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Music Reacts To Tragic Mass Shooting At Gay Nightclub In Orlando

Jordan Miller

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6 hours ago, Sliver said:

Chill down. Not everybody must say something about tragedy. You pissed at her? And what did YOU do to help with it? It wasn't another marketing idea it was a TRAGEDY.


She do a lot of charity but in quiet, we all know she's a good person. She do something more than one stupid tweet 


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9 hours ago, Body ache said:

Obviously not every country is the same, but the only true country in the middle east that accepts all religions and ****** orientation is Israel.

Don't ever say that again. Ever.

Israel has broken every single international law that there is. Its government have slaughtered countless of innocent lives, including children
all for the sake of religion and soil. Their government is a terrorist government and that is a fact that cannot be argued. If anyone thinks it can, they are either uneducated or brainwashed to ****. They have also attacked and killed homosexuals, Muslims, Christians, tourists even CHARITY WORKERS for crying out loud all in the name of religion, soil and politics. Their government is pure evil and completely corrupt as ****. It has no right to even stand as a country either after that they did to Palestine. Period. I won't say anything about its people though, because they are not the problem. Though you cannot come for extremists who claim to be 'Muslim' when they're not and then defend a country that has done more terror attacks than any country in decades.

Its illogical, ignorant, disrespectful and unethical beyond ******* measure.

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1 hour ago, Kiiddy said:

Don't ever say that again. Ever.

Israel has broken every single international law that there is. Its government have slaughtered countless of innocent lives, including children
all for the sake of religion and soil. Their government is a terrorist government and that is a fact that cannot be argued. If anyone thinks it can, they are either uneducated or brainwashed to ****. They have also attacked and killed homosexuals, Muslims, Christians, tourists even CHARITY WORKERS for crying out loud all in the name of religion, soil and politics. Their government is pure evil and completely corrupt as ****. It has no right to even stand as a country either after that they did to Palestine. Period. I won't say anything about its people though, because they are not the problem. Though you cannot come for extremists who claim to be 'Muslim' when they're not and then defend a country that has done more terror attacks than any country in decades.

Its illogical, ignorant, disrespectful and unethical beyond ******* measure.

You've obviously never been there. It's the safest place in the middle east where one can be themselves without prosecution.

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2 hours ago, Kiiddy said:

Religion isn't the problem though. People are the problem. Its people that choose to take religion too far, or choose to interpret certain
things within religion to a degree where it no longer supports the religion's message, like per say this particular incident.
This incident in itself is fully and I mean FULLY against Islam. This is why real, genuine Muslims are angry and mortified that the media portray
this as an 'Islamic terrorist attack' due to the very fact that this type of act is against their religion.
America don't do this to Christians, Jews or Catholics, but always do it to Muslims... and we all know why.

The media have a choice. They have always had a choice. They can either say this was done by a Muslim, or they can say it was done by an extremest, which it was. They choose to say its done by a 'Muslim' and fully portray it as an 'Islamic terror attack' due to the man claiming to be 'Muslim' even though he actively and purposely went against Islamic teachings. This in the end confuses the entire world and influences uneducated and prejudice individuals to point the finger at all Muslims, generalise them, discriminate them and tell them that they and their personal, sacred faith is the 'real problem' here... when really, the real problem is prejudice, racism, hate and unfair and inaccurate journalism.

Of course it was an extremist who did this. That's not the issue, but you can't lie and say it didn't originate from someone or something aka the islamic faith and a wast majority of it's followers who demean women and kill gay men.

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2 hours ago, Kiiddy said:

Don't ever say that again. Ever.

