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New study shows that dancing has the largest effect of any treatment for depression

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I am in treatment for depression. I find that physical activity helps so much! And just generally looking after health... I don't discount the standard treatments and therapy however - that's played a key role as well with clinical depression. (Probably wouldn't still be here without a lot of CBT counselling. Depression runs in family I feel bad for those who didn't have the access to what there is now, nor the understanding about these conditions.)

For me, all these things can work very complimentarily together. It hasn't been just one magic fix, it's been a mixture of things that helped work for me...

Edited by BlackoutBaby
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14 minutes ago, Blackout Britney said:

Well it’s not exactly helped her has it?  it seems she dances as she has so much energy to release as it seems she’s bored at home 24/7 a day. I mean what else is there to do if she’s not working? Apart from the odd vacation here and there. 

Why is that anyone’s business what she does with her time and her days? Are you all insane? She has been working tirelessly since she was a child- let her heal however she wants to. I also am so sick of fans blatantly ignoring the countless times she has told us about going to therapy (even in video before the memoir release) but then cherry pick other things she has stated that don’t go with the narrative that she is healing and taking proper steps for herself in order to do that. 13 years of having no autonomy whatsoever is going to take years to unlearn and in many ways, learn how to navigate for the first time 

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1 minute ago, (You Drive Chris) Crazy said:

Why is that anyone’s business what she does with her time and her days? Are you all insane? She has been working tirelessly since she was a child- let her heal however she wants to. I also am so sick of fans blatantly ignoring the countless times she has told us about going to therapy (even in video before the memoir release) but then cherry pick other things she has stated that don’t go with the narrative that she is healing and taking proper steps for herself in order to do that. 13 years of having no autonomy whatsoever is going to take years to unlearn and in many ways, learn how to navigate for the first time 

The “13 years” is getting a bit tiresome now. We read the book and we’ve seen fans repeat this 100s of times. We know already. :ipass_britney_xfactor_no_words:you’re coming for me like I’ve just attacked her? I literally pointed out the obvious. 1. She’s not working. Correct? Did I say she HAS to work? No I didn’t. 2. It’s obvious she looks unwell so that’s why I said it hasn’t helped and she has lots of energy. And actually Britney has said the other day in a caption that she won’t be watching the Super Bowl and is a boring person who doesn’t do much so uh it’s pretty obvious that’s why she has lots of energy and makes those videos dancing in her spare time. 

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7 minutes ago, Elle90s said:

Do you know her dx is depression looks more manic. All of the dancing that she is doing clearly is not helping her case. 

I agree. That kind of dancing looks manic but you’ll get jumped on by fans saying you’re attacking her and you have to be a “yes” person. I get that it may be her way to release her anger and stress though but the presentation comes across not in a great light.. I used to think it was the choppy editing but yeah.. 

Edited by Blackout Britney
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1 hour ago, humstarr said:

True. But it doesnt seem to help her. I think depression is not the biggest problem she struggles with. 

All we see are her dancing videos and awkward posts. We really do not know Britney and if it does help her or not. 

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so cool to see, when you dance even in your room or bathroom you brain shuts down, there's no thought

Sometimes I dance in my room just like Britney, it's so cool

10 years ago I used to do those dancing videos when I was drunk after a party and send to my friends :gagacrash_driving_run_hit_lady_sunglasses:

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