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Music Reacts To Tragic Mass Shooting At Gay Nightclub In Orlando

Jordan Miller

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42 minutes ago, ALLEYESONUS said:

How old are you? "She must show her support and love"? Just because u want it, doesnt mean she must do it?! Wtf 

she didnt tweet about Paris back then but inserted a moment of silence during POM. We all deal with these stuff differently

This tbh, its stupid how alot of people seem to think it must be on social media or it didnt happen. 

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1 hour ago, ALLEYESONUS said:

Britney has been supportive for the lgbtq-community her entire career. She has shown so much respect and love towards the people. So why act like Britney doesnt care? Just because she didnt tweet about this?



1 hour ago, LanaBrit said:

you all serious ? this is the biggest terror in usa of all time, i ******* don't care she is personal or not, she is huge celeb, she must show her support and love 

Oh shut it! What the hell is it going to do? I will never understand what it means to people and why it means so much to read another tweet or  Instagram post from a celebrity you don't know! How does it make yoy feel bettet? You should find solace in your friends and your family and members of the lbgt community. What the hell does it matter what Britney Jean Spears says? One more tweet out there saying pray for everybody?

You obviously don't know who Britney Spears is. You're obviously not a true fan. And people who think like you, I will say the exact same thing about. And I say this because if you are you would know that she never comments on social issues no matter how big or small so move on and get over it!

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3 hours ago, ianspears said:

IA she should say something instead of posting stupid pics about how gr8 god, animals and horrible paintings tbh..

how dare you call Artney's pic horrible or her kids' paintings ?? how dare you??? and u expect sempathy from her ?:lessons::bichpls::rihit:

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Obviously it's her right to acknowledge it or not but stop excusing it with being so humble and calling people who openly show compassion attention seekers.

Personally I think she should have expressed her condolences because a huge amount of her fans are gay and she knows and acknowledged that. This was a hate crime ageinst homsexuals, idc if it is a muslim, **** or maniac commiting this crime, it resulted from homophobia, lbr. 

Seeking attention in this case means drawing attention to acceptance and condemning hate crimes. 

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3 hours ago, LanaBrit said:

you all serious ? this is the biggest terror in usa of all time, i ******* don't care she is personal or not, she is huge celeb, she must show her support and love 

Why should she show support publicy? To validate the fact that she feels bad about it? Lmao **** off. I'm sure Britney prayed for the victims in the privacy of her own bedroom.

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All you people getting pissed at a celebrity for not acknowledging this (publicly anyway) are really directing your energy into the wrong place and want to reevaluate your priorities, people from our community have DIED, instead of seeking some stupid feeling of validation from a celebrity youd be better pouring that energy into trying to achieve something positive, campaign for gun laws to change etc.

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1 hour ago, ALLEYESONUS said:

How old are you? "She must show her support and love"? Just because u want it, doesnt mean she must do it?! Wtf 

she didnt tweet about Paris back then but inserted a moment of silence during POM. We all deal with these stuff differently

are you stupid to don't understand what i say? 
this is not ordinary incident,  50 people died in usa, i can't see any post from anyone when people die in syria or iraq, and probably you don't know anything about it but
everyone who killed in orlando is gay and she is one of the biggest gay icon of all time, and that happend in her country, now do you understand what i mean?

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What that guy did in Orlando was absolutely disgusting. 
He should go to hell for it and he is not a Muslim because what he did was against Islam itself. 
He is an extremist, a terrorist and a murderer. However I hate it how America only call something a 'terror attack'
when its supposedly by a 'Muslim' or someone that basically isn't ******* white or American. 
The man apparently was an ISIS inspired individual and ISIS have apparently taken responsibility for it.
So who should we be really blaming here? Who created ISIS?


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5 hours ago, f_rhythm said:

Britney is always been like this. I dont remember any particular time she mourned about people have died or anything.

She did for Prince, actually, and maybe others.

Her teams should no better, and tell her to do something before it is too late. :decisions:

(But her team already used twice her Facebook account today: one for an Aplus.com promo article, the other one to post new POM dates) :britdrown:

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9 hours ago, DaddySayzee said:

You messy ******* need to stop arguing about which religion is worse- only perpetuating the hate the killer wanted. Also, you could use that energy to help the victims out. Bigotry and radicalism kills in every religion/race/nationality 




I think all abrahamic religions are bad , just saying the truth ,I'm sick of innocent people dying because of that .......

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23 hours ago, BoyToySoldier said:

I'm down in Fort Lauderale but I do have a few friends up there north for college and thankfully they're alright.

They do have some friends that actually were shot but they're in stable condition at the hospital.

Nasty tragedy, there's been up to 50 deaths recorded.

So sad, glad to see another Florida resident marked safe. I was just up there for Gay Days last weekend. I can't believe he didnt pick that weekend to shoot up a place. 


I also have to say I am a little disappointed that Britney/ her team has not said a WORD about it on the social yet...or did I miss something? 

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47 minutes ago, If U Seek Me said:

She did for Prince, actually, and maybe others.

Her teams should no better, and tell her to do something before it is too late. :decisions:

(But her team already used twice her Facebook account today: one for an Aplus.com promo article, the other one to post new POM dates) :britdrown:

And she posted about a cute little dress thing...like really?...but I think she will end up doing something at POM on Friday 

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27 minutes ago, Avnit said:

I think all abrahamic religions are bad , just saying the truth ,I'm sick of innocent people dying because of that .......

Religion isn't the problem though. People are the problem. Its people that choose to take religion too far, or choose to interpret certain
things within religion to a degree where it no longer supports the religion's message, like per say this particular incident.
This incident in itself is fully and I mean FULLY against Islam. This is why real, genuine Muslims are angry and mortified that the media portray
this as an 'Islamic terrorist attack' due to the very fact that this type of act is against their religion.
America don't do this to Christians, Jews or Catholics, but always do it to Muslims... and we all know why.

The media have a choice. They have always had a choice. They can either say this was done by a Muslim, or they can say it was done by an extremest, which it was. They choose to say its done by a 'Muslim' and fully portray it as an 'Islamic terror attack' due to the man claiming to be 'Muslim' even though he actively and purposely went against Islamic teachings. This in the end confuses the entire world and influences uneducated and prejudice individuals to point the finger at all Muslims, generalise them, discriminate them and tell them that they and their personal, sacred faith is the 'real problem' here... when really, the real problem is prejudice, racism, hate and unfair and inaccurate journalism.

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24 minutes ago, Avnit said:

I think all abrahamic religions are bad , just saying the truth ,I'm sick of innocent people dying because of that .......

This still is a hate crime against homosexuals, it doesn't matter the religion cause homophobes exist in all religions. The hate was already in that guy's mind. It's not the religion that's the problem but ISIS which is a terrorist group (not every terrorist group in the world was muslim) that makes people think it's a legitimate measure to take a gun and shoot these people.


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1 hour ago, If U Seek Me said:

She did for Prince, actually, and maybe others.

Her teams should no better, and tell her to do something before it is too late. :decisions:

(But her team already used twice her Facebook account today: one for an Aplus.com promo article, the other one to post new POM dates) :britdrown:

idk about them but she usually doesnt tweet about deads from earthquackes,storms,bombs,wars and stuff,better say that shes not  a shower,esp about politics and stuff...

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