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Attn: Whining about Britney.


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24 minutes ago, Mani911 said:

I still think it was a case of jet lag and being tired, I guess her team thought she would be able to rest enough before this, but she just didn't manage to :nothavingit:

yeah, I thought so too.. but you know she had Vegas show later on and it was fine.. so maybe cameras stressed her out? I dunno..:donewithit:

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7 minutes ago, chris_fives said:

yeah, I thought so too.. but you know she had Vegas show later on and it was fine.. so maybe cameras stressed her out? I dunno..:donewithit:

well there was definitely something off with the Today Show 'cause she was lacking the fire in her eyes.

I didn;t watch the IG videos from POM after that, she really did better? I need to watch them then :angietea:

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2 hours ago, MeowBurglar said:

I'd also like to point out it's like people forgot she had MAJOR surgery on her knee.


Her original dancing majorly contributed to that. I mean ... she has injured her knee 3 times.


First time was in 1999.



Second was when she hurt her knee during a concert in 2004:



and the third was when she hurt it bad enough she needed surgery in 2004 during the Outrageous music video.




She had to walk around like this for a long time:





What happened with her knees during the Stronger video shoot? I heard her knees were bleeding.

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9 hours ago, brit4u1998 said:

Am I in the minority? I loved her Today Show performance. :brit2016:


I did too. I thought she did a great job.


I also liked the little wakeboarding segment. I love seeing her with her boys and just having fun plus her bathing suit was really cute :bootyney:

9 hours ago, brit4u1998 said:

What happened with her knees during the Stronger video shoot? I heard her knees were bleeding.

Oh you know... I'm not sure! She has definitely had a tough time and the problem is your knees are so critical for dancing.

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20 minutes ago, MeowBurglar said:

I did too. I thought she did a great job.


I also liked the little wakeboarding segment. I love seeing her with her boys and just having fun plus her bathing suit was really cute :bootyney:

Oh you know... I'm not sure! She has definitely had a tough time and the problem is your knees are so critical for dancing.

Britney is knee-ney. :walkonby:

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20 hours ago, MeowBurglar said:

I'd also like to point out it's like people forgot she had MAJOR surgery on her knee.


Her original dancing majorly contributed to that. I mean ... she has injured her knee 3 times.


First time was in 1999.



Second was when she hurt her knee during a concert in 2004:



and the third was when she hurt it bad enough she needed surgery in 2004 during the Outrageous music video.




She had to walk around like this for a long time:





And my guess is a person that's really hurt something, they're gonna be paranoid at screwing it up again or screwing it up even more so. That's why I let the dancing go if she has the thoughts/attitude that I'm talking about.

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2 hours ago, Miss Cootie said:

I lvoed DYWCO. It was cute. Most ppl were complaining about the choreo and thats not sth britney can fix herself

Well if she REALLY didn't like it I imagine she would speak up and say something


But you are right - it's her AND her dancers doing the choreography and they hired someone to come in and 'design' it all and how she moves on stage. They can't mess with that too much

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On 9/1/2016 at 8:39 PM, MeowBurglar said:

I have been reading the comments on this forum and the various threads for a while now. Most of the time I don't comment because there doesn't seem to be a point, but after Today Show segment I'm pissed.


People need to grow the **** up and realize she IS doing her best. This is her level of acceptable now. She is happy, healthy, and appears to be whole. I don't care if other performers dance more/better or other performers sing live. That is them, this is Britney. Her fans compare her to everyone else but she ISN'T everyone else, she is Britney.  If you have a problem with Britney then there is the door and you can GTFO.


This forum is one of the most toxic places I've ever seen on the internet and that is saying something. If I were Britney and came here and read this stuff I would say '**** you *************' and quit. I'd never put new music out. I definitely wouldn't go on television and perform because all anyone would do would *****. I wouldn't release music videos because the 'fans' would start a petition to see the original one because some ******* leaked part of it even though it was never meant to be seen. I wouldn't learn new choreography or add new numbers to my show because everyone would complain that it's 'too boring' or 'horrible' or that I 'need a new choreographer'.


