1 hour ago, Applejack said:

this is the most conscious she has sounded in years

don't know how y'all ain't freaking out


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7 hours ago, PRIVATE.SHOW said:

"He made things very easy on the set when we made the video". If only you had released it Brit Brit :gloria:

I think it's the first time she actually spoke about the video? And it's THE video :orangu:

"Go get it. It's called Glory" :scalped:

aiming for that Billboard #1 debut second week :moorangu:

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3 hours ago, Gambler said:

When she said "do your thing", she already said that in some song or video in her prime that I cant remember when or where ... but it came up to my mind :donewithit: ..

omg it was from one of the skits on the OIDIA album hahahah it was after what u see is what u get, leading into lucky. it's her voicemail and she's like "so after the beep, DO YA THANG" hahahahahahaha omg i'm dying laughing



but seriously is someone going to post the rest of the clips? it stops after just like me.... and also everyone is talking about her bringing up aerosmith/steven tyler (again), but i didn't that in any of the clips in the OP. am i missing something!?!?


but for real she is pretty bad at articulating (like someone mentioned earlier in this thread). that doesn't mean she's stupid, she just lets the music speak for itself and she speaks through her heart and her emotions, hence she just says things like "really cool." but can we please just appreciate the neverending promo and how alive she sounds!!!!!!


although i HAVE to point out that like this really seals the deal for me on my theory that she has such a warped view of what URBAN means/sounds like. private show??? urban?? really??? hahaha but god i love this

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5 hours ago, rockNroLL227 said:

omg it was from one of the skits on the OIDIA album hahahah it was after what u see is what u get, leading into lucky. it's her voicemail and she's like "so after the beep, DO YA THANG" hahahahahahaha omg i'm dying laughing


Yeeeees, oidianey coming back .. im really emotional rn :tiffsniffle:

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