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Let's discuss fan entitlement.


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I understand 100% why fans are angry. Britney is an A-list star with a C-list marketing budget, and her team consistently treats fans like garbage.


It would be great if everyone sent a message in a way her and her team can actually understand - not by calling her names or being disrespectful, but by hitting them in their pocket books. 

Britney made $14 million last year, so she's certainly not hurting for money. She won't go broke if fans don't support the new video, but they WILL take notice if nobody streams the new video and the song tanks on the charts.

I completely understand if David's version was too over-the-top for them, but they can't go the exact opposite direction and deliver a childish video in it's place. That's where they've gone wrong in the entire plan - they've done a 180-degree shift in the tone. THAT is what fans are angry with. 

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27 minutes ago, Mr.ArabianDreams said:

 A little louder for those in the back Please.

Before anything, we are CONSUMERS,  we buy the music, we invest our time, for god's sake the only thing keeping the Britney ship afloat is how AMAZING the fans are, people don't understand that!

The B-Army Voted, Streamed, Shared, Gifted , Bought etc.. what they felt they could support, some did it just out of loyalty,
getting 0 respect as fans  is upsetting, and you have some of these ******* saying **** like" if you don't like it, leave"

Sweetie, if we all "left" , who's going to be streaming? Who's going to be buying and shamelessly promoting everything while Team B and Brit do nothing?


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So well said. Like, I get we are disappointed but the things people are saying are just disgusting. It's moved beyond crisitcism of th video to plain insults against Britney. 

I feel like we've been transported to the ******* YouTube comment section in here. 

You guys need to reevaluate yourselves if you think these reactions is completely valid.


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37 minutes ago, Mr.ArabianDreams said:

 A little louder for those in the back Please.

Before anything, we are CONSUMERS,  we buy the music, we invest our time, for god's sake the only thing keeping the Britney ship afloat is how AMAZING the fans are, people don't understand that!

The B-Army Voted, Streamed, Shared, Gifted , Bought etc.. what they felt they could support, some did it just out of loyalty,
getting 0 respect as fans  is upsetting, and you have some of these ******* saying **** like" if you don't like it, leave"

Sweetie, if we all "left" , who's going to be streaming? Who's going to be buying and shamelessly promoting everything while Team B and Brit do nothing?


Britney fans have put up with SO much since 2008. They have been so supportive and tolerant of all of the little mis-steps, and all of the major deal breakers. They have kept the ship afloat when any other fan base would have let the ship sink long ago.

To consistently treat those same fans with so little respect? It's no wonder they're lashing out. :jolieoverit:

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20 minutes ago, agirlnamedlucky said:

I agree completely. The way people think Britney "owes" them anything, frankly, is very creepy. 

i don't think everyone who is disappointed thinks britney owes them anything. some are probably annoyed that she wanted to go left-of-center and then shoots a silly video to replace something supportive of that left-of-center vision. "britney spears" is a business and they promoted something they didn't deliver. that is bad business.

now, if brintey released a statement and said she didn't feel comfortable with the video, that would clear things up and i am sure her fans would support her feelings. i imagine she has no clue the degree to which some are unhappy, though.

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I won't lie, I'm extremely disappointed about the video. With that said, I don't think it's completely terrible, it has potential but I still don't like it. I would find the pill easier to swallow if Team Britney talked to us about it and if the video featured dancing because even the one from David doesn't feature a lot of dancing. If it was like a cool video with tons of dancing with guys and **** then I would've been fine with it, but it's not :drinky: What I want at the moment is not the original video, I want real explanations, I want to know the truth, that's the only thing I'm asking for from team Britney. I think what fans need to calm down is to have answers, instead of acting like nothing happened when even medias picked up on it. :MJ: That's why I'm mad at them, they don't communicate with us and left us in speculations. There wasn't much to explain with the Perfume video cuts, but this time around they scrapped the whole thing, and they expect us to be totally okay with it and not respond? They have to say what's going on. 

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You summed it up really well. I understand the frustration with the video situation, however, some fans are being really over the top and disgusting by sending death threats/mass amounts of hate to Britney, her team and even her dancers. That's not the way to get team Britney to listen, it just makes you look psychotic. 

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10 minutes ago, daniel2001 said:

i don't think everyone who is disappointed thinks britney owes them anything. some are probably annoyed that she wanted to go left-of-center and then shoots a silly video to replace something supportive of that left-of-center vision. "britney spears" is a business and they promoted something they didn't deliver. that is bad business.

now, if brintey released a statement and said she didn't feel comfortable with the video, that would clear things up and i am sure her fans would support her feelings. i imagine she has no clue the degree to which some are unhappy, though.


There's horrible communication between her and her fans, and I doubt that's Britney's fault. She has a team surrounding her that isolates her from all the negative feedback. That might be great for her mental health, but also gives her a skewed view of the world.

And she IS a business. What would happen if a car company consistently advertised one product, but then gave consumers something different? The car company would receive negative reviews, sales would falter and the company would eventually go bankrupt. So far Britney's loyal fans have kept the business booming, despite consistently being sold inferior product. But at what point is it okay for fans to start to demand better?

