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Britney Needs To Accept That..

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she is one of the most famous people in the world.  I feel like once she leans into it and stops trying to pull away from it she’ll be happier.

The constant pull of her wanting to be a regular person just puts her in bad situations which hurts her in the long run. 

Britney it’s okay for you to date in your tax bracket. It’s okay for you to splurge large amounts of money on whatever you want. Take expensive vacations, buy obnoxious designer things. Be friends with other big celebrities and just lavish in the lifestyle you worked so hard for. You don’t owe anyone to be humble or relatable, you are the Princess Of Pop, you didn’t “use to be really famous”, YOU ARE really famous. People are obsessed with your every move, you are a STAR.

Unfortunately regular people don’t see you as their equal, they have you on a pedestal, they’ll always want something from you. You are many peoples idols, to some even their “god”. Accept it, embrace it & love it babes. Stop running from it. 


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I'm not sure how she's running from it when after she was drugged, trafficked and her rights taken away in CA she's still living there.

Britney also seems to seek attention online via her IG and wild posts, so I highly doubt she hasn't embraced her stardom.

In fact, she dated a married pap and has embraced her celebrity so much she's sharing her wealth with Paul Richard Soliz. Afterall he is driving her cars and has access to her home; the only thing Britney seems to be pulling away from is happiness at this point. 


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People always said it was a humble thing, but Britney pretending all the time she isn't famous... not normal.

However,  another contradiction... she says she doesn't like and trust Hollywood people, but her "best" (only friend) is Cade, one of most fame seekers people in Hollywood... The exact person she should stay away because he will sell info.

Britney just seems to see the world very differently, like she was (and I believe still is) so shielded from everything that lost the notion of reality.

She is 42 and still didn't understand how paparazzi work, never understood the real effect of social media and keep dating low life men clearly wanting to be with her because she is Britney Spears. Any other person would understand by now why these leeches are always around, but Britney never notice... how? It's the same mistakes over and over again, that's not normal. 

She needs a wake up call... A big one.

Edited by Dark Willow
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1 hour ago, DiamondCircus said:

I'm not sure how she's running from it when after she was drugged, trafficked and her rights taken away in CA she's still living there.

Britney also seems to seek attention online via her IG and wild posts, so I highly doubt she hasn't embraced her stardom.

In fact, she dated a married pap and has embraced her celebrity so much she's sharing her wealth with Paul Richard Soliz. Afterall he is driving her cars and has access to her home; the only thing Britney seems to be pulling away from is happiness at this point. 


you’re the kind of person who’s sock drawer is perfectly neat, with every thing placed properly where things belong aren’t you? 

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Just now, itsxrichiexbish said:

anywayyyyyyyys i think britney has always struggled with this… she’s always wanted to be the down to earth person living a normal life, and just have a job of being a pop star… but we all seen how things worked out… i’m afraid with britney itnwill always be a media circus 

And yet she has the choice and free will now to go and live her free life and she's shacked up with a convict housekeeper and still staying in the home she was tormented in and the state that took away her rights.

Media circus or not, Britney feeds the media and fans the headlines and flames. 

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1 minute ago, DiamondCircus said:

And yet she has the choice and free will now to go and live her free life and she's shacked up with a convict housekeeper and still staying in the home she was tormented in and the state that took away her rights.

Media circus or not, Britney feeds the media and fans the headlines and flames. 

well she can do what she wants? what’s the problem … maybe we should put more focus on our own lives and figure out what the under lying issue is there. 

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Just now, itsxrichiexbish said:

well she can do what she wants? what’s the problem … maybe we should put more focus on our own lives and figure out what the under lying issue is there. 

Who said she couldn't do what she wants? This is a forum to talk about celebs and topics not about our private lives.

If you're looking to dig into members personal lives these aren't the threads for that.

Britney has free will to do as she pleases and yet she's staying where she was hurt the most. 

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6 hours ago, monalisaney81 said:

she is one of the most famous people in the world.  I feel like once she leans into it and stops trying to pull away from it she’ll be happier.

The constant pull of her wanting to be a regular person just puts her in bad situations which hurts her in the long run. 

Britney it’s okay for you to date in your tax bracket. It’s okay for you to splurge large amounts of money on whatever you want. Take expensive vacations, buy obnoxious designer things. Be friends with other big celebrities and just lavish in the lifestyle you worked so hard for. You don’t owe anyone to be humble or relatable, you are the Princess Of Pop, you didn’t “use to be really famous”, YOU ARE really famous. People are obsessed with your every move, you are a STAR.

Unfortunately regular people don’t see you as their equal, they have you on a pedestal, they’ll always want something from you. You are many peoples idols, to some even their “god”. Accept it, embrace it & love it babes. Stop running from it. 


This is an interesting perspective. I feel as though this may be hard for Britney to reconcile with Britney sees herself as this down-to-earth girl from the hicks of Louisiana, who happened to become famous. She also finds many people in Hollywood to be fake (not at all saying there aren't regular degular people who aren't fake either), and she wants nothing to do with that life anymore. We saw how her and Sam struggled because he's an up-and-coming actor, going to premieres, wanting his famous wife to be by his side and Britney wanted nothing to do with that. I hope she's able to get to a point where she can find some sort of balance — she doesn't need to be with a Brad Pitt level celebrity, but with someone who can recognize her how famous she is and understand what comes with it. 

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1 hour ago, Gutterguppy said:

This is an interesting perspective. I feel as though this may be hard for Britney to reconcile with Britney sees herself as this down-to-earth girl from the hicks of Louisiana, who happened to become famous. She also finds many people in Hollywood to be fake (not at all saying there aren't regular degular people who aren't fake either), and she wants nothing to do with that life anymore. We saw how her and Sam struggled because he's an up-and-coming actor, going to premieres, wanting his famous wife to be by his side and Britney wanted nothing to do with that. I hope she's able to get to a point where she can find some sort of balance — she doesn't need to be with a Brad Pitt level celebrity, but with someone who can recognize her how famous she is and understand what comes with it. 

Thank you for an insightful response. I agree with you, maybe somewhere in the middle would be good for her. Britney’s the type of gal that would want to sit in the restaurant section with regular people and then be stressed out when everyone takes pictures of her. Like help yourself out sis, request that obnoxious private celebrity booth for your own sake. 

I also think her self esteem might play a part in all this. Maybe she really does not think she’s as famous as she is..she might think she is a “has-been popstar” and that people have moved on and don’t really remember her like that. Then gets a reality check when someone she thought didn’t realize it was her, leaks their entire interaction to the press. Sis needs to start treating herself like the A List star she is. I always fear that when she travels that she does not really prioritize her own safety bc she might not see herself as a target. I remember when she was casually in some rinky-dink bar in Mexico, like sis they’ll pick you off & hold you hostage real quick…look what happened with her jewerly…protect yourself. 



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