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After over 16 years, Britney Spears’ conservatorship case has finally come to an end. There are no more future hearings scheduled in the case.


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3 minutes ago, DiamondCircus said:

No justice, I think it's delusion some think after Rosengart stepped down that Britney is still going to try and get justice.

I think her setting was so she could just move on, I don't see her wanting to spend another 10 years fighting.

Me and some other "banons" on here have been able to see this coming since 2021 lol. I've been saying since then that Rosenzaddy is a cleaner.

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Just now, Catalin said:

Me and some other "banons" on here have been able to see this coming since 2021 lol. I've been saying since then that Rosenzaddy is a cleaner.

Okay... so you "foresaw" this event happening in 2021... What else do you foresee coming since you clearly know better than all of us. Please enlighten us. 

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Just now, DiamondCircus said:

I mean she did say her family should be in jail and posted about it several times I think she made it clear she wanted justice.


But her justice looked like a long *** winding road and Tristar playing every damn trick in the book. It was exhausting for us fans. Can you imagine how tired anxious she must of been?!

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Just now, PlatinumB said:

She was in it for three damn years lmao racking up huuuuge bills. Plus let's be honest mother ain't working. :britdrown_britney_tears_crying_drown_ink_black:

She did say they got away with it in her instagram post yes. 

People who never been in court have no idea how draining it is to be involved in litigation and at the mercy of the court system. It is exhausting and the American court system, especially,  moves at a glacial pace. When it comes to justice, it's never swift or easy. 

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7 minutes ago, PlatinumB said:

She was in it for three damn years lmao racking up huuuuge bills. Plus let's be honest mother ain't working. :britdrown_britney_tears_crying_drown_ink_black:

She did say they got away with it in her instagram post yes. 

She was racking up bills and Rosengart was charging her MILLIONS which is why he eventually went pro bono and they threw in the towel.

He wasted a lot of time. 

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