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Johnny Depp wins defamation trial against Amber Heard

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On 6/6/2022 at 4:39 PM, autumngoodbye91 said:

Agreed. I think both Amber and Depp are clearly toxic and messed up, and I don't know if she's telling the truth 100%. But people who think Depp is a good person or an innocent victim, are delusional. He's done so many messed up things in the past, has a pattern of violent behaviour. So even if Amber does come across as insincere or manipulative, that doesn't mean Depp is some kind of saint. Sure, he was very funny and charming and charismatic during the trial -- guess what, he's an ACTOR, that's literally what he does.

And the way people have torn this woman apart on the internet has honestly scared me. It's a total lack of empathy, and it's completely out of proportion to what she may or may not have done. And a lot of it is definitely rooted in misogyny imo.


2 hours ago, clarage said:

Anyone who believe he never abused didn’t really looked at the evidences, I though he was innocent because I was brainwashed by the propaganda, but he literally admitted it on tape. What a shame, i never saw a real victim of abuse getting more support than Johnny Depp, a certified wife beater and a terrible person.

I felt i was so alone and crazy watching the mainstream media until I stumbled upon 3 different forums talking about it beyond saying classic bite lines most jd fans say, and it was so validating. the deuxmoi subreddit has a few good threads with a lot of evidence of jd's abusive/toxic behavior listed. you have to sift through the comments but if you felt a little crazy watching msm cover this trial, it''ll be worth the effort. 

this thread was impressive since it seems impartial and analyzed for educational reasons > https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-anyone.1462370/


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16 hours ago, Letslearn said:


I felt i was so alone and crazy watching the mainstream media until I stumbled upon 3 different forums talking about it beyond saying classic bite lines most jd fans say, and it was so validating. the deuxmoi subreddit has a few good threads with a lot of evidence of jd's abusive/toxic behavior listed. you have to sift through the comments but if you felt a little crazy watching msm cover this trial, it''ll be worth the effort. 

this thread was impressive since it seems impartial and analyzed for educational reasons > https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-anyone.1462370/


Thank you, there is also ONTD how is pro truth aka pro amber. The only reason people believe he is innocent is because of the propaganda, all the evidences against him aren’t making big headlines. That pos is treated like a hero it’s terrible

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3 hours ago, clarage said:

Thank you, there is also ONTD how is pro truth aka pro amber. The only reason people believe he is innocent is because of the propaganda, all the evidences against him aren’t making big headlines. That pos is treated like a hero it’s terrible

He's not completely innocent but it seems Amber started the physical fights due to her borderline and histrionic personality disorder. Her own nurse had notes on how Amber had admitted to her that she has disorders, addiction to alcohol and *****, issues with codependence. The marriage counsellor spoke of mutual abuse (she was supposed to be Amber's witness but became Johnny's witness), she also had notes of Amber telling her that she is the aggressor and freaks out when she feels disrespected. And Amber admitted to violence on the tapes as well. 

The US trial also had way more evidence than the UK trial and especially evidence from Johnny’s side that didn't make it into the UK trial. 

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5 hours ago, Turogue said:

He's not completely innocent but it seems Amber started the physical fights due to her borderline and histrionic personality disorder. Her own nurse had notes on how Amber had admitted to her that she has disorders, addiction to alcohol and *****, issues with codependence. The marriage counsellor spoke of mutual abuse (she was supposed to be Amber's witness but became Johnny's witness), she also had notes of Amber telling her that she is the aggressor and freaks out when she feels disrespected. And Amber admitted to violence on the tapes as well. 

