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The BJ hate is so exaggerated and unnecessary

Someone Who Knows

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Sorry, BJ is the worst Britney album by far to me. I always listen to her albums hundreds of times, but BJ I just couldn't get into :ehno:

WILL.I.**** is a horrible producer who destroyed Britney's flawless discography and should be punished tbh :rihit:


And let's not even talk about the fact that half the album isn't even Britney's voice :ririshade1:

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1 hour ago, MoodRing said:

Why does everyone find it so hard to let other people have an opinion?

Objectively, Britney Jean was a poor effort for a studio album. It was hyped as something special, including a note (I hope) written by Britney and it came after she'd been heavily criticised during Femme Fatale. The sound is dated, the songs are often unfinished, but we know by now that it WAS just a buzz album to amplify her public presence in the wake of her landing her biggest performance contract ever.

Subjectively, I view Britney Jean as a buzz album not unlike a B-Sides/Rarities/Unreleased songs album. They're never as good as a studio album but you can find some gems in there AND as a fan, something's better than nothing sometimes. You might regret its existence now but many of you would have been BEGGING Britney's team to officially release a record of unfinished tracks if there'd been no studio effort planned between FF and Glory.

Britney Jean gave us the iconic Work *****, which let's be honest, we really would not be happy without. That song gave us the best choreography we'd seen from her in YEARS. I think Perfume and Hold On Tight, as well as Brightest Morning Star are beautiful; I remember lurking on here for the years after Femme Fatale and some of you were so thirsty for just a few personal songs. Alien fits her narrative of isolation perfectly, and the other two ballads on the back end of the album are either about God or her kids. She got in the studio with her sister, finally; are you going to tell me that Britney didn't derive pleasure from that?

What I love about BJ is that my Mum and Dad, who aren't Britney fans in the slightest, heard me play the record in the car (much to their annoyance) and they had to admit they loved Perfume and Brightest Morning Star. They were different for Britney after a dance-heavy album. The personal angle may have been mis-sold, but don't tell me that song wasn't refreshing to hear from Britney at the time.

It was a massive mistake to let Will.i.am produce, as he's terrible in large doses. His input will forever be remembered as a poor choice, but let's not forget that this was effectively the trade-off for Scream & Shout, the song that gave Britney a massive boost from the GP. UK fans know what a joy it was to have Britney back at the Number One chart spot after eight years (since Everytime), where people criticised her for being crazy, and all of a sudden people are shouting 'Britney *****' in the clubs. 

I can PLAY Body Ache while we're drinking before a night out at University and people love the drop. Till It's Gone gets a good response too. 

Should you really defend BJ as a good album? Perhaps not, as the evidence is clear that it was very misguided. It's a bit of her stain on her stellar discography when she's expected to push boundaries and do more, but there IS good amongst the bad. Don't act like it's a 1/10 album when it really, really isn't. I'd give it 6 or 7, an average score, because as a whole package, in my opinion, that's what I think it is. I respect some people hate it, I respect some people love it.

And none of my friends even KNOW about the Myah thing. It's a controversy that exists within the fanbase only. Does that give it merit? Maybe if you're offended that you supported Britney and the record you got back wasn't a reciprocation of your efforts. But it is what it is.

Amazing. this is it. :kisses2all:

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1 hour ago, Alexanda said:

It is not a Britney Album to me.


Just found this :hype:


Cool, it's a random fan-made video using the stems,

1 hour ago, Alexanda said:

It is not a Britney Album to me.


Just found this :hype:

Ya know, just cuz someone puts it in a YouTube video with a funny picture doesn't mean it's accurate. First of all, not all of these vocals are Myah. Second, yes, Myah had lots of background vocals. She's credited all throughout the album booklet with having background vocals! Isolating those in a video is not helpful. What I would say is that in the final product, she's a little too high in the mix in some sections -- but she's rarely the dominant voice, and her presence hardly ruins the song. I always took it to have been the result of a time issue.


What is amazing to me is that this RUINS THE SONGS for some of you to hear the parts that aren't 100% Britney, or because you think Myah is too high in the mix. If little petty things like background vocals being too high in the mix ruin a great song like Hold On Tight or Til It's Gone or even Tik Tik Boom for people, I dunno what to say.

