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What's the latest rumor going around?


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It was posted on another thread and there's reference to it on twitter, but I can't find what it is. Can someone DM me if it can't be shared here?

Also, apparently one of her managers @mz on twitter posted saying that Britney didn't want to connect today?



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1 minute ago, dritney said:

It was posted on another thread and there's reference to it on twitter, but I can't find what it is. Can someone DM me if it can't be shared here?

Also, apparently one of her managers @mz on twitter posted saying that Britney didn't want to connect today?



No way. I don't buy that one bit. Here's her chance to finally speak and tell the judge what she thinks about the cship, what's going on and you think Britney will not take that opportunity? 

No... This was all done on purpose 

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