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Makes sense now..


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That Britney did the pic promo for "What Do You Mean?" When it came out.  Out felt so random at the time, but I'll bet they had already recorded the song.  

Plus, Justin kissing her seat at the VMAs - he ha never talked about liking her as an artist before.


I'm here for this, honestly.

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19 minutes ago, joey4228 said:



I really hope not. I don't want him on that flawless song.:sobbing:

Why do you always use that gif when it's not relevant :zoomzoom:

If the music is good, then who cares about who she collaborates with. JLM already sounds amazing, Bieber can only help with the song's popularity

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24 minutes ago, IRunAway said:

That Britney did the pic promo for "What Do You Mean?" When it came out.  Out felt so random at the time, but I'll bet they had already recorded the song.  

Plus, Justin kissing her seat at the VMAs - he ha never talked about liking her as an artist before.


I'm here for this, honestly.

Honestly that's what I immediately thought of when I heard the rumor of them doing a song together.

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27 minutes ago, PlayingItSafe said:

I'd be beyond pissed off. She shouldn't tarnish herself with that rat. Iggy was an all time low, but Bieber is worse. 

To be honest, iggy was one of her most HORRIBLE career moves she has ever made. The gp hated iggy with a passion and the concept of the song didn't help either. Justin would be beneficial to Britneys career. Even if he's an ******* he makes good music and anything that Britney and Justin could cook up in the studio would be light years better than pretty girls.

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14 minutes ago, Orlando. said:

If he is really on JLM then I hope at least it will have two versions... Album version without the feature and a single version with him just for the buzz.


The Beiber version needs to stay out of album territory if it's real. I don't want that filth on Glory because so far it's already close to masterpiece level. It would be almost equal to putting Pretty Girls on it:rihit:

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