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10 hours ago, inhale said:

I think its more the fact that she's hardly singing any of it? We stan Britney not Myah.


when im searching on internet for proof. The only thing i find is that fans are saying its not Britney, thts all....so maybe it was just britney

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I love Britney Jean but it's a mess, maybe the unfinished sound gives that indie vibe that the album have.... This is the album what makes me listen Britney again, but I won't deny the myah stuff going on, this is what I hear: 

1. Alien: Myah lead in the chorus; 

2. Work ***** Myah is in the bridge backvocals and not in the whole song how some people claim; 

3. Perfume: Totally Britney :orly:

4. ISBE is a autotune mess, and honestly I don't care if it's Myah or Bridie but verse are definitely Britney;  

5. Tik Tik Boom i'm pretty sure is Britney in lead;

6. Body Ache is a f¨*cking mess, Britney and Myah are leads. In the chorus their voices are mixed a the same level. The first verse, the same thing but Britney voice is stronger. The second verse is Myah until the part "I'm all up on ya, on ya" and you can feel the change in the voice, it's ridiculous. This song should have "feat Myah Marie" in the title :ugh:

7. Til It's Gone the same thing, some parts are Britney and another Myah. The mix in vocals are a mess, Britney sometimes is lead and another is back :sickofu:

8. Passenger it's well know story.... Chorus, bridge and higher notes are Myah... sad, cuz i love this song... another feat. (Paying dust to that Perry's reject  :dorkney: )

9. Chillin' with you... :ricackle:

10. Don't Cry... 2013ney at her best :riri:

... The deluxe songs are definitely Britney lead.

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1 hour ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

This. People were fine with the lackluster sales, mildly annoyed by the glitches and the iffy tracks, but what started all the hate was the Myah rumors and the lack of a third single.

Exactly, that's exactly why I don't like Barbie Juice, it could've been fine if Myah didn't have lead vocals :drinky:

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11 hours ago, Someone Who Knows said:

Britney Jean is not a great album, but it is hardly a bad album. Most of the songs on it are at least good, and I think most fans think at least a few songs are really good. That's more than you can say for most pop albums. I know we hold Britney to higher standards than other pop stars, but there are some gems on there, too, and you can celebrate Glory without being a **** about Britney Jean. If it had been commercially successful, half of you wouldn't hate it half as much as you say you do, anyway. Once you get past the bitching about the sales and Myah Marie (whose presence is REALLY ******* EXAGGERATED by stupid fake fans) and people making fun of Chillin' With You, it's got some solid songs, and the reaction on Exhale when it came out was mostly positive.


So give it a ******* rest

The album has two very different directions

I do enjoy it (and ignore the Myah Marie presence) but I've rearranged the songs in the two directions the album has

CD1: Alien, Passenger, Chillin', Don't Cry, Brightest Morning Star, Hold on Tight, Perfume the Dreaming Mix

CD2: Work *****, **** **** Boom, Til' It's Gone, Now That I Found You (although NTIFY is basicly on CD1 for me most of the time as a closer)

The album's lyrics do tackle personal issues, loneliness, faith, heartbreak, even the laziness reflected on CWY is true cause is what Britney feels, she already worked her *** off and now she just wants to count her pennies and make music just for the sake of it, just because she likes to write songs, sing, dance... it's not about sales and records anymore, at least not for her

Musically it's a mess but if you take it apart and piece it together in a better way you get two albums, Britney's and Will.I.flop's



Btw, are we making any progress on that restraining order to keep him away from Britney?:cigney:

Oh, wait, Karen Kwak already too care of it, so, thanks Karen:kisses2all:

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Guest Arckangel
12 hours ago, Someone Who Knows said:

Britney Jean is not a great album, but it is hardly a bad album. Most of the songs on it are at least good, and I think most fans think at least a few songs are really good. That's more than you can say for most pop albums. I know we hold Britney to higher standards than other pop stars, but there are som e gems on there, too, and you can celebrate Glory without being a **** about Britney Jean. If it had been commercially successful, half of you wouldn't hate it half as much as you say you do, anyway. Once you get past the bitching about the sales and Myah Marie (whose presence is REALLY ******* EXAGGERATED by stupid fake fans) and people making fun of Chillin' With You, it's got some solid songs, and the reaction on Exhale when it came out was mostly positive.


So give it a ******* rest

The comments... My God!!!

Fine! Many don't like it, but I do—I always did. The standard version alone is a masterpiece to me, and I'm being honest; not one song I dislike.

'Til It's Gone is a stunner! Don't Cry, Body Ache, It Should be Easy, Alien—pure gems. As for Tik Tik Boom, I like its chorus. Work ***** and Perfume—two great singles. I like all the vocal effects/filters/production on all tracks. Now, as for that Myah Marie scandal...

"I most certainly cannot take credit for her tremendous talent as a singer."

I believe Britney sings the second verse of Body Ache; her voice just sounds different, like it does on Glory's Invitation.

Myah vocals may have been mixed in it, though, and so what? What's the point of hiring and paying a background vocalist if you're not gonna use them?

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