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Jimmy Kimmel Bashed Britney On her Birthday

Guest riccus

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That was mean. It's her birthday and you're going to honor her with an unfunny kid making inappropriate jokes? You can sense even the audience had to force their laughs at this sh!t. Are they really stuck in 2007? It's no longer "cool" to make fun of Britney, but it definitely makes you an *******.

To Jimmy and the writers: :suckit: Go suck on Britney's toes.

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I was actually okay with the jokes about the marriages, but the head shaving and children jokes aren't funny. She never locked her kids in the car... And it's crazy because didn't Carrie Underwood or someone say they locked their kid in the car and everyone gave her sympathy like oh first time mom it's okay. Britney was young too and didn't get any sympathy. Especially since she was really going thru a hard time and may possible still have a mental disorder or what have you. And it's sad because no matter how much time goes by, that's what ppl will remember. That breakdown still haunts her TBH  

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