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Pre-orders + BB Hot100 Positions


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With Private Show and Make Me being in the top 10....does this affect the BBHot 100 chart? These songs have risen because of the album pre-orders....and apparently they don't count towards the BB Hot100 chart. The single version of Make Me is still in the 70s on iTunes. 

Someone with actual knowledge and not just delusion please educate us all on this.

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Honestly, who cares? Heres how I see it:

Right now 2 of her tracks are in the top 10 almost worldwide.. When anyone goes on iTunes, where do they look?? the Top 10. To see 2 tracks is exposure for Britney, the album, and those 2 tracks individually. So even if its the preorders that shot them up there, now the basic GP are gonna see them, give them a preview play, maybe move to Spotify to stream and potentially buy them as singles, not as preorder bonuses..


Its win win win

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1 minute ago, MiloszPoland said:

It should count :cigney: this positions = sales. Meaning that people are buying these songs = high positions on BB hot 100 (Make me back to top 30 and Private show to debut top 25) 


Lol yeah that would be ideal but I'm not sure if the chart works like that with pre-orders. Thats why someone with actual knowledge on how it works needs to educate us

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5 minutes ago, spears27 said:

sales coming from pre order just count towards billboard 200 NOT hot 100; however, being in top 10, make people be aware of her new songs

But i dont think make me is counting from pre-orders, just private show, make me was out allready so it counts for hot 100,...

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12 minutes ago, spears27 said:

sales coming from pre order just count towards billboard 200 NOT hot 100; however, being in top 10, make people be aware of her new songs

Wait, if team B deletes the single version of MM (which they should) that means the album version has to count toward BB... 

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11 minutes ago, Kennizle said:

But i dont think make me is counting from pre-orders, just private show, make me was out allready so it counts for hot 100,...

i think it is... i mean, look at kworb/pop make me is 6 with 0.5332 but some hours ago it was 0.000 that's because it is from the album pre order.

the normal version is 76  having a lot of green light updates

but let's not worry about it, we have 2 great songs :) 

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3 minutes ago, IRunAway said:

y'all are wack.  any sales of a song will count toward the song's position on BB Hot 100.  If they stay in their positions for a few days, Make Me will be top 20 again and Private Show will debut on the Hot 100.

My question is if we are pre-ordering the album....are we basically buying Make Me and Private Show (and therefore helping their digital sales for the BB Hot 100 chart)?

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11 minutes ago, IRunAway said:

y'all are wack.  any sales of a song will count toward the song's position on BB Hot 100.  If they stay in their positions for a few days, Make Me will be top 20 again and Private Show will debut on the Hot 100.

They need to drop the video for MM like today or tomorrow tbh because I think with this new interest in the track plus video streams it could be top 10 on BB! Maybe the video will be surprise released at midnight tonight.....we can only hope right 

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from what i understand, MM and PS sales will count if the buyers buy songs individually, not bc of album pre orders. and the one that itunes (kworbs etc) is reporting now (the #5 and #8) is also individual purchases. so it all counts towards hot 100.

 they don't show songs 'sales' through pre orders ( bc essentially its an album sale). and as to why there's 2 MM on itunes chart, its bc the new one is classified as different album from MM single version. am i right?

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