The US trial also had way more evidence than the UK trial and especially evidence from Johnny’s side that didn't make it into the UK trial. 

trigger warning, below: personal reason at to why that doesnt sway me


my abuser got me to say i was the abuser, it's coercive control. i had been facing years of abuse before i reacted. and when i did react since i have morals i felt bad and accepted my reaction as flat out abuse all the while they just lied about how they treated me and basically broke my spirit and wouldnt let me say outloud what was happening to me. i would often only have motivation to take pictures of my smaller injuries because the bigger ones left me so depressed and feeling worthless that i would see the largeness of it and how scary it looked and would just not want to look at it anymore. abuse victims are not a monolith and have different reactions to scary types of abuse. when i looked up spousal r*** i didnt find much resources. you'd think after the whole viral case of lorena bobbitt that there would be more resources for people going through this. 

i think jd dates young women to coercively control them. He wasn't letting amber work and i think he widdled her down to getting her to see her more toxic "support" friends rather, and that he kept her away from healthier support friends. This is all mere speculation from my personal experience. i have no idea what is going in their lives beyond what was represented to the gp. i could be totally wrong but thats just how my gut feels and leads me. 

also ive witnessed corruption in 2 different states from cops, mental health workers, hospital workers, i.c.e., border patrol, judges, and even on a small scale, corruption from teachers. so maybe ive just been traumatized by my environment but i have trouble trusting so easily. too many people have reasons to omit or lie about things that you'd be surprised about. i'd like to add that britney's story of escaping her tormentors was scary but very validating because it points out what im talking about, levels of corruption on different levels that leave you wondering how many sketchy people are doing things just like this all the time and getting away with it. her whole case was scary but one thing that doesnt get enough attention that really gets under my skin is this. i know it's miniscule compared to the things she went thru but knowing she was being held hostage and these tickets of the hostage situation were used to attract donors for her moms political buddy, sounds like a black mirror episode. 

The ah jd case has garnered a lot of vitriol towards ah and women, if anything i wish this would put more focus on abuse and the signs of it. someone said marylin mansons victims are next and that's just so disgusting. it feels like a vessel to silence victims, which victims already get ignored the very few times they do speak out. and hey maybe its true since mm and jd are such close friends. ..holy **** i just looked up his name and there are articles saying just this. it feels like the buffet just opened up for rich people and poor people are what's for dinner. 

ocean floating GIF by hamasakihaus

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2 hours ago, Letslearn said:

trigger warning, below: personal reason at to why that doesnt sway me

  Reveal hidden contents

my abuser got me to say i was the abuser, it's coercive control. i had been facing years of abuse before i reacted. and when i did react since i have morals i felt bad and accepted my reaction as flat out abuse all the while they just lied about how they treated me and basically broke my spirit and wouldnt let me say outloud what was happening to me. i would often only have motivation to take pictures of my smaller injuries because the bigger ones left me so depressed and feeling worthless that i would see the largeness of it and how scary it looked and would just not want to look at it anymore. abuse victims are not a monolith and have different reactions to scary types of abuse. when i looked up spousal r*** i didnt find much resources. you'd think after the whole viral case of lorena bobbitt that there would be more resources for people going through this. 

i think jd dates young women to coercively control them. He wasn't letting amber work and i think he widdled her down to getting her to see her more toxic "support" friends rather, and that he kept her away from healthier support friends. This is all mere speculation from my personal experience. i have no idea what is going in their lives beyond what was represented to the gp. i could be totally wrong but thats just how my gut feels and leads me. 

also ive witnessed corruption in 2 different states from cops, mental health workers, hospital workers, i.c.e., border patrol, judges, and even on a small scale, corruption from teachers. so maybe ive just been traumatized by my environment but i have trouble trusting so easily. too many people have reasons to omit or lie about things that you'd be surprised about. i'd like to add that britney's story of escaping her tormentors was scary but very validating because it points out what im talking about, levels of corruption on different levels that leave you wondering how many sketchy people are doing things just like this all the time and getting away with it. her whole case was scary but one thing that doesnt get enough attention that really gets under my skin is this. i know it's miniscule compared to the things she went thru but knowing she was being held hostage and these tickets of the hostage situation were used to attract donors for her moms political buddy, sounds like a black mirror episode. 

The ah jd case has garnered a lot of vitriol towards ah and women, if anything i wish this would put more focus on abuse and the signs of it. someone said marylin mansons victims are next and that's just so disgusting. it feels like a vessel to silence victims, which victims already get ignored the very few times they do speak out. and hey maybe its true since mm and jd are such close friends. ..holy **** i just looked up his name and there are articles saying just this. it feels like the buffet just opened up for rich people and poor people are what's for dinner. 

ocean floating GIF by hamasakihaus

I'm very sorry that all this has happened to you. No person should ever be put in an abusive situation.

