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Britney to someone famous at her wedding: “You’re such a classy famous person you piece of ****… I finally said it!!!”

Message added by GlitterRain,

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On 11/29/2022 at 7:13 AM, summer2summer said:

Seek help Britney. Get some clarity and do more yoga. You desperately need therapy. Delete your social media permanently and move out of the country. 


Either that or get in the studio start writing and recording and get busy with something useful.  From a very loyal and concerned fan, Please seek good therapy. You need it. 


I don't understand. If this is truly about Selena and Britney is so angry w/ her, why not contact her and solve that conflict privately? Britney is making it all public; it is therefore not improper to discuss it and ask questions. What has Selena Gomez (if it's her) done to make Britney Spears so angry? Considering Britney’s age, I’d like to think it’s something bloody serious.

Something just came to mind… Sinéad O’Connor! Years ago, when severely depressed (and sometimes heavily medicated), she’d also air all her dirty laundry (on Twitter or Facebook). Now, I’m not saying Britney is typing all of that out of sickness. I’m just drawing a parallel, but maybe somebody truly did something to her and she’s rightfully pissed. Having an actual conversation w/ that person may be the best course of action.

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I really do miss the younger Brit whose seemingly infinite tact made her rise above every insult and vile accusation hurled her way. She never got dirty with the people spreading the dirt, always taking the high road. 

I understand the years of abuse, both by her family and the media likely eroded her patience to extinction, and it's understandable, just unfortunate. 

The reason many of us looked up to her was, obviously besides her unparalleled talent and style, the sweet, down to Earth and humble personality which she had kept even when she ruled the world. 

It doesn't matter who this is targeting, I honestly could not care less. It's just disheartening to see how much she has regressed as a person. I love her still and always will, and wish nothing but happiness to her, but this kind of toxicity cuts both ways.

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