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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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OMFG guys go back to the original post read through all the comments 

 he’s literally calling commenters out and asking if they work for Larry calling him a red nosed liar and saying he doesn’t trust people with private accounts :kyliecry:

he said he’s taking on people whose only concern is greed And that they couldn’t care  less about her 

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9 minutes ago, janolapin said:

has anyone read this ?....


Last Thanksgiving weekend, Courtney Love publicly accused Jamie Spears, father of Britney Spears, of having ******** his daughter. Two weeks after posting the claim to her Facebook, Love lost legal control of her 17-year old daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, to the guardianship of Kurt Cobain’s mother and sister..

First time i hear of this, hope there's no truth to it.... but woul'nt surprise me from an abuser and an alcoholic ... :(

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12 minutes ago, falka said:

I wonder what wake him up like that?

Lou akaZnalezione obrazy dla zapytania exorcist gif  ?

I guess he was done with Britney's fans calling him out for the edit (he didn't do) for the "Make Me" leaked version of the video and Britney's team possibly being behind the leak (according to him) causing him to receive hate for the bad editing. That's when he decided to go all in.


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18 minutes ago, janolapin said:

has anyone read this ?....


Last Thanksgiving weekend, Courtney Love publicly accused Jamie Spears, father of Britney Spears, of having ******** his daughter. Two weeks after posting the claim to her Facebook, Love lost legal control of her 17-year old daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, to the guardianship of Kurt Cobain’s mother and sister..

Could be linked but at the same time, Courtney Love has been acting unstable for a while so i wouldn't be surprised if she has lost legal control of her daughter because of her own actions rather than being caused by Jamie or his team but yes, the timing is quite suspicious  :mhmnod:

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6 minutes ago, Joey Orfino said:

I guess he was done with Britney's fans calling him out for the edit (he didn't do) for the "Make Me" leaked version of the video and Britney's team possibly being behind the leak (according to him) causing him to receive hate for the bad editing. That's when he decided to go all in.


I would love to know, what exactly Britney was opposed to? Was She against that moment in video, when She was depicted as literal homewrecker? :wendycry:

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1 minute ago, Joey Orfino said:

Could be linked but at the same time, Courtney Love has been acting unstable for a while so i wouldn't be surprised if she has lost legal control of her daughter because of her own actions rather than being caused by Jamie or his team but yes, the timing is quite suspicious  :mhmnod:

It's the first time i came across this story honestly, but it has crossed my mind before... this is what Courtney said about it back then... 



“britneys dad ******** her , imagine the father that ******** you owning you for slavery while your forced to sing songs picked for thier ****** content every night, insane right? i have it on First had authority, and fight as hard as she is and does she still didnt pull that card, its a pride thing i can relate to, However they want to play dirty, lets go, Im SO not affraid of the little trolls who hit this when i was ****** up who are called lawyers. lets GO.”

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17 minutes ago, ifuseekamy_ said:

OMFG guys go back to the original post read through all the comments 

 he’s literally calling commenters out and asking if they work for Larry calling him a red nosed liar and saying he doesn’t trust people with private accounts :kyliecry:

he said he’s taking on people whose only concern is greed And that they couldn’t care  less about her 

Record all of those comments

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Just now, falka said:

I would love to know, what exactly Britney was opposed to? Was She against that moment in video, when She was depicted as literal homewrecker? :wendycry:

I think so. David screaming for more to happen during that scene while Britney and a half naked model were sitting inside a truck rubbed by some hustlers. She must have felt embarrassed somehow :mhmnod:

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