From I have learned so far it seems that she was the initial aggressors when it came to physical fights. You can even hear her in a few of audiotapes admitting that she became physical. And whenever he wanted to deescalate a situation and leave she wouldn't let him go. You can hear that on the audio tapes well + numerous people have witnessed that behaviour. Their marriage counsellor testified in the trial that she had told her that she would rather fight than deescalate and has issues with abandonment. 

But it’s her entourage of people that all lived rent-free in his flats, seems more like he became isolated and not her. 

Imagine for a moment that she is the aggressor and at some point he starts to fight back, so she ends up with a bruise and then cries about domestic violence as if she is innocent. + her evidence simply didn't align with what she was describing, it's one of the reasons why the jury came to the conclusion that she was deceptive and she also contradicted herself more than a few times. 

Also she is the one who had a previous dv charge against her, not Johnny.


And then there is this viral video of her sister and friends where they grill her about Amber hitting her.


Also why would she brake her own restraining order, record Johnny without him knowing only to be told by him that her false allegations ruined his life and career? On top of that she keeps asking for a hug (he refuses) and crawls into his bed. He then tells her to get out. 



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6 hours ago, Turogue said:

I'm very sorry that all this has happened to you. No person should ever be put in an abusive situation.

From I have learned so far it seems that she was the initial aggressors when it came to physical fights. You can even hear her in a few of audiotapes admitting that she became physical. And whenever he wanted to deescalate a situation and leave she wouldn't let him go. You can hear that on the audio tapes well + numerous people have witnessed that behaviour. Their marriage counsellor testified in the trial that she had told her that she would rather fight than deescalate and has issues with abandonment. 

But it’s her entourage of people that all lived rent-free in his flats, seems more like he became isolated and not her. 

Imagine for a moment that she is the aggressor and at some point he starts to fight back, so she ends up with a bruise and then cries about domestic violence as if she is innocent. + her evidence simply didn't align with what she was describing, it's one of the reasons why the jury came to the conclusion that she was deceptive and she also contradicted herself more than a few times. 

Also she is the one who had a previous dv charge against her, not Johnny.


And then there is this viral video of her sister and friends where they grill her about Amber hitting her.


Also why would she brake her own restraining order, record Johnny without him knowing only to be told by him that her false allegations ruined his life and career? On top of that she keeps asking for a hug (he refuses) and crawls into his bed. He then tells her to get out. 



Thank you for the considerate words. 
i have more personal stories that make me see things from a different perspective but i wont overshare this time. i just know that i look bad and he looks good unless you were on the inside and that's what im seeing from ah and jd.

jd knew he was being recorded, so he might have known not to say anything confirming the abuse but he still openly called her an over the hill ********, like how he called his ex a withering ****. he has issues with women. 
also i didn't say he isolated her completely but from her healthier friends or family members, and that's just a guess again. 

that video of ah sister is sad, never good to see someone scuffed/bruised up. 
the video doesn't say what happened defintively and her sister is clearly not wanting to talk about it for them or the cameras. it's also weird, like why were her friends making her so uncomfortable. "i already talked about it" there is even an angle from far away. very weird video.  

even ambers ex from the dv case stood up for her just like johnnys "witherint ****" ex stood up for him. ambers ex friends have stated theyre not friends but she throws support for her. this is what im talking about, all these people omitting information or lying for reasons that i do not know. that's why i have trouble believing things from the surface.
and my opinions on jd being the abuser are speculation but he really gives me the heebie jeebies. 


it's a pretty bizarre scenario that we're saying the same thing but for the opposite party. :heresthetea_reading_telling_glasses_talking_preaching_facts_paper_wendy_williams: 

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18 hours ago, Turogue said:

He's not completely innocent but it seems Amber started the physical fights due to her borderline and histrionic personality disorder. Her own nurse had notes on how Amber had admitted to her that she has disorders, addiction to alcohol and *****, issues with codependence. The marriage counsellor spoke of mutual abuse (she was supposed to be Amber's witness but became Johnny's witness), she also had notes of Amber telling her that she is the aggressor and freaks out when she feels disrespected. And Amber admitted to violence on the tapes as well. 