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2 hours ago, The Moments said:

I honestly don't see such a big deal about it as feeling as the era was over. Life goes on and there is still much to look forward to. And even if it looks like a guilty pleasure, I like the video we got. It is entertaining to me.

I totally agree. I like the video. What are people expecting ? What s this other  leaked video people are going on about? I don't understand the childish, immature, disgusting way some have been acting. But I'm really not surprised they ate the same ones that complain about everything probably.



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2 hours ago, Mr.ArabianDreams said:

 A little louder for those in the back Please.

Before anything, we are CONSUMERS,  we buy the music, we invest our time, for god's sake the only thing keeping the Britney ship afloat is how AMAZING the fans are, people don't understand that!

The B-Army Voted, Streamed, Shared, Gifted , Bought etc.. what they felt they could support, some did it just out of loyalty,
getting 0 respect as fans  is upsetting, and you have some of these ******* saying **** like" if you don't like it, leave"

Sweetie, if we all "left" , who's going to be streaming? Who's going to be buying and shamelessly promoting everything while Team B and Brit do nothing?

How exactly are you not getting any respect? Please explain. You not liking the video = not getting respect? You must no know what respect means. 

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12 minutes ago, shap_half said:

How exactly are you not getting any respect? Please explain. You not liking the video = not getting respect? You must no know what respect means. 

It's not about liking or not liking a video, think of it this way, if you're a regular at a restaurant because they used  to serve good food and was known to have a nice location as well as a high quality of service, you'll remain a customer even when a new restaurant opens yeah?

Imagine if your favorite restaurant, stopped serving good food, it wasn't bad , it was just not up to par (The  music , the performances etc) however you still go with false hopes of them bringing back the "old menu" even though the new one is growing on you , a little later , the  service starts to go bad ( How her management treats fans as purely a source of income) ,then what's left?

This is not an issue of fan entitlement, the fans only got angry because they witnessed POTENTIAL,  just like how teachers scold students cause they believe they have it in them to do so much better, it's like going to that same restaurant just for the memories, you're spending your income and wasting a day out on something that just isn't there anymore, its sad.

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So if the original video was **** why did they have to reshoot a shittier video? I honestly could let dropping the original video go, I don't care, but it's the cringeworthy new video that's so disheartening. They should have at least re-shot a much more better video.

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1 hour ago, daniel2001 said:

i don't think everyone who is disappointed thinks britney owes them anything. some are probably annoyed that she wanted to go left-of-center and then shoots a silly video to replace something supportive of that left-of-center vision. "britney spears" is a business and they promoted something they didn't deliver. that is bad business.

now, if brintey released a statement and said she didn't feel comfortable with the video, that would clear things up and i am sure her fans would support her feelings. i imagine she has no clue the degree to which some are unhappy, though.

No, that's not a question of disrespect. If you feel like Britney's no longer giving you what you've come to expect from her, you go find some other tree to bark on. But to suggest that a music video (the backstory of which you know nothing), the lack of promotion, the social anxiety, etc. are proof of her abandoning her fans or disrespecting them is to me a sign of entitlement, and a complete lack of understanding and empathy for Britney and all that she's gone through. You want 2001 Britney, then go watch the videos on YouTube. 

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3 hours ago, Getting chaotic said:

I agree with you on some parts but look, people are angry because of the lack of communication from her team and the fact that they made fans wait so much only to have them receive a cheap video. It has nothing to do with fan "entitlement". People need to stop throwing this obnoxious word around like we solely exist to kiss britney's ***. This fanbase, more than anyone else, has every right to be pissed off to no end. It's a miracle britney even has fans.

This fanbase had to defend her during her breakdown which was PARTIALLY self inflicted. Anyone who looked at kevin knew what a scumbag he was. People tried to warn her but she never listened. His motives were clear from the start. Then during Circus, her dancing went to hell but people still stuck by her because she was bouncing back and everyone was grateful for her to even be alive despite how miserable she seemed during FTR. Then came femme fatale which was a terrible era that also went to hell because of whatever problems she faced that changed her as a person and appearance. Then people forgave her and stood by her despite her losing fans because she clearly wasn't the same person anymore. Then during BJ, fans became extra pissed when she wouldn't promote and made a very basic autotuned album that had another artist doing like 80% of her vocals. That's 7 years of supporting Britney and doing the work for her like endlessly streaming for her to be number 1. So no sweety, fans are not entitled. If anyone is entitled here, it would be britney and her team.

Britney's niceness isn't so nice or even acceptable anymore. She's channeling her teenage dorkiness on to her videos. I'm sorry but you might think this is charming and what not but it's pathetic and it's not what people want to see from her ESPECIALLY AT 34!! That's not the reason why people fell in love with Britney and kept her career going. Her first 4 albums cemented her iconic status not because of her cutesy-ness and dorkiness in videos. She should stop acting like it especially in her videos. Britney was making adult music and adult videos at 20. I recently re-watched the Overprotected remix and one scene really struck me: her in a yellow dress looking at the camera. That fierce rebellious look she had no longer exists. In fact, I think 19-24 year old Britney would laugh at this new 30-ish year old Britney for releasing such a comical video. Heck, I don;t even think Primeney would have ever envisioned that her 30 something year old self would release a very teenager-esque videos or comical music (Sounds mainly like I wanna go).

