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Can't people stop playing doctors?!?!

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I'm fuming! I'm angry! Can't people keep their opinion about '' the mental health'' of a woman much of us never had the chance to meet, to know really deeply, geez! Britney is an icon to me, she helped me trough so much things with her work of art, with what I had the chance to see of her trough her music, videos, and all that BUT! I know I don't know her, id'like to think I do, to some extend, because some of her experiences that have been told, from her, or trough media had resonated with me, with my heart... BUT still I know I don't know her, I like to think I do to some extend, which much of us do, you know like when I was bullied at school, must been around 8 or 9, **** was hard, my mother took me to the '' marché '' I don't know how you say that in English, to buy blackout! That was amazing! It did make me so proud to buy my own copy with my little money, and listening to it with my mother who didn't understand a thing all afternoon, UNFORGETTABLE! All my worries were gone as soon as.... IT'S BRITNEY ***** stared... Anyways life goes on, life is beautiful, hard, happy, sad, but who are YOU to judge the mental state of anyone??? Didn't you ever had a nervous breakdown? A family fight, showed a little temper because people were ****ty towards you? Never said something out of anger, in the moment? Just geez I don't know where I'm going but my heat needed to speak tonight again, bless everyone, of course I wish britney the happiness she deserve, but I don't mind her being human at all.... Anyone to jump on the train of emotions? Lol (yeah I know young people don't say that...) byye

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5 minutes ago, 90's barbie said:

I'm fuming! I'm angry! Can't people keep their opinion about '' the mental health'' of a woman much of us never had the chance to meet, to know really deeply, geez! Britney is an icon to me, she helped me trough so much things with her work of art, with what I had the chance to see of her trough her music, videos, and all that BUT! I know I don't know her, id'like to think I do, to some extend, because some of her experiences that have been told, from her, or trough media had resonated with me, with my heart... BUT still I know I don't know her, I like to think I do to some extend, which much of us do, you know like when I was bullied at school, must been around 8 or 9, **** was hard, my mother took me to the '' marché '' I don't know how you say that in English, to buy blackout! That was amazing! It did make me so proud to buy my own copy with my little money, and listening to it with my mother who didn't understand a thing all afternoon, UNFORGETTABLE! All my worries were gone as soon as.... IT'S BRITNEY ***** stared... Anyways life goes on, life is beautiful, hard, happy, sad, but who are YOU to judge the mental state of anyone??? Didn't you ever had a nervous breakdown? A family fight, showed a little temper because people were ****ty towards you? Never said something out of anger, in the moment? Just geez I don't know where I'm going but my heat needed to speak tonight again, bless everyone, of course I wish britney the happiness she deserve, but I don't mind her being human at all.... Anyone to jump on the train of emotions? Lol (yeah I know young people don't say that...) byye

BTW again sorry for my poor English and grammar, sometimes, emotions get the best of me when I write... Anyhow 

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marché = market :bwink_britney_pepsi_wink_black_and_white_bw_flirt:
Je comprends ce que tu veux dire mais cela fait aussi partie de son histoire. Après il y a une différence entre juger, donner son opinion, réfléchir sur la question de la santé mentale (en général). Et bien sûr, juger son état mental n'est pas tolérable.
Désolé pour les autres j'ai la flemme de traduire (ceci dit j'espère que tu parles français ou je vais me coucher maintenant :gross_britney_ew_sick_red_sunglasses_cringe_disgusted:)
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Ugh… this is a forum NOT a news or formal organization.

It would be so boring if people didn’t discuss topics just because they were not “experts” in certain fields? 

You have to remember that this is a public forum - inaccurate comments are a given. Hopefully people on here under stand that and don’t take things as FACT. 

I agree with your point - but I also realize that this is an opinion space. 

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4 hours ago, jalpha said:

Ugh… this is a forum NOT a news or formal organization.

It would be so boring if people didn’t discuss topics just because they were not “experts” in certain fields? 

You have to remember that this is a public forum - inaccurate comments are a given. Hopefully people on here under stand that and don’t take things as FACT. 

I agree with your point - but I also realize that this is an opinion space. 

Preach GIF

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On 1/24/2023 at 9:16 PM, Matou said:
marché = market :bwink_britney_pepsi_wink_black_and_white_bw_flirt:
Je comprends ce que tu veux dire mais cela fait aussi partie de son histoire. Après il y a une différence entre juger, donner son opinion, réfléchir sur la question de la santé mentale (en général). Et bien sûr, juger son état mental n'est pas tolérable.
Désolé pour les autres j'ai la flemme de traduire (ceci dit j'espère que tu parles français ou je vais me coucher maintenant :gross_britney_ew_sick_red_sunglasses_cringe_disgusted:)

Merci j'avais oublié ce simple mot, bref évidement il y a des différences et cela mérite d'être discuté mais bon, la santé mentale devient très cliché et tendance je trouve, donc beaucoup de paramètres à voir, surtout que mince a la fin, c'est même pas le cas pour ces images à la noix qu'on a pris à son insu, mais qui n'as jamais pèté un plomb ? 

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On 1/24/2023 at 9:28 PM, jalpha said:

Ugh… this is a forum NOT a news or formal organization.

It would be so boring if people didn’t discuss topics just because they were not “experts” in certain fields? 

You have to remember that this is a public forum - inaccurate comments are a given. Hopefully people on here under stand that and don’t take things as FACT. 

I agree with your point - but I also realize that this is an opinion space. 

I never said otherwise 😘 so do I have the right so share my point, let's just discuss! 

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