The US trial also had way more evidence than the UK trial and especially evidence from Johnny’s side that didn't make it into the UK trial. 

Her borderline disorder ? 4 certified psychiatrist  said she doesn’t have it,  the only one who said she has it is a non certified Psy paid by Johnny also Johnny has bipolar disorder. Also speaking of the mariage counselor she saw multiples bruises on her and noted that amber told her initially Johnny started the fight and she fought back then eventually she became the one who started the fight. She also said that Johnny told her « she gave as much as she got »

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2 hours ago, Letslearn said:

Thank you for the considerate words. 
i have more personal stories that make me see things from a different perspective but i wont overshare this time. i just know that i look bad and he looks good unless you were on the inside and that's what im seeing from ah and jd.

jd knew he was being recorded, so he might have known not to say anything confirming the abuse but he still openly called her an over the hill ********, like how he called his ex a withering ****. he has issues with women. 
also i didn't say he isolated her completely but from her healthier friends or family members, and that's just a guess again. 

that video of ah sister is sad, never good to see someone scuffed/bruised up. 
the video doesn't say what happened defintively and her sister is clearly not wanting to talk about it for them or the cameras. it's also weird, like why were her friends making her so uncomfortable. "i already talked about it" there is even an angle from far away. very weird video.  

even ambers ex from the dv case stood up for her just like johnnys "witherint ****" ex stood up for him. ambers ex friends have stated theyre not friends but she throws support for her. this is what im talking about, all these people omitting information or lying for reasons that i do not know. that's why i have trouble believing things from the surface.
and my opinions on jd being the abuser are speculation but he really gives me the heebie jeebies. 


it's a pretty bizarre scenario that we're saying the same thing but for the opposite party. :heresthetea_reading_telling_glasses_talking_preaching_facts_paper_wendy_williams: 

No he didn't know that he was being recorded. 

Yes his text messages are indeed brutal so there are still issues he seriously needs to work on. But from what I know Amber didn't even hand over her phone, so we don't know if her messages are sometimes also quite ugly.

But Johnny doesn't have a previous dv charge against him. Amber's ex supporting her, you know the one who was hit and had her necklace ripped off in an airport and who wanted her arrested, that's quite different than Johnny's ex who never reported any kind of abuse and supported him. 

You mean Raquel Pennington? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/celebrities/2022/05/18/6285121ce2704ef0248b45bc.html

She and Amber once had a physical altercation too. 


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7 minutes ago, Turogue said:

No he didn't know that he was being recorded. 

Yes his text messages are indeed brutal so there are still issues he seriously needs to work on. But from what I know Amber didn't even hand over her phone, so we don't know if her messages are sometimes also quite ugly.

But Johnny doesn't have a previous dv charge against him. Amber's ex supporting her, you know the one who was hit and had her necklace ripped off in an airport and who wanted her arrested, that's quite different than Johnny's ex who never reported any kind of abuse and supported him. 

You mean Raquel Pennington? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/celebrities/2022/05/18/6285121ce2704ef0248b45bc.html

She and Amber once had a physical altercation too. 


- but i watched the video link you sent me about her audio recording herself breaking the restraining order she had set, he consoles amber by saying yes to being asked if he still loves her but the convo doesnt go well and he calls her an over the hill ******** and that's all she'll ever be. he goes on to say he cant clean up the mess she made in the industry and asks her are you recording. that's all from the video you posted.


{Speaking with Depp's attorney, Camille Vasquez, Leonard said: "I was in the baggage claim area and I observed her with a traveling companion. They got into an altercation where Ms. Heard had grabbed her traveling companion and pulled something from her neck. At that point, I got up and went over to try to break up what appeared to be a fight. 

"I summoned a colleague to help me, and I stepped in between them and separated them, stopping any further injuries or escalation," she said.

