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Some of you are so embarrassing


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47 minutes ago, xxteexx128 said:

We have JK segment tonight and the album confirmed and possibly VMAs, yet some of you are petitioning about the cover :xcuseme: Why dont use the time to request MM on the radio instead? :madonna: 

Yaaaaasssss. Speak on it.

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I completely agree.

The album cover is actually very beautiful. Its glowing and quite unexpected too.
Its actually my favourite album cover in years as well tbh.  

What I find most disgraceful and expected by exhalers... (I won't call them fans coz they're not)
is that Britney has released one of her best perfume commercials of her career with her 20th fragrance,
released one of her hottest lead singles in years and had it go #1 in over 50 countries, scheduled a huge performance
at iHeart Festival, has done promo at Jimmy Kim, revealed the album cover and announced the release date of the album,
made it available for pre-order. Two shows have been cancelled for promotion, possibly for VMAs/GMA... yet all this positive
stuff is overshadowed by a ******* album cover photo with all efforts and attention being put to a petition to completely change
a cover photo that Britney possibly could have chosen herself and ws happy with. Like are you actually for real? Who the **** does this?
What kind of fan are you? Of all things to focus on rn, you wanna drag Britney and her team for a ******* photograph?

Its just getting so ******* pathetic and unbelievable here! It gets worse every year and quite honestly the ones complaining
deserve jack **** from Britney. I think its safe to say at this point that I and many others here would much rather see these
particular 'fans' just actually stop being a fan and leave the forum for good. They're not doing any good here or for Britney, 
quite the opposite in-fact. We can't get through anything on here, not one positive thing without it being dragged to filth by
these pessimists. They're so not needed here or worth anything to this fan base - they know it... and we know it.

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It is very disrespectful. They ***** and moan about not having any new content from Britney, then when they get it they complain about no promo before Britney has the chance to promote it, and now they're bitching about something as simple as an album cover when WE'RE GETTING AN ALBUM BY THE END OF THE MONTH:sickofu:

It's literally so ungrateful. They can't let the woman live without constantly trashing whatever she does. I was ecstatic when I woke up and saw that. I think she looks pretty and idc about the cover, but seriously? A petition to change something Britney likes and has for a reason? They seriously don't deserve the album:trash:

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