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this era is done if we keep dwell on these meltdown


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If we keep enjoying the dramas and meltdown we created, this era would be done even before the album comes out. This era could be huge I can tell. 

I know u guys are not happy about the original vid got scrapped, but the official one is not perfume bad! 80% of the mainstream music videos are like that and they are popular too. The GP ,who didn't see the original version, won't even notice anything wrong. But we b-army are making flooding loads of shady comments in front of the GP already. If we are going to dwell on this and mad at Brit, the album would flop harder than BJ cause the whole B-army is in a "I ain't buying that" mood. What if the next single and the coming promotions and performances are good as hell? Are we going to ruin all of these just because the mv of lead single is not as expected? Please B-army. Britney is finally promoting, looking hot and making good music again.  This is all we have ever wanted. Don't let this accident make you unsupportive. You know Britney's main support is from her fanbase. If she flop again, we can no longer defend Brit in front of other fanbases, who will say Brit is officially a has-been. 

Some of you might say "then don't defend her, she deserves it". If you really think so, I'm sorry to say u are not a real stan. Britney doesn't deserve to be said as a has-been just because she released another version of make me. It isn't fair at all. 

In other words, you can be mad but PLEASE BE SUPPORTIVE afterward 

Be strong b-army,  I can see britney is in her best condition since circus. This era could be huge. 

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13 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

Her lead single is always the saving grace of an era. Look at WB... Only thing tolerable from BJ. You know what made more ppl like the song... The video.


What about toxic?  It isn't the lead single but it is way bigger than matm. If you are disappointed, wait for private show, but don't be unsupportive

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2 minutes ago, brit_wing said:

What about toxic?  It isn't the lead single but it is way bigger than matm. If you are disappointed, wait for private show, but don't be unsupportive

MATM is a great video and one of my fav songs. It actually is iconic. It's one of the looks ppl can identify 

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1 minute ago, Spearsfan said:

MATM is a great video and one of my fav songs. It actually is iconic. It's one of the looks ppl can identify 

Ikr. What I'm trying to say is don't give up the whole era now cause the things coming up next may be better than what u get now. Eg.  Matm and toxic 

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3 minutes ago, brit_wing said:

Ikr. What I'm trying to say is don't give up the whole era now cause the things coming up next may be better than what u get now. Eg.  Matm and toxic 

You are using ITZ as your comparing point when there was absolutely nothing wrong with that era. 

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And here's an additional thought: perhaps Britney softened the Make Me music video blow to us by announcing the album name and dropping the FULL Private Show track. I mean anyone with true Britney knowledge knows that this album vocally is on another level. She sounds superb and the music itself speaks volumes about the growth Britney is feeling personally. On par with that, we grow as fans and want to hear new sounds and arrangements and I feel like she's doing just that with the experiments they did with the Glory album. Let's keep the positivity flowing and perhaps we won't even remember this music video "meltdown" after the full album drops. It's all about the music. 

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1 hour ago, hawkinsolsen said:

And here's an additional thought: perhaps Britney softened the Make Me music video blow to us by announcing the album name and dropping the FULL Private Show track. I mean anyone with true Britney knowledge knows that this album vocally is on another level. She sounds superb and the music itself speaks volumes about the growth Britney is feeling personally. On par with that, we grow as fans and want to hear new sounds and arrangements and I feel like she's doing just that with the experiments they did with the Glory album. Let's keep the positivity flowing and perhaps we won't even remember this music video "meltdown" after the full album drops. It's all about the music. 

We need this positivity in exhale. Now. 

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1 hour ago, brit_wing said:

What about toxic?  It isn't the lead single but it is way bigger than matm. If you are disappointed, wait for private show, but don't be unsupportive

This! I'm tired of all those newbie fans only talking about WB and BJ era.

Long time fans know that it is what we were waiting for ages now.

Yes I'm disappointed to for this music video mess but since when Britney legacy resides in music videos?????

I would rather see a ******* epic VMA performance and thats probably what we will get.

So really we need to stop ruining the whole Glory era just because we wanted the first vid.

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And the meltdowns has not stopped.

Then we will have the Carpool Karaoke suspened meltdown

Then the album photoshoot with the same outfits of Make Me video Meltdown.

and then, The VMA'S ar not happening meltdown

and we will finish with the IHEART "she is doing the same performance she does at POM" meltdown


This si an era of meltdowns and i'm loving it :hype:

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1 minute ago, bboy said:

This! I'm tired of all those newbie fans only talking about WB and BJ era.

Long time fans know that it is what we were waiting for ages now.

Yes I'm disappointed to for this music video mess but since when Britney legacy resides in music videos?????

I would rather see a ******* epic VMA performance and thats probably what we will get.

So really we need to stop ruining the whole Glory era just because we wanted the first vid.

queen of the army tbh we need more fans like you :clap1:

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More fans like you people, staying positive, not ruining an era just because of a video! Wait til single 2 it could be a toxic case scenario... We have the i heart festival coming, carpool karaoke and possibly vma's and who know's what's to come... Please people stay positive :D

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What we need to do is stop pretending that everything they/her do is right, we don't have the responsability of be supportive when they don't give a **** about it. If this era flops is because of them not us, they need to know that we are not happy and start to do some things to fix it. A real explanation about this mess will be nice too.

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