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can't we make a group apology or something?


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seeing those pictures of her sad on the beach made me feel like an awful human being :wendycry:

this album is her baby, and we grabbed said babys lead singles video and ******* dismembered it! :girlfall:

i'm gonna stream the video now even if I don't like it, but I feel awful, is there anything else we can do to make her feel better? :crying11:

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2 minutes ago, Kisle said:

We ******* should. I feel sick reading the **** people said today.

It's actually really disappointing and discouraging. I said this in a separate thread, but we're setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy. All this returning pre-orders, boycotting the video, blah blah blah is so gross...and it's really bratty quite frankly. If MM doesn't surpass Rise, it's no one's fault but our own. Sure, the video may not be what everyone wanted, but is turning our backs the right answer? 

At the end of the day, what matters are the music and Britney. Both of them slay this era. It's disappointing how ungrateful and how unsupportive we're being. 

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2 minutes ago, TripInTheZone said:

:huh: i don't understand 


I personally like the video but most of y'all dragged her and now  you want to apologize:howiroll:

You can't take back the harsh words that was said:surething:


i guest its a nice gesture figurtively speaking:surething:

Well we were upset and it definitely went out of hand, that's why we want to apologize :drinky:

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1 minute ago, I'mAMomNow said:

It's actually really disappointing and discouraging. I said this in a separate thread, but we're setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy. All this returning pre-orders, boycotting the video, blah blah blah is so gross...and it's really bratty quite frankly. If MM doesn't surpass Rise, it's no one's fault but our own. Sure, the video may not be what everyone wanted, but is turning our backs the right answer? 

At the end of the day, what matters are the music and Britney. Both of them slay this era. It's disappointing how ungrateful and how unsupportive we're being. 

Wow. Well said, you nailed it. This fanbase is only creating more things to complain about in the future. We will have no one to blame but ourselves. 

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Just now, I'mAMomNow said:

It's actually really disappointing and discouraging. I said this in a separate thread, but we're setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy. All this returning pre-orders, boycotting the video, blah blah blah is so gross...and it's really bratty quite frankly. If MM doesn't surpass Rise, it's no one's fault but our own. Sure, the video may not be what everyone wanted, but is turning our backs the right answer? 

At the end of the day, what matters are the music and Britney. Both of them slay this era. It's disappointing how ungrateful and how unsupportive we're being. 

we should be so ******* greatful she still makes music for us

i don't know what happened to me this time around, i just lost it

i'm gonna support her extra hard this era from now on, even if i don't like it, even if all the songs in the album sample radar 

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Yes we should send her lots of love on Instagram since that seems like the only social media platform she actually uses. Some fans have been rude and ungrateful tbh. Complaining is fine, but not those nasty remarks that have been said about Britney being lazy or only caring about her sons. Wtf??? Don't cancel your preorders ppl... Watch the same ppl complain about Glory not debuting at #1 later...

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