When asked about Heard and Van Ree's interaction with one another at the time, Leonard said: "Ms. Heard was aggressive toward her traveling companion. She had reached up and grabbed her arm and pulled a necklace off of her. And then I observed her having it in her hand. She seemed to be not very steady on her feet, her eyes were blurry and watery, and I could smell alcohol."}

and then the very same ex came out to support amber. 
just like how johnny said some sus. things about his ex and she still came out to support him.

that altercation was started by the friend. you literally have to ignore half her sentence in order to get that only one of them was being physical. 

i'll probably watch that 38 minute video you linked but it feels like a lot to watch considering you're saying he didn't know he was being recorded but also linked a video were he addresses being recorded at the end. 

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42 minutes ago, clarage said:

Her borderline disorder ? 4 certified psychiatrist  said she doesn’t have it,  the only one who said she has it is a non certified Psy paid by Johnny also Johnny has bipolar disorder. Also speaking of the mariage counselor she saw multiples bruises on her and noted that amber told her initially Johnny started the fight and she fought back then eventually she became the one who started the fight. She also said that Johnny told her « she gave as much as she got »

yeah exactly, that's where the whole misquote comes from "tell them you're an abuse victim too johnny" or something like that she's actually talking about their altercations not being fair since he's a man. 

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1 hour ago, clarage said:

Her borderline disorder ? 4 certified psychiatrist  said she doesn’t have it,  the only one who said she has one is a non certified Psy paid by Johnny. Johnny has has bipolar disorder. Also speaking of the mariage counselor she saw multiples bruises on her and noted that amber told her initially Johnny started the fight and she fought back then eventually she became the one who started the fight. She also said that Johnny told her « she gave as much as she got »

4 psychiatrists? Receipts?

Her own nurse has it in her notes along with codependency issues, addictions to alcohol, *****, anxiety, issues with anger and rage. But of course Amber would claim that the nurse got the notes wrong, even though Dr. Kipper provided the nurse with extra info. So the Dr. has made false claims under oath. At some other point in the UK trial she again claimed the nurse's notes were incorrect regarding her getting very angry with waiters at a restaurant.

That bit about the marriage counsellor is false and you know it! She said that Amber instigated the physical fights more often, she isn't too sure that Johnny ever really started it. Amber confided in her that it was a point of pride to her that if she felt disrespected she would hit him and also due to her abandonment issues. He would rather deescalate and leave while she would rather strike him and be in a fight than have him leave.


Johnny Depp is trending so here's some cold hard facts. Amber Heard claimed she was assaulted to within an inch of her life, including broken bones and other horrible injuries. Less than 24 hours later she went to tape a flawless appearance on James Corden https://t.co/0HyrWN7dXz https://t.co/bwbM6Kogx7

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1 hour ago, Letslearn said:

- but i watched the video link you sent me about her audio recording herself breaking the restraining order she had set, he consoles amber by saying yes to being asked if he still loves her but the convo doesnt go well and he calls her an over the hill ******** and that's all she'll ever be. he goes on to say he cant clean up the mess she made in the industry and asks her are you recording. that's all from the video you posted.


{Speaking with Depp's attorney, Camille Vasquez, Leonard said: "I was in the baggage claim area and I observed her with a traveling companion. They got into an altercation where Ms. Heard had grabbed her traveling companion and pulled something from her neck. At that point, I got up and went over to try to break up what appeared to be a fight. 

"I summoned a colleague to help me, and I stepped in between them and separated them, stopping any further injuries or escalation," she said.

When asked about Heard and Van Ree's interaction with one another at the time, Leonard said: "Ms. Heard was aggressive toward her traveling companion. She had reached up and grabbed her arm and pulled a necklace off of her. And then I observed her having it in her hand. She seemed to be not very steady on her feet, her eyes were blurry and watery, and I could smell alcohol."}

and then the very same ex came out to support amber. 
just like how johnny said some sus. things about his ex and she still came out to support him.

that altercation was started by the friend. you literally have to ignore half her sentence in order to get that only one of them was being physical. 

i'll probably watch that 38 minute video you linked but it feels like a lot to watch considering you're saying he didn't know he was being recorded but also linked a video were he addresses being recorded at the end. 

He's saying "you're recording?" as in I didn't know you were taping this meeting.