Israel has broken every single international law that there is. Its government have slaughtered countless of innocent lives, including children
all for the sake of religion and soil. Their government is a terrorist government and that is a fact that cannot be argued. If anyone thinks it can, they are either uneducated or brainwashed to ****. They have also attacked and killed homosexuals, Muslims, Christians, tourists even CHARITY WORKERS for crying out loud all in the name of religion, soil and politics. Their government is pure evil and completely corrupt as ****. It has no right to even stand as a country either after that they did to Palestine. Period. I won't say anything about its people though, because they are not the problem. Though you cannot come for extremists who claim to be 'Muslim' when they're not and then defend a country that has done more terror attacks than any country in decades.

Its illogical, ignorant, disrespectful and unethical beyond ******* measure.

The absolute delusion is beyond ******* ridiculous. You're sick. You're the only one here who is brainwashed to ****. Period. For the sake of religion and soil? Really, you think that's all it's about? You're so ******* ignorant it's disgusting. Go crawl in a hole you sick ****.

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9 minutes ago, David Rose said:

The absolute delusion is beyond ******* ridiculous. You're sick. You're the only one here who is brainwashed to ****. Period. For the sake of religion and soil? Really, you think that's all it's about? You're so ******* ignorant it's disgusting. Go crawl in a hole you sick ****.

It's like they lived under a rock the past few years when Syria was under attack in the name of religion.

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2 hours ago, Kiiddy said:

Religion isn't the problem though. People are the problem. Its people that choose to take religion too far, or choose to interpret certain
things within religion to a degree where it no longer supports the religion's message, like per say this particular incident.
This incident in itself is fully and I mean FULLY against Islam. This is why real, genuine Muslims are angry and mortified that the media portray
this as an 'Islamic terrorist attack' due to the very fact that this type of act is against their religion.
America don't do this to Christians, Jews or Catholics, but always do it to Muslims... and we all know why.

The media have a choice. They have always had a choice. They can either say this was done by a Muslim, or they can say it was done by an extremest, which it was. They choose to say its done by a 'Muslim' and fully portray it as an 'Islamic terror attack' due to the man claiming to be 'Muslim' even though he actively and purposely went against Islamic teachings. This in the end confuses the entire world and influences uneducated and prejudice individuals to point the finger at all Muslims, generalize them, discriminate them and tell them that they and their personal, sacred faith is the 'real problem' here... when really, the real problem is prejudice, racism, hate and unfair and inaccurate journalism.

:adeleclap: I think I'm in love with you! Preach it sister! Say the truth! :adeleclap:

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11 minutes ago, David Rose said:

The absolute delusion is beyond ******* ridiculous. You're sick. You're the only one here who is brainwashed to ****. Period. For the sake of religion and soil? Really, you think that's all it's about? You're so ******* ignorant it's disgusting. Go crawl in a hole you sick ****.

To add to this, saying Israel ******** innocent people for the sake of religion is JUST AS IGNORANT as saying the Orlando shooter killed everyone because of his Islamic faith. It's just SO not true and so NARROW-MINDED to come to false conclusions just to support what you've been brainwashed into thinking. You are just as bad as all the Muslim haters, and you can't even see it. Sickening.

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7 minutes ago, Body ache said:

It's like they lived under a rock the past few year when Syria was under attack in the name of religion.

Please, just turn your brain on, educate yourself, listen and read something that is not televised in you country, don't believe EVERYTHING you hear on the national television. Just try to keep an open mind, and maybe you'll be cured.


It angers me how some gays are always saying how they're marginalized by society and governments, yet they so easily turn their backs on others when it happens to them. Guess cause it's inconvenient to actually turn on your brain and maybe READ more about other countries, their history and religions, maybe even meet someone who's from a different country or different religion. EDUCATE YOURSELF YOU POOR SOUL!

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4 minutes ago, Layer89 said:

Please, just turn your brain on, educate yourself, listen and read something that is not televised in you country, don't believe EVERYTHING you hear on the national television. Just try to keep an open mind, and maybe you'll be cured.


