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Rumor: Britney may rehire Larry Rudolph for a comeback, current manager Cade Hudson seen having dinner with him

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5 hours ago, Corruptured Colon said:

I saved this tweet awhile ago to remember why we don't like Larry Rudolph (Ignore the first part tweet and just look at the 2nd one)


Like Britney HAD to drink all the drinks and get messy.  She did the same thing many times without Larry.... it's pretty clear and documented that she overdosed that night (not the only time)  and had a liking for "party favours" and booze back then.    Britney never was or ever will be as innocent as she likes to make out.   There's plenty that Larry and Jamie wiped from public consumption - headlines and news bulletins that got changed or wantered down before they went mainstream.  There's nothing wrong with Brit liking partying, she just often partied a little harder than most at time - all documented in the sealed court docs if you dig deep.enough on the deep web.

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16 hours ago, Deepheat01 said:

Cade basically turned on Team Con when the public opinion swayed to FreeBritney in the hope he could sneak in and reap the rewards himself.  Unfortunately Cade is a gross, misguided and immoral low life and has realised he's not cut out to "manage Britney".   Fact is, Britney has always done better with her mental health whilst working - it keeps her busy but she resented her drunk deadbeat Dad of all people having such control over her, which eventually manifested itself into the bitter anger we see today.   Larry isn't the demon the fan base make him out to be - look at 2016 Britney when Jamie was mostly out of the picture and Bryan took the reigns and Larry very happily allowed Britney to express her creativity once more with 'Glory' - it was almost a second coming of Primeney and what killed that was Jamie hustling in a new boyfriend on the payroll in Sam to keep tabs on her for him and pushing her to the brink of exhaustion with residencies in which - according to Britney herself - she couldn't change things up or perform the songs she wanted in the way she wanted.  Larry was employed by Jamie - he could only do what Jamie agreed to doing and the only times Britney has seemingly had an issue with Larry was during the time she had a gold digging, wife cheating, **** taking, potential baby daddy to settle down with and she no longer wanted to work a gruelling schedule on someone else's terms.

The difference between 2016 and now is that Britney, through sheer frustration at her father's handling of her life, is in total rebellion against all forms of help and guidance - a lot of which I believe would be beneficial to her if done correctly by the right people.    Sam and Cade clearly don't care in the same way Sam Lutfi allowed her to spiral under his 'guidance' and all three men are guilty of isolating her from real love and help in pursuit of their own financial gain. 

 One year on from meeting Sam and Britney began rebelling, acting out and refusing to adhere to some of the guidance that had helped her reach such a fantastic place in 2016.  She was alive, passionate about her artisty, "done with needing a man", more visible and actively engaged in promoting than she had  been since 'In The Zone' and full of confidence - now she's lost her boys and her family, lost contact with her friends, married a guy and given him a huge property payout, regressed into strange and worryingly repetitive social media activity, barely leaves her house and when she does finds herself in bizarre situations where her behaviour is thrown into question, lost Jodi -  who I do believe was trying to help Britney adjust to life post consevatorship on keep her on the right track with her medical needs and entwined in more endless legal battles where the only winners are the lawyers involved and their bank balances.     She's bitter as hell and can't move forward whilst she's got a devil on each shoulder softly  encouraging her to lash out and do whatever/act however she wants regardless of the long term ramifications for her mentally, personally or physically because the more she does so then the more she becomes entirely dependent on them and the blinkered Stans who scream abuse at her kids online or "yaaaasss queen" her sometimes vitriolic and unhelpful rants and twirling around dog **** in the same spot all day.    The control lies within presenting a completely FREE woman but in reality she's nobody to turn to for company than two greedy, manipulative and enabling men who did nothing to help FREE her until it became a necessity in order to help THEMSELVES.


Omg you should let Britney know all of this…:idkney_britney_glory_carpool_karaoke_unsure_idk_nervous:

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1 hour ago, Lisa88007 said:

Omg you should let Britney know all of this…:idkney_britney_glory_carpool_karaoke_unsure_idk_nervous:

Most of it she's said herself... the rest should be  obvious to those old enough to have been Stans from the  Baby.... era onwards..

The only things I've said that isn't soldi fact is the intentions of Sam and Cade but it follows a familiar narrative - Lutfi had her in  a very similar position to what she's in now, there were massive media cover ups about how bad things actually got for her in 2006/7 but that was her family protecting their clearly mentally unwell daughter deom manipulation and extortion.      Sam and Cade just turned the tables to make people believe she's better with them, yet doing almost zero to demonstrate it and standing by as Britney gradually regresses and refusing the necessary level of assistance/guidance/support that formed.the foundations of the CShip.   Team Con abused their power but I can't see how anyone can say Britney is thriving.   

Also  (and ill get dragged for this) - courts do not lightly remove custody from a Mother or place the level of restrictions on her finances and personal life without very good reason and it.would be career suicide for anyone to try.   There's so many court docs regarding.the custody battle.which don't paint Britney in a good light and there is much more that was hidden from Public eye - people just need to do their go.research, it's not pretty and extremely sad and I fear she's being encouraged to have tunnel vision when it comes to blame and being constantly spun a narrative where she never put a foot wrong even if it means losing her  boys.   Not that she barely turned up to court custody hearings to try to stop that happening in the first place.... but let's all ignore that and support her destroying the happiness she fought for.

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6 hours ago, Deepheat01 said:

Like Britney HAD to drink all the drinks and get messy.  She did the same thing many times without Larry.... it's pretty clear and documented that she overdosed that night (not the only time)  and had a liking for "party favours" and booze back then.    Britney never was or ever will be as innocent as she likes to make out.   There's plenty that Larry and Jamie wiped from public consumption - headlines and news bulletins that got changed or wantered down before they went mainstream.  There's nothing wrong with Brit liking partying, she just often partied a little harder than most at time - all documented in the sealed court docs if you dig deep.enough on the deep web.

Wait where can we find this documentation? Any leads

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I feel like Brinny is in the terrible position of ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’. Sadly.

And that’s why she’s hiring people certain people from Con again like the Laura Vasser and why she’s friends with Cade etc. These people are terrible and money hungry but they get the job done. 

IDK just my feeling


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