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Will We Get More Music Videos This Era?

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Just now, PlayingItSafe said:

Sorry. These dark thoughts of mine :sobbing: I should keep them to myself and hope they don't come true. 

I know. We are all scared that we're not gonna have more but we need to think positive. She sounds very happy with this new album and we've got some more to come the next coming weeks :)

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I'm sorry to say that but if they consider to do a Britney Jean #2 era with one or two music videos and no promotion at all I will stop being a fan.

It's cruel to say that because I've been a fan since 1998.

But I'll keep my negative opinions to myself, LOL. I got hope it won't be like that! :plzney:

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1 minute ago, ukfan said:

South West here ,  why don't you get a rubber dingy row over to Weston super mare and I'll meet you there lol

Britney is proud of this Album I'm sure there will be 4 singles 

:gimmemoar: I've always wanted to go to WSM. I love amusements. 


I really hope you're right. I'd love a good 4 or 5 proper singles. BJ didn't have that (for obvious reasons.) 


I just feel like music videos go hand in hand with Britney and it'd be a shame if they're not used well this era. Circus era had good vids :myjam:

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