You guys that complain constantly do realize it's like you've been given a free car. Say you are given a free car, like a Bently. Instead of being grateful and enjoying this amazing car you've been given, you ***** because it's not a Lambo.

Get over yourselves and what you think Britney SHOULD be and enjoy what she is giving us now. This woman - this incredible woman - came out of the darkest place in her life. She has been climbing this rock wall for YEARS and she is finally reaching the top of it.  She poured herself into this album. She is performing outside of her shows. She is doing radio and television interviews. She has tweeted and interacted on Instagram. She did a Twitter Q & A. She released songs EARLY to give the fans a teaser of the album she worked so hard on.

I don't really think you guys understand the amount of effort it has taken Britney to get back to where she (seems) to be now. I am SO happy for her. The light at the end of the tunnel is finally shining on her and I'll be damned if I just sit here and watch you guys try to rain on her parade without saying anything. If you aren't happy with what she is doing, then save your energy and go elsewhere because bitching on a forum and tearing her down is going to accomplish NOTHING. Not a damn thing. Let me say that again: YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME.  The petition to release the video? Nothing. The complaints about the music? Nothing. There is no point in being so negative.


Take a page from Britney's book and try spreading love instead of hate. It's ok to express you don't like something she does or you are disappointed, but FFS if that is all you do or you just tear her down, leave it at the door.



Bless this thread, bless the OP and my god I barely even want to read the rest of this thread.  I seriously came back for the release of Glory, was active for 3 (4?) days and there IS positivity at Exhale, but it's soulcrushing to read the negativity.  Right now my activity is me reading the top post, scrolling down and giving a up vote and moving onto more posts that are glowing and positive, with love for Britney.

You wanna know what I've done today to stan for Britney?  I downloaded a crap ton of videos, because I want to edit a personal video for myself, and as I go throw the awesome times, I'm also reflecting on her dark times.  I just read the 2008 rolling stone article about her cover where it hashes out all the dark and dangerous times she went through.  I don't think I've ever read it before.  I'm actually kind of scared for Britney, because what if she goes through another hard time?  Even if she's 60 and old and gray I am still going to care whether Britney is happy and healthy and doing what she loves.  There are some terrible people here who will never be happy with what Britney does.  I've been trying to stay away from those posts and not give it my attention.  I love upvoting fans who really love and appreciate Britney.  So thank you OP for writing that amazing post.  I'm with you 100%

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2 hours ago, SashayFierce said:

Bless this thread, bless the OP and my god I barely even want to read the rest of this thread.  I seriously came back for the release of Glory, was active for 3 (4?) days and there IS positivity at Exhale, but it's soulcrushing to read the negativity.  Right now my activity is me reading the top post, scrolling down and giving a up vote and moving onto more posts that are glowing and positive, with love for Britney.

You wanna know what I've done today to stan for Britney?  I downloaded a crap ton of videos, because I want to edit a personal video for myself, and as I go throw the awesome times, I'm also reflecting on her dark times.  I just read the 2008 rolling stone article about her cover where it hashes out all the dark and dangerous times she went through.  I don't think I've ever read it before.  I'm actually kind of scared for Britney, because what if she goes through another hard time?  Even if she's 60 and old and gray I am still going to care whether Britney is happy and healthy and doing what she loves.  There are some terrible people here who will never be happy with what Britney does.  I've been trying to stay away from those posts and not give it my attention.  I love upvoting fans who really love and appreciate Britney.  So thank you OP for writing that amazing post.  I'm with you 100%



Aww you are such a sweetie! 


And you are welcome.


I feel like I'll be the samel; I'll support Britney until forver. I can see it now: Britney will be in her 60's and happy with her kids and *maybe* grandkids. I have plans man. I'm going to move out to CA with her and become friends and we'll have our grandbabies play together at the park. We can sit on a bench and drink sweet tea together :shameless::saycheese:


Well of course that is unless my daughter marries Prince George and becomes the first American born Queen :bwink: I have big plans for my kids (lol - not).

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