He calls her an over the hill the ******** because she wouldn't take the false allegations back and because he had become miserable after the years with her. I mean it's telling that he was quite sober and clean with Vanessa (at least it seemed like that from the outside), then he falls in love with Amber and he deteriorates has relapses and becomes miserable. 

I feel sorry for them both having experienced abuse im their childhood, they never should have been in a relationship. At some point it was mutual abuse but they way she came out to position herself as a victim and act like he is the devil was so unfair. 

He is also not truthful I think when he says he absolutely never touched her, they both triggered each other, just like their marriage counsellor said. 

And her talking about a restraining order to the counsellor as in how to get an advantage in the divorce proceedings + the fact that she tipped off TMZ about that day at the courthouse.

The problem I have with her is she is being way more deceptive and just wouldn't admit to any wrongdoing or flaws while he has readily admitted that his **** abuse is a serious problem. Her lawyers always run with the narrative that he is a **** addict and alcoholic and always brush the fact that she is a **** user and consumes alcohol on a daily basis under the rock. She has a habit of shifting blame onto everyone else but herself while minimising her own flaws and shortcomings.

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8 hours ago, Turogue said:

4 psychiatrists? Receipts?

Her own nurse has it in her notes along with codependency issues, addictions to alcohol, *****, anxiety, issues with anger and rage. But of course Amber would claim that the nurse got the notes wrong, even though Dr. Kipper provided the nurse with extra info. So the Dr. has made false claims under oath. At some other point in the UK trial she again claimed the nurse's notes were incorrect regarding her getting very angry with waiters at a restaurant.

That bit about the marriage counsellor is false and you know it! She said that Amber instigated the physical fights more often, she isn't too sure that Johnny ever really started it. Amber confided in her that it was a point of pride to her that if she felt disrespected she would hit him and also due to her abandonment issues. He would rather deescalate and leave while she would rather strike him and be in a fight than have him leave.


Johnny Depp is trending so here's some cold hard facts. Amber Heard claimed she was assaulted to within an inch of her life, including broken bones and other horrible injuries. Less than 24 hours later she went to tape a flawless appearance on James Corden https://t.co/0HyrWN7dXz https://t.co/bwbM6Kogx7

4 certified doc saw her before D Curry and none of them makes that diagnosis 

«Anderson wrote in her note that Heard would hit Depp back as a point of pride but eventually initiated physically abuse »



You forgot the word back « hit back » she said to her that she hit back initially 

An other therapist ( D Banks ) noted that during their session when amber talked about the abused she suffered from Depp, he never denied   

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10 hours ago, clarage said:

Her borderline disorder ? 4 certified psychiatrist  said she doesn’t have it,  the only one who said she has it is a non certified Psy paid by Johnny also Johnny has bipolar disorder. Also speaking of the mariage counselor she saw multiples bruises on her and noted that amber told her initially Johnny started the fight and she fought back then eventually she became the one who started the fight. She also said that Johnny told her « she gave as much as she got »

lol a psychiatrist isn't qualified to diagnose but prescribe medication. Psychologists do a throughly assessment or at least have WAY more of a clinical background training that a psychiatrist that sees a client for 5 minutes and gives them meds. 

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2 hours ago, clarage said:

4 certified doc saw her before D Curry and none of them makes that diagnosis 

«Anderson wrote in her note that Heard would hit Depp back as a point of pride but eventually initiated physically abuse »



You forgot the word back « hit back » she said to her that she hit back initially 

An other therapist ( D Banks ) noted that during their session when amber talked about the abused she suffered from Depp, he never denied   

One should really watch the full clips from the trial to get a proper understanding.

Dr. Anderson said (15:33)

"They engaged in what I saw as mutual abuse. I know she led on more than one occasion and startet it to keep him with her because abandonment and having him leave was her worst nightmare. And I think he may have initiated on occasions too, of that I'm less sure of...

..Two things, it was a point of pride to her if she felt disrespected to initiate a fight, her father had beaten her and the second is what she reported to me which is if he was going to leave to deescalate from the fight she would strike him to keep him there. She would rather be in a fight than have him leave. 

