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The Videos Prove Britney Was Done With The Abuse And Is A Good Mom

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My thoughts about the leaked videos.

I don’t think she did anything wrong. have seen nothing but positive comments about those videos and they are all over social media now. Everyone thinks she’s being a good mom and trashing Kevin! :nynod_miss_new_york_ms_nodding_yes_yas_agree:

One thing that I noticed was that she was standing up for herself. You could hear the wanting of respect in her voice. I love that she stood up for herself behind the scenes and that the public is praising her for it. This absolutely backfired on Kevin and I’m not sure what he was thinking but she was just being a caring mom and these videos prove that :mimiclap_mariah_clapping_applause_proud_yes_Yas:

I also noticed that even after the first argument, she didn’t even slam the door when she left the room. She’s not this awful and abusive mom they are apparently trying to make her out to being. My parents have yelled at me way more than that and more scary!!!! This was nothing. 

This was also during what we all now know that she was being trafficked. It really puts everything into perspective and she was still so sweet even when she was upset.

Question! How far after this was she put into the facility? It makes me wonder if she started standing up for herself more to Team Con. 

I also thought the part where they were talking about the phones and she’s like “Ahhh ya I think your phone should be gone.. Ya… For a very long time :tired_so_there_head_tilt_annoyed_see_rose_mcgowan:“ I screamed :gloria_falling_stairs_trip:


When she said “I do care more than you know… My little body can’t handle all of that” it made me so sad for her :canthandleit_cry_katy_sob_sad_tears:

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I agree.

The videos just showed how spoiled her sons are.

All Britney was doing was telling them what they were doing was wrong and also the fact that they were biching about her taking their phones away but its THEIR fault for being smart alecks!


Sadly her sons became like K-Fat.

Of course they love it where K-Fat's at cause they can do whatever they want without discipline.

I wouldnt be suprised if they get high with him.

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Her sons probably didn’t view her as an authority figure. At the end of the day it was Jamie would had the final say. I don’t think they will ever see her as a mother, which is unfortunate, but understandable given the circumstances. 

i do feel bad for them though. I don’t think Stan’s will be rational about the situation and will likely bully and attack them despite them still being kids, and only being around 12 when the videos were shot. They never asked to have a famous mother, or be born into such a chaotic family. I wouldn’t be shocked if Kevin posted the video without asking them, or if he persuaded them as they are still young enough to be guilted or guided into agreeing. The entire situation sucks.

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