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Lou Taylor's Mentor IRVING AZOFF Had His House RIGHT NEXT to 2019 Facility Britney Was Forced Into; "Happy Birthday Uncle Irving" - Kim Kardashian, 2023

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Emil87 said:

Kim is such a fake piece of ****, seriously. Out here advocating for prison reform yet is perfectly ok supporting the monsters involved with the con.  

Yeah but I think it's complicated. According to Courtney Love, Kim secretly helped behind the scenes to get Britney free.

Also, Kim grew up with Allison Statter, Irving Azoff's daughter, and to this day is a close friend of hers:
Kim Kardashian's New Best Friend Allison Statter Has Actually Been Around  For A Long Time


Edited by Lola2790
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4 minutes ago, PrincessAkwa said:

Wait. Did they put Brit in a house, ie not a facility?

I think it was the Bridges facility first and then a house in the span of 4 months in 2019. I believe the facility is where she stayed the longest and where she was most traumatized.

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1 hour ago, Lola2790 said:

I think it was the Bridges facility first and then a house in the span of 4 months in 2019. I believe the facility is where she stayed the longest and where she was most traumatized.

Thats my impression too, a two step kind of thing even though she was treated differently.

But I always thought Bridges was inpatient with others even though she was isolated, but from the post it seems like it was more of house where she was very isolated and alone.  Sounds awful if you ask me. No second opinion, no interaction with others, no contact with the outside world.


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19 minutes ago, PrincessAkwa said:

Thats my impression too, a two step kind of thing even though she was treated differently.

But I always thought Bridges was inpatient with others even though she was isolated, but from the post it seems like it was more of house where she was very isolated and alone.  Sounds awful if you ask me. No second opinion, no interaction with others, no contact with the outside world.


Never mind. Found it. Seems like a VERY intense program. Phew!

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1 hour ago, PrincessAkwa said:

Never mind. Found it. Seems like a VERY intense program. Phew!

Chapters 41 and 42 in her book, Britney writes it was 2 months of isolation and then 2 months in Bridges, same staff. Page 234 in the American print: "After two months in one building, I was moved to another run by the same people, and in this one I wasn't alone." January, February in isolation, March, April with other patients.   

I have no way of comparing this program to others, but if you have personal experience, please reread those chapters and tell us if the isolation program was normal medical procedure. Do 3 people supervise the technician when she takes blood?  a nurse, Robin, and a security guard. Why is Robin even there? Why doesn't the nurse take blood? 


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45 minutes ago, Hamelia said:

Chapters 41 and 42 in her book, Britney writes it was 2 months of isolation and then 2 months in Bridges, same staff. Page 234 in the American print: "After two months in one building, I was moved to another run by the same people, and in this one I wasn't alone." January, February in isolation, March, April with other patients.   

I have no way of comparing this program to others, but if you have personal experience, please reread those chapters and tell us if the isolation program was normal medical procedure. Do 3 people supervise the technician when she takes blood?  a nurse, Robin, and a security guard. Why is Robin even there? Why doesn't the nurse take blood? 


I will read it again.

Its superintense. I would never do well with several hours of individual therapy and group therapy on top of that.

They redo testing, go through medications etc. What stood out to me is that that happens in a short period of time if I understood it correctly. Thats exhausting for a patient and usually you do it over a period of time. And you dont do it on someone who is immediately put on Lithium. Its not their baseline and hard to get proper answers.

For someone who is at a fragile state its irresponsible to all at once. I hope they have a routine for it because the information is not clear on the website.

I understand its supposed to be a safe space for celebs from all around the world and I am sure its great for many. But I would prefer doing this in the safety of my own home with a small circle of people I trust. 

Doing something like this against my will would scar me. Especially the therapy. I would never let my guard down after that.

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7 hours ago, PrincessAkwa said:

I will read it again.

Its superintense. I would never do well with several hours of individual therapy and group therapy on top of that.

They redo testing, go through medications etc. What stood out to me is that that happens in a short period of time if I understood it correctly. Thats exhausting for a patient and usually you do it over a period of time. And you dont do it on someone who is immediately put on Lithium. Its not their baseline and hard to get proper answers.

For someone who is at a fragile state its irresponsible to all at once. I hope they have a routine for it because the information is not clear on the website.

I understand its supposed to be a safe space for celebs from all around the world and I am sure its great for many. But I would prefer doing this in the safety of my own home with a small circle of people I trust. 

Doing something like this against my will would scar me. Especially the therapy. I would never let my guard down after that.

Well, the isolation program was created for Britney specifically. 


Fall 2018. Britney was accused of doing dr**s by her therapist when they found energy supplements in her purse. So, it was decided to send her to a facility BEFORE she was tested, just based on the energy supplements, suspicion of dr**s (no evidence) and her supposed behavior at rehearsals. This flashy testing doctor does NOT speak to Britney with the results like any decent doctor would. Her father could have lied. Maybe the tests were just fine. 

Page 229: "We feel like you are doing way worse things behind our backs, he said. (...) We are going to send you to a facility, the therapist said. And before you go to this place, over Christmas break, we're going to have woman come to run psychological tests on you."

"A flashy doctor - who I'd seen on TV and instinctively hated - came to my house against my will, sat me down, and tested my cognitive abilities for hours.

"My father told me that the doctor had concluded that I'd bombed the tests. She said you failed. (...) we found you a small rehab program in Beverly Hills.(...)

page 230: "The program was supposedly a "luxury" rehab that had created a special program for me, so I'd be alone."


Edited by Hamelia
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1rving is one of Hollywood’s many gatekeepers, once you past a certain threshold you realize how tiny it really is and unfortunately everyone knows each other in some way. 99% of celebs are corrupt & the most evil ones are the ones who are the most successful. That’s why this demonic industry tried to eat Britney alive, because she’s always had a pure soul 

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4 hours ago, RedBloodedWoman said:

1rving is one of Hollywood’s many gatekeepers, once you past a certain threshold you realize how tiny it really is and unfortunately everyone knows each other in some way. 99% of celebs are corrupt & the most evil ones are the ones who are the most successful. That’s why this demonic industry tried to eat Britney alive, because she’s always had a pure soul 

Irving Azoff, David Geffen, John Branca, Clive Davis...there's so many :nochillbrit_britney_impatient_2008_annoyed_irritated_nope_smh_head_shaking_my_ftr_for_the_record_circus:

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1 hour ago, RedBloodedWoman said:

You know. It’s best to censor their names because exhale always pulls on google

Well we already know Jamie's legal team lurks we have exhibits of exhale threads in their filings so does it matter at this point  :lollipop_britney_sucker_dancing_party_2012:

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