The video was a mess whether you like it or not. Not only does G-Eazy's part not fit into the song. The song is a very vibey, then we have a video in which she and her girlfriends are goofing around and watching her make out with some random guy? You're damn right they're pissed. If the other video didn't make sense, this one makes even less sense. And that's only the beginning..

I'm completely against fans insulting her personally but don't you sit here and talk to me about fan entitlement. Britney's lucky to even have a fanbase after all the eff ups she's done to her career where she destroyed any ounce of legacy she built in the first 4 years of her career. People are spending their hard earned money on her, she OWES THEM. After all, they made her career last as long as it did and fans took it upon themselves and swallowed their pride every time she half-assed her dancing and lipsynched ballads. Please, sit down and have some respect to the people who have EVERY right to be pissed. This meltdown didn't happen overnight. This is a series of disappointments that has been accumilating since 2009. She might as well release the original Power ranger inspired video for BOMT.

Stop being a fan, you clearly don't give a f--k about her a person and just expect her to be the same as she was when she first started out. It's not going to happen, deal with it. I love how you almost act as if she should be soooooooo grateful we 'forgave' her for a (possible) mental illness/mental breakdown...wtf is that?! People like you are the worst, she owes you nothing. :Arianabye: 

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Guest Supernova.

The fact that people are trying to make it seem like the g eazy scene is portraying **** is disgusting. Some of you need to stop bringing that up.

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I mean, I get your point, but it's like...this ALWAYS happens.  Britney isn't exactly the BIGGEST celebrity anymore.  She doesn't do promotion on a normal scale.  A televised performed is an EVENT.  Her videos are the best part of her career now...and this is three (almost in a row) that they have filmed and then changed.  Not to mention this has happened before.

It's showing a lack of professionalism.  We haven't heard from David Lachapelle, but Joseph Kahn seemed to have been genuinely hurt that she and her team didn't entrust in his vision...and he helped create some of her best videos in the past.  It's emotion, not necessarily entitlement.  We have waited 3 years for this era.  The BJ era lasted for like 4 or 5 months...and she didn't do one live performance on TV.  All we had were the videos.  I don't want this era to be like that...but it's shaping up to be just like that....a quick era and then back to Vegas.

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4 hours ago, Acai Berry said:

I've been Britney stan since Pretty Girls were released and when I first met other Britney stans I was... shocked. I feel like Britney Army has always been like that, I might be wrong but I think we are one of the most disrespectful and rude fanbases. We are never happy, we hate Britney no matter what she does and it's kinda sad because we should be supporting her and not bringing her down. I don't like the music video for Make Me, I'd like them to relase the original one but seeing all these "Britney fans" canceling their pre-orders, boycotting the album is just... :madonna:

nah, the Britney army is not one of the most disrespectful and rude fanbases, the army just has high hopes (not even high, just HOPES) for Britney, and that's more like a compliment to her, because we know what kind of amazing music videos she has released before, so we just have high expectations from her. As for ''we hate Britney no matter what'', those people aren't a part of the army, they are not even fans, so.. 

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But I think you forget that we are the consumers. We are the ones paying her for this. I understand that she's also a person and there may be some things she's not comfortable doing. That's fine, i'd never want to force her into doing something. I really don't care about a **** music video. However, what I do ask from her is a little more effort and thought put into something. Is that so much to ask for? She didn't have to be ****** at all, it just had to be a video with more effort put into it. I'm sorry, but the end product really just looked like a long commercial for many of her endorsements and that to me is what is disappointing of her. The production seemed rushed and put together at the last minute (which we know it was because they scrapped the original idea in the last minute and put together this one), and was just a way for her to make more money with the endorsements rather than something she put her heart into for the fans. 

Britney's team has really taken us for granted and completely ignores us. They don't even take a second to address the issue and release a statement. That's wrong. If you go to a restaurant and pay top dollar for a meal but then they come out and serve you canned food and then tells you to go **** yourself when you complain, you aren't gonna be upset? I bet you'd complain and even never go back to the restaurant. So why then is it so unthinkable for fans to not want to support her now? I love Britney, but I'm a person too and if I'm going to spend money I worked hard for, it's going to be on something I genuinely support and love, not because I need to blindly worship everything she does. Sorry, but that's just my opinion on this whole thing. 

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4 hours ago, Phonography423 said:

What a flawless thread :truthtea:


I said the exact same thing. Feeling entitled to a music video is just plain ridiculous. Shes the one that has been busting her *** for almost 20 years not us. 

And I have been busting my *** at work so I could buy her music and perfumes etc. So yeah, I have to work for my money and so does Britney. 

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