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Shakira: the Barbie movie was emasculating to a certain extent

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17 hours ago, fays1 said:

Im a conservative anti feminist, but there was nothing emasculating about the Barbie movie. It was really fun and funny, and shouldnt be taken seriously. Its literally a barbie movie, what did her sons expect? Lol they are even too young to understand emasculating so i doubt shes telling the truth

Shakira needs to zip it . Its a movie . Most movies have suppressed and exploited women . Barbie is a good empowering movie and no it does not bash men . Get a grip Shakira . Pay your taxes and shut up . 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it’s refreshing to not be so politically correct. It’s just her view. I don’t agree with her but I can see where she’s coming from in terms of challenging the traditional male and female archetypes. I think it’s more indicative of a culture and is a sign of progress. 
the best way to change the world is to acknowledge opposing views and try to understand them. 

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