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Tate McRae On Britney Spears comparisons : "it's such an honor, i mean I literally adore her, I read her book..."

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46 minutes ago, Gypsy Woman said:

When did I say Britney was a better performer than Tate? I didn't...

That's the problem with you "fans," you make up ridiculous narratives in your head then run with them.

I said that Tate and Britney are NOTHING alike and saying that she's the next Britney makes no sense because again, THEY ARE NOTHING alike. I'm not discussing or saying ANYTHING about their respective talents. I'm responding to the delusion that Tate is the next Britney. I'd be saying the same thing if somebody said Demi was the next Christina Aguilera...they're nothing alike.

The funny thing is that y'all are doing Tate a disservice be reducing her down to being the "next" anybody. So what you're saying is that she has no self-identity and can't just be a great artist on her own? Wow...

We are not "reducing" Tate.. she can DANCE and we applaud a great dancer, it's refreshing since we've been missing a PERFORMER since Britney was the last one.

Also, let me remind you that Britney was once labeled as the next Madonna and we were all leaking our pants so don't even.. being called "The Next...." is not a bad thing.  Quit the dramatics

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I saw one performance from her a while back. I think she’s a great dancer and she is the closest thing to Britney for this generation.

There’s something about her though that is missing. Like her ***iness is kinda forced and facially, I don’t think she’s all that pretty lol. She’s attractive but missing that softness.

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20 hours ago, Daniela.tomasseli said:

We are not "reducing" Tate.. she can DANCE and we applaud a great dancer, it's refreshing since we've been missing a PERFORMER since Britney was the last one.

Also, let me remind you that Britney was once labeled as the next Madonna and we were all leaking our pants so don't even.. being called "The Next...." is not a bad thing.  Quit the dramatics

Haha, leaking our pants? No we weren't because us tweens that were into Britney in her prime were too young to be even be Madonna fans so we were like "why do they compare her to Madonna?" The only reason they compared Britney to Madonna was due to the ***ualized image. 

Even then, it has long been discussed among this fan base that the Madonna comparison never made sense because they were nothing alike. In fact, there was just a thread in here a few weeks back about how Britney was NEVER "the next" Madonna and how she seemed to always be more inspired by Janet Jackson.

So once again, the Tate and Britney comparison makes no sense. There is ZERO Britney-esque in Tate.

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