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How come Britney didn’t record background vocals for “Blackout”?

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On 3/30/2024 at 8:36 PM, BadBunny said:

Vocals being mixed in with another singer’s isn’t background vocals. Learn what the definition of a fact is and then get back to me. :haha_britney_laugh_lol_lmao_hehe_haha_bw_black_white:

Personally, it’s more artistic when the artist records their own background vocals. I understand when she didn’t during the BOMT/Oops days when heavy choruses were in as that was the Swedish pop trend. But just look at “Slave 4 U” / “Make Me” and how sonically euphoric the choruses sound.

If you're going to be rude to people who answer your question and try to come across as "musically intelligent" then at least try to display some real music knowledge.

Background vocals are about filling a space in a song and sometimes the artist's voice doesn't complement the song like it should. In fact, what you consider euphoric will sound bland to others.

'Break the Ice' with just Britney sounds bland and you can tell it's missing 'something' so adding another person's vocals helps create dynamics within an otherwise bland song.

All this to say that it's not about laziness, it's about understanding what sounds good and what doesn't.

Edited by Gypsy Woman
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On 3/31/2024 at 4:49 PM, BadBunny said:

Did she?! Omg. I was always under the impression that her bg vocalists from the Cheiron days were Max and Nana Hadin. 

It’s all 3 of them. Britney often sung the middle and some times would do the low harmony with Max and did the high harmony with Nina in BOMT. 

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