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This performance is also turning 20 years!


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I miss when artist gave amazing, iconic performances at award shows. Every once and awhile I’ll see someone do a great performance, but Britney was always sooo consistent! Gimme More was a bad performance for her but compare it to most of the pop girls after her, and she’s still dancing circles around them. I miss her on stage but I know she’s traumatized and needs to heal. So glad there’s YouTube to watch her old performances :kyliecry_crying_tears_jenner_wipe_sad:

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1 hour ago, Jup1ter said:

Love the outfit


1 hour ago, Emil87 said:

My favorite stage costume of hers! Purple is so her color.

I miss the days when artists like Beyoncé were “inspired” by Britney’s performances. And by inspired I mean totally copy. 


1 hour ago, Captain Marvel said:

After the VMA’s, her AMA performances are among her best.  

This MATM performance is so good, fun visuals, costumes, and pre-recorded vocals.  Her hair during this performance is great too. :bop_beyonce_dancing_yes_Yas_cheer_party_glasses:

This is definitely one of my favorites if not my favorite outfit on stage too! :whiteladydance_scarlett_dancing_happy_johansson:

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