(32:45) this is her reporting to me, it's the only thing in this clinical session that apparently was about physical abuse. He hits her, an open hand slap, she says that she hits back and now she starts it and sometimes hits him first because her history is being having been violated by her father physically. A lot of things trigger her and if she's triggered she would hit him first....she was sensitive to feeling disrespected and a number of other things." Amber used the word hit back only when she was attending the session without him.

Regarding Amber the counsellor also took a note in relation to making allegations in divorce proceedings "will she have advantage if she leaves him but files with police for abuse FIRST"

(01:02:34)" what did you understand Mr. Depp to mean?

Dr. Anderson: she initiated fights, she started violence. She rose to the challenge if he started first. In my opinion that had been established throughout the relationship, that she fought as hard as he did. And he tried to deescalate far more than i think she did.

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2 hours ago, ObsessedBritFan1 said:

lol a psychiatrist isn't qualified to diagnose but prescribe medication. Psychologists do a throughly assessment or at least have WAY more of a clinical background training that a psychiatrist that sees a client for 5 minutes and gives them meds. 

What ?  That’s the reverse at least in my country a psychologist isn’t allowed to makes diagnosis or prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a doctor, a psychologist isn’t  

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2 minutes ago, clarage said:

What ?  That’s the reverse at least in my country a psychologist isn’t allowed to makes diagnosis or prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a doctor, a psychologist isn’t  

Psychologist is a doctor, just not a medical doctor. A psychiatrist can only prescribe medication. You can go in and tell a psychistrist a host of symptoms and they prescribe you medication based on your self-report. That's not a ligimate way to diagnose a person. A psychologist conducts a thorough clinical interview and corroborates their findings with evidence-based psychological measures to diagnose a person. Who seems more credible? Someone that diagnoses off self-diagnosis or someone clinically trained to make an objective psychological evaluation. 

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1 hour ago, Turogue said:

One should really watch the full clips from the trial to get a proper understanding.

Dr. Anderson said (15:33)

"They engaged in what I saw as mutual abuse. I know she led on more than one occasion and startet it to keep him with her because abandonment and having him leave was her worst nightmare. And I think he may have initiated on occasions too, of that I'm less sure of...

..Two things, it was a point of pride to her if she felt disrespected to initiate a fight, her father had beaten her and the second is what she reported to me which is if he was going to leave to deescalate from the fight she would strike him to keep him there. She would rather be in a fight than have him leave. 

(32:45) this is her reporting to me, it's the only thing in this clinical session that apparently was about physical abuse. He hits her, an open hand slap, she says that she hits back and now she starts it and sometimes hits him first because her history is being having been violated by her father physically. A lot of things trigger her and if she's triggered she would hit him first....she was sensitive to feeling disrespected and a number of other things." Amber used the word hit back only when she was attending the session without him.

Regarding Amber the counsellor also took a note in relation to making allegations in divorce proceedings "will she have advantage if she leaves him but files with police for abuse FIRST"

(01:02:34)" what did you understand Mr. Depp to mean?

Dr. Anderson: she initiated fights, she started violence. She rose to the challenge if he started first. In my opinion that had been established throughout the relationship, that she fought as hard as he did. And he tried to deescalate far more than i think she did.

Yeah so that’s why I said, Amber told her that he slapped her and she fought  back then she started the fights, that’s what I understand Not saying it’s true, but that’s why she said 

if she fought as hard as he did like he said then that’s contradict what he said on the stand, that he always leave when there is a fight and that he never intentionally beat her 

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9 minutes ago, ObsessedBritFan1 said:

Psychologist is a doctor, just not a medical doctor. A psychiatrist can only prescribe medication. You can go in and tell a psychistrist a host of symptoms and they prescribe you medication based on your self-report. That's not a ligimate way to diagnose a person. A psychologist conducts a thorough clinical interview and corroborates their findings with evidence-based psychological measures to diagnose a person. Who seems more credible? Someone that diagnoses off self-diagnosis or someone clinically trained to make an objective psychological evaluation. 

The one who is the most credible is the one who can makes medical diagnosis, psychologist aren’t qualified to makes diagnosis    

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