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This is Paris documentary

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Now, I get the reason Paris said she understands what Britney could feel in certain moment and she really wants her to be free and get her life back. I think she's really honest in her support. I know it's been a year since the documentary was released on Youtube, but I saw it a few days ago. It blew my mind and I'm in shock.:disappointed_thinking_oh_okay_glasses:
I've never been that interested in Paris Hilton, but it really changed my vision of her and gained my respect and empathy. I saw certain similarities with Britney since they were ridiculized in the media, and they were attacked after their exes decided to 'expose' their privacy. It's awful.

But, the way Paris showed her vulnerability and fragility was the best. She shared her old demons, abuse in her teenager years and its consequences: her relationship with her family, bad relationships, anxiety and insomnia. 

Britney and Paris were always marketed / tagged as really dumb women and they're just the opposite. Paris was smart enough to create her character, so media would attack 'that persona', and at the same time, she made her fortune to get away from her family since she wanted to be free to not be following their rules.

Both of them didn't get all the support nor understanding from their loved ones.:sad_britney_ftr_for_the_record:

I would love to see Britney making that type of documentary, she could control the direction and vision of the doc, so she could feel comfortable to speak to the world and using her own voice. It could be amazing if she feels ready to do it in the future.

Btw, if any of you haven't seen the documentary, I suggest you to watch it and get my point.

Am I the only one who thinks Paris was a good friend with Britney back in the day? 


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I was not interested about Paris till this flawless song :ramona_dancing_bathing_suit:

She seemed so fake to me & at the same time she has something I can't describe. When I saw she have done a doc about her life I don't know why but I wanted to watch it. The wake up was hard because I related her story with Britney, maybe too much idk. She goes deep about her traumas & I respect her for her battle against people who hurt her. I guess she doesn't want to go as far as Britney against her family because when I look at her mother, she doesn't seems so hurt with what her daughter endured...

I really like Paris more than before after this.

At the time where she was with Britney, I was not really happy with the exposure. Britney had enough & I don't think Paris helped. But I want to think she had good intentions toward Britney.

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6 minutes ago, Matou said:

I was not interested about Paris till this flawless song :ramona_dancing_bathing_suit:

She seemed so fake to me & at the same time she has something I can't describe. When I saw she have done about her life I don't know why but I wanted to watch it. The wake up was hard because I related her story with Britney, maybe too much idk. She goes deep about her traumas & I respect her for her battle against people who hurt her. I guess she doesn't want to go as far as Britney against her family because her mother doesn't seems so hurt with what her daughter endured.

I really like Paris more than before after this.

At the time where she was with Britney, I was not really happy with the exposure. Britney had enough & I don't think Paris helped. But I want to think she had good intentions toward Britney.

Same here. Not gonna lie, after the documentary, I went to listen some of the songs in her album and... I was shocked. Some of them are really good! Paris got my follow on IG giphy.gif

A friend got to know Paris for work, in Ibiza and she was always so nice with people, polite and really generous with everyone. She was the one who gave the highest tips, btw! I think she's good person tbh; But yes, the exposure was masive.


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I found it interesting how much the media conflated Paris Hilton and britney in their going out era, given the degree to which one was born into royalty and the other worked her way up from nothing. 

I agree though that she was by all accounts a genuine friend and cares about Britney to this day.

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34 minutes ago, THE BAJAN VIBE said:

Same here. Not gonna lie, after the documentary, I went to listen some of the songs in her album and... I was shocked. Some of them are really good! Paris got my follow on IG giphy.gif

A friend got to know Paris for work, in Ibiza and she was always so nice with people, polite and really generous with everyone. She was the one who gave the highest tips, btw! I think she's good person tbh; But yes, the exposure was masive.


I'll post it

Don't forget the best comment

"I want Britney Spears to do this next. Once she's finally free to speak her truth."

33k likes https://s6.gifyu.com/images/gifgit19.gif

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I didn't watch the documentary until earlier this year. I wish I had watched it sooner because...damn. I didn't expect to learn about the past abuse she had experienced and wasn't prepared to see her being so real and candid. It was a real eye opener. I strongly recommend watching the Paris doc. I hope she and Britney can reconnect someday!

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5 hours ago, ifuseekcody said:

I didn't watch the documentary until earlier this year. I wish I had watched it sooner because...damn. I didn't expect to learn about the past abuse she had experienced and wasn't prepared to see her being so real and candid. It was a real eye opener. I strongly recommend watching the Paris doc. I hope she and Britney can reconnect someday!

This!!!! I felt the same about her and I think she's a real good human being. And yes!!!! I hope she and Britney reconnect somesay and Britney could join her in an episode for her new cooking show in Netflix lolol. A girl can dream:parisok_hilton_chewing_gum_pink_phone_Reading:

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