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Premiere: Listen To Britney Spears' New 'Glory' Dance Cut "Clumsy"

Jordan Miller

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25 minutes ago, the1975 said:

Sorry but her voice sounded weird in the hq leak. Sounded way to fast and squeaky. I'm afraid they are editing her voice way too much again this album. Make me is great . private show and this are way too edited. 

Just because she sings in a really nasally voice doesn't mean it's been heavily edited, or at all for that matter.

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23 minutes ago, BritintheZone said:

RIGHT! ******* *******! Said it was the best since Till The World Ends :sickofu: Got my hopes and standards soooo high! 

Its different type of club banger its influence by like marti gra . I am not used to this type of club banger from her 

But Clumsy is DEFINITELY better than TTWE.

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I haven't heard JLM yet but I've heard Clumsy.

These three songs slay so hard and I'm so happy that Britney is experimenting both musically and vocally. She is finally being heard and the album is delivering.

And for the people.complaining that this is lackluster...clean your ears. Plus Britney said at the very beginning that this album was not going to be pop but very chill and melodic. Not everything has to be uptempo.

Britney is evolving as an artist and I'm loving it.

Going back to listen to CLUMSY. OOPS!


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16 minutes ago, Melinda said:

Didnt bash you... just had a little fun of your post :reductive: and have i missed something? Did i wrote that your taste is so basic? :orly:

dont take everything so serious... life is more fun that way :myjam::cooltshirt:

I'm talking not about you sweetie, don't act like u don't understand  :blurp: u're not stupid - I'm wrote to this person about number of its posts, just because it's disgusting to bash someone for their opinion and music taste and used as an argument 'ur taste is basic' especially when you are 5 minutes on exhale  :truthtea: 







anyway, I do not want to continue it, so let's finish :messbye:

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