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Why I really still believe we're getting the LaChapelle video:


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There's no denying: new Britney's on a mission.


However, we all know homegirl well ENOUGH to confidently say that "reshoot" is NOT in her dictionary.


Not only that, but it's not in the album's budget either.  Let's say "Glory" sells 120K first-week (and that's reaching for the climate right now) - the release would only make around  $1,500,000.00

Yeah, that's awesome by the standards of many artists, but if they're looking to have a second and third single off of the album, and shoot videos for that, the label isn't going to WASTE money.

There's no way they did the video for less than 200,000... and knowing what we know about the shoot, it was probably upwards of 500K.

If ANYTHING, the label (and Britney) would agree to have a video cut from the original footage, just using less scenes/setups/costumes/footage.  

That's what happened with "Gimme More"


That's what happened with "Circus"

(Tightrope scene with rainbow parisol)

That's what happened with "Work *****"

(The other "half" of the video that was "too much skin")

That's what happened with "Perfume"


It even sort of happened with "Outrageous"



I know the truth will reveal itself shortly, but until then, this is why I keep thinking we're getting the LaChapelle video.


They shot for like 3 days, they have enough footage to make SOMETHING.  (Again, look at the Gimme More video.)

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9 minutes ago, Doug said:

The video budget is allegedly 2 million dollars, they're so not scrapping it. :thetea:

I'm not going to ask where you heard or read that number because there's no way.  When they did Work *****, the director was interviewed about production cost and he was laughing because he said it would be ridiculous to spend 1 mil on a music video.  I'm guessing Work ***** cost between 500 and 700K... and I don't think they'd spend more on this one unless they're getting some money from G-Eazy's label too.


EDIT: Actually just checked and he was laughing off that he said it would be ridiculous to spend 6.5 mil and said it didn't cost THAT much, so MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT???

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yeah i definitely think they would have just cut the stuff they didn't like/to racy. its possible David would take his name off of it if the editing pissed him off. also its possible they re-shoot a bit of footage to take place of others (the cage stuff possibly). OR the entire vid is intact. 


i guess we will have to wait and then see. :drinky:

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4 minutes ago, IRunAway said:

I'm not going to ask where you heard or read that number because there's no way.  When they did Work *****, the director was interviewed about production cost and he was laughing because he said it would be ridiculous to spend 1 mil on a music video.  I'm guessing Work ***** cost between 500 and 700K... and I don't think they'd spend more on this one unless they're getting some money from G-Eazy's label too.

the most expensive video is Scream by MJ and JJ and it costs like 7M while looking pretty average now
so you never know :woopsie: 

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6 minutes ago, IRunAway said:

I'm not going to ask where you heard or read that number because there's no way.  When they did Work *****, the director was interviewed about production cost and he was laughing because he said it would be ridiculous to spend 1 mil on a music video.  I'm guessing Work ***** cost between 500 and 700K... and I don't think they'd spend more on this one unless they're getting some money from G-Eazy's label too.

WB costed $850,000 and Toxic $1,000,000... :truthtea:

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5 minutes ago, IRunAway said:

I know that's true for Toxic, but you have receipts for WB?  I've just never seen that number attached to it.

There was a rumor where said WB had a $6.5 million budget, which Ben Mor itself denied it, and non of Britney's label said the real number... but some directors speculated between $800,000 and $1.2M. 




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