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Bella Thorne's grandma finds her **** costume "disturbing" and "Disgusting"


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There's a saying if your parents would approve of the things you do, chances are neither would their parents. 


Bella Thorne's family has found her costume, really disturbing and Disgusting for it's overtly ****** appearance.


I always tell me friends who are Ho3s, if you visit family, be the person they know, not the person your friends know when you're not around mom and dad. 


Several friends have said m if you see me with my parents, act like we don't sleep with one another, act like we just hang out and drink.


My parents think I've settled down, when I haven't, I had to lie, I get tired of being asked at the weekly family dinner after church. I had no choice, they'd be mad to find out I still sleep around. 


It looks Bella will have to create a version for her family, but that would be hard cos she's a public figure..

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