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Madonna classic film references the usual and how she flipped the narratives.

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Marilyn and Madonna 

Dietrich and Madonna, two usually themes. 


One the monroe one as she told Philbin, I'm inspired, but i want to live a long life and not die young (Madonna will see her 64th Birthday, Marilyn died not even in her 50s but 36)..she was 32 using the imagery of monrow to promote her Truth or dare documentary  


But on the flip side her usage of 1920s and 1930s Film star and queer icon Dietrich is used when it comes to queer coding (she also states Madonna is rumored to have many affairs with women, when she is addressed with such things, she laughs it off and ends with so what if i am, that's not why im here, that aggresive assertiveness is usually telling the reporter stick to your script.

But this video points out while others never admit their inspired by or influenced until the media picks up on it, Madonna was the only one to be honest, that her inspiration came from artists, poetry and old school Hollywood, use it but was never condemned like others was. 


She used marilyn during the 80s avd the height of money is good, gredd is good as Michael Douglas said in his film wall street.  


The material girl reflects that who i am oj stage is the public persona off stage and in private, that's for you not to know. 


Basically it's showbiz it's all a lie.


During AIDS era the Dietrich was used to support a community that was demonized and vilified by the Republicans, which it's still the same today, the way they handle the pandemic today, can be traced bsck how Reagan ignored the AIDS pandemic untol it was too late amd 10,000 people died, but he never called it by its nane, but only said abstinence until marriage, like that was gonna work, you're asking for people to be teased for being virgin's in high school.



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