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Senate Commerce Committee Putting @Jack Under Oath This Wednesday to Answer for Censoring NYPost Articles on Biden

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Finally big tech, and the owners of public spaces online that masquerade as places for free speech, are being forced to answer for their censorship. 

All other online spaces that don’t want to be forced to register as publishers and held liable for the content uploaded to their sites, aught to take note.  Once you start making editorial decisions about content allowed on your site, you are held liable for what is uploaded.

The New York Post is one of the oldest publications in this country.  Twitter deleted their article on Joe Biden’s emails to interfere with the election.  Now they have to answer for their actions in court.  How undemocratic to squash journalism for political purposes.  

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think Twitter has the right to make editorial decisions while still receiving the legal benefits of remaining a “platform”?

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