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Britney said she had worked with some divas, who can they be???


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I just couldn't believe my ears that Britney got stood by for a project proposed by others, and she said she's worked with some divas.

But she couldn't tell us what they did.

Who are they??OMG.

I don't think it's Madonna, i don't think it's Rihanna?

Def not Miley Cyrus. Not will.i.am

Maybe it's something she thought it was disrespectful so it didn't happen?


EDIT: Britney said it's a project proposed by the others, not herself. so i think it isn't Iggy

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4 minutes ago, OutrageousSin said:

Probably that stupid ***** Iggy, 

I wouldn't look too much into it, coz she also said she always sing live! :gaspney:

3 minutes ago, LisaJane said:

Iggy, definitely Iggy.

Britney said it's a project proposed by the others, not herself. i think that pretty girls were proposed by Britney, Iggy said they even searched her house before Britney came lol:hype:

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5 minutes ago, HenryBai said:

Britney said it's a projected proposed by the others, not herself. i think that pretty girls were proposed by Britney, Iggy said they even searched her house before Britney came lol:hype:

Pretty Girls was submitted to Iggy and she asked Britney to do it with her and she couldn't do so she was gonna do it solo & put it on her record then they contacted her again and decided to do it together! 

I remember reading that, can't be %100 sure it's true tho

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