It angers me how some gays are always saying how they're marginalized by society and governments, yet they so easily turn their backs on others when it happens to them. Guess cause it's inconvenient to actually turn on your brain and maybe READ more about other countries, their history and religions, maybe even meet someone who's from a different country or different religion. EDUCATE YOURSELF YOU POOR SOUL!

you're an idiot.

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11 minutes ago, David Rose said:

To add to this, saying Israel ******** innocent people for the sake of religion is JUST AS IGNORANT as saying the Orlando shooter killed everyone because of his Islamic faith. It's just SO not true and so NARROW-MINDED to come to false conclusions just to support what you've been brainwashed into thinking. You are just as bad as all the Muslim haters, and you can't even see it. Sickening.

Yet Islam is a religion of peace but make women wear burkas and make gay men stay in the closet. Na I choose Israel over that any day. The shooter was probably a closet gay who hated seeing gays get it on. Ever wonder why it bothers them so much seeing gay men kiss? They know theyre missing out but cant get in on the action. Straight men dont get bothered by gay men because they are confident with their sexuality around them and dont care how gays act.

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3 hours ago, Trentals said:

I'm actually really annoyed that Britney or her team has been on Twitter, posted a pic about POM returning, but haven't bothered to say anything about the shooting. I'm actually disgusted. Britneys main fan base is primarily LGBT people. 


I agree, i said the same and i was vote in negative a **** in another thread, is good to know that i'm not the only one that i think the same.

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8 minutes ago, Vixen said:

All this fighting amounts to nothing in the end. Think about what you can do to render assistance to those in need and make that your focal point. Extinguish the fire, don't add to the inferno. 

You're right. I can't deal with attacks on Israel though, especially when said attacks are coming from people complaining about people making inaccurate judgements on their faith. It's beyond hypocritical and wrong. I'm not gonna stand by why they spread their inaccurate, vitriolic bullsh*t.

My thoughts and love are still with Orlando and the victims we lost and the ones still fighting for their lives. That won't change.

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1 hour ago, Body ache said:

You've obviously never been there. It's the safest place in the middle east where one can be themselves without prosecution.

Bullsh*t. Try again fool. Try again. If you wanna be in denial of their factual atrocities that are worldwide known, that is your problem.


1 hour ago, Body ache said:

Of course it was an extremist who did this. That's not the issue, but you can't lie and say it didn't originate from someone or something aka the islamic faith and a wast majority of it's followers who demean women and kill gay men.

You also missed the point here, yet again. The pity I have right now is unreal. Why even bother at this point? You're quite literally doing my homework for me. Pathetic. 

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4 hours ago, David Rose said:

The absolute delusion is beyond ******* ridiculous. You're sick. You're the only one here who is brainwashed to ****. Period. For the sake of religion and soil? Really, you think that's all it's about? You're so ******* ignorant it's disgusting. Go crawl in a hole you sick ****.

Brainwashed? Are you educated at all? Do you read or watch the news? Do you know anything?
You need to educate yourself fast before you even attempt to start with me or will I drag you to ******* filth.
Everybody knows damn well of the disgusting, foul, immoral, evil and unforgivable atrocities Israel has done to Palestine
and other innocent lives. There is a reason why so many people have gone to such incredible lengths to prevent
Israel from ********* more lives and breaking international law. Why the **** would you wanna be in denial about that?
Are you really that sick, twisted, selfish, heartless and that ****** up?
Don't you ******* DARE excuse, justify, lie or twist facts for the sake of Israel because that would make you beyond
disgusting, ignorant and deluded. What they have done to children and innocent civilians is inhumane and nothing will ever stop people from seeing it otherwise. There is a damn well good reason why so many places, including the United Kingdom that do marches every year and set up charities for Palestine. You're a shameful piece of **** for having the audacity to support terrorism tbh because that is what you have just done. Period.

Its a terrorist country and you will ******* deal with that tbqh. Deal with that truth or gtfo. Period. You absolute simpleton. Get out of sight you absolute useless cretin of a being. Disgraceful.

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