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The original video, from what I have seen because I was blessed by  someone amazing on here, would have given her a number one album.

She would be the Britney everyone remembers and the GP would have never shut up about it.

I know she's grown up, is a mom, but DONT FILM THE VIDEO AND TEASE US.


Between this and my show getting cancelled, I just wanna chill and enjoy the album when it comes out. I don't care about promo whatevs unless it comes. I'm not anticipating anything anymore. I'm happy she's happy, but I can't handle more meltdowns. :brityeah:

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25 minutes ago, button said:

Creative differences= LaChapelle refusing to edit the video like they wanted and not allowing them to use his work. :lollistare:

I was really hoping that we'd get it officially. Fine, we'll get it leaked. But it will have no impact on the song's performance now.


What's so odd is that they still used LaChapelle's footage of G-Eazy. 

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