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If The Original Doll was actually released, do you think it would have done well?


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And do you think her artistry would’ve kept growing? And how do you think she would be doing today?

I think if The Orginal Doll album would have been released, the sales might not have been amazing, but I think it would have helped Britney’s career become better in the future. If she would have been given the chance to make the music she wanted, she could have truly reinvented herself later like Madonna and Janet and she would be huge right now. The ONLY reason Beyoncé is so big is because she has been consistent and is always in the headlines and people think it is “cool” to stan her and call her “Queen B”. Beyoncé was always good, but Britney was farrrrr above her. Nothing Beyoncé did was ever iconic. If Britney just had the chance and wasn’t controlled, her career would be thriving today.

It’s so sad to see what once was, and I truly hope and want to believe that there are still great things to come for Britney. It’s sad to see artists like Kelly Clarkson move to a new label and get to make the album of their dreams while Britney is still pretty much forced into making the same pop music she has her entire career. I don’t know about you, but I absolutely hate Femme Fatale because she was 100% controlled and nothing from that era was genuine at all. I think only recently with Glory have we gotten to see Britney have some input, definitely the most since In the Zone.


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I think it would have flopped. It would have definitely helped her public perception in the long run though. Because she would have gotten it out of her system and kept going in a more comfortable manner because she got what she wanted to say out. Which in turn, would have prevented the meltdown because she wouldn’t have felt so shut in and shut up.

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5 minutes ago, danny1994 said:

Honestly, I think her breakdown helped Blackout sales. Original Doll wouldn’t have sold as well, especially with some of the poor parenting decisions she made I think people would’ve boycotted her.

Not at all. The huge drop from ITZ to Blackout’s first week signifies this. If anything, she can thank the fanbase for Blackout’s good first week. We pulled through.

Also, I don’t think Original Doll would have been a hit either, but only because she’s Britney Spears and a “deep” album would have been panned by critics, as all those albums by contemporary pop stars were at the time (Stripped has a 55 on Metacritic). Not to mention, the overexposure during the ITZ era was huge. Toxic was everywhere, people were sick of her. That is also partly the reason why her breakdown was so massive after coming off that big era.

As for the pregnancy thing, it’s difficult to pinpoint that because would things have happened the way they did if she was right in the middle of an album cycle? I believe they would have tried to use the pregnancy to sell the album (the way Beyonce did with 4). They would have made sure she wasn’t doing anything stupid, nor that anything bad would come to light. Especially after the backlash she was getting for Jason Alexander and everything during ITZ.

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We really can't state anything since we have nothing from that rumored album but only some tracks that were recorded at the time which doesn't mean they were intended to be in the OD album. 

Commercially, it would have been maybe worse than ITZ because she was very criticized at the time, after two years being on the cover of gossip magazines people started getting sick of her. 

Artistically, depending on what direction they would have followed. But one thing is for sure, her confidence was at her 500% so at least the visuals would have been at her finest. 

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TBH If Britney took a long hiatus after ITZ album and never got married to Kevin and then put out a more personal project (The Original Doll) yes it might have been a good boost for her career in terms of sales and critics as well.

Sadly that didn't happen, our girl was a hopeless romantic at that time and she got married for the wrong reasons.

However I am happy that we got Blackout :kyliecry:

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2 hours ago, BoyToySoldier said:

As for the pregnancy thing, it’s difficult to pinpoint that because would things have happened the way they did if she was right in the middle of an album cycle? I believe they would have tried to use the pregnancy to sell the album (the way Beyonce did with 4).

The VMAs were over 2 months after 4 was released :umsaywhat:

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On 11/25/2017 at 5:48 AM, jamesedward94 said:

I think if The Orginal Doll album would have been released, the sales might not have been amazing, but I think it would have helped Britney’s career become better in the future. If she would have been given the chance to make the music she wanted, she could have truly reinvented herself later like Madonna and Janet and she would be huge right now. The ONLY reason Beyoncé is so big is because she has been consistent and is always in the headlines and people think it is “cool” to stan her and call her “Queen B”. Beyoncé was always good, but Britney was farrrrr above her. Nothing Beyoncé did was ever iconic. If Britney just had the chance and wasn’t controlled, her career would be thriving today.

It’s so sad to see what once was, and I truly hope and want to believe that there are still great things to come for Britney. It’s sad to see artists like Kelly Clarkson move to a new label and get to make the album of their dreams while Britney is still pretty much forced into making the same pop music she has her entire career. I don’t know about you, but I absolutely hate Femme Fatale because she was 100% controlled and nothing from that era was genuine at all. I think only recently with Glory have we gotten to see Britney have some input, definitely the most since In the Zone.




Anything after ITZ would have flopped.

1) People was over her. She has been way too much overexposed, really. Taylor Swift impact can't hold a candle to what Primeney went through during those times.
2) Her reputation was very low. She was considered untalented white trash. Her partying, the one-day-long marriage, the lipsynching, the onyx hotel, her trashy looks, the overly ****** image was bashed hard. She wasn't the cool girl anymore. 
3) Toxic has been a huge success BECAUSE of the song itself being great, not because it was hers In The Zone sold very well, but sales declined greatly compared to her three previous albums.

She definitely needed a two - three years break, coming back in late 2005 - 2006 (of course we know what happened but that's a different story).

We know way too little about Original Doll, let's be honest. The only OFFICIAL thing we've had it's Mona Lisa.
If Mona Lisa and her early - in the zone demos (Take Off, MLAH, Ouch, Welcome To Me ecc.) were an indication of Original Doll musical direction I really can't see how the record could have been successful.
Let's be honest. I love Ouch, Conscious, Mona Lisa and Welcome To Me but the material wasn't strong enough chart-wise and wasn't even groundbreaking sonically, lirically or vocalli speaking. It was her direction, of course, but as long as I would have loved to hear a final product I can really see why Jive decided to scrap the project.


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  • 2 years later...
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On 11/25/2017 at 6:07 AM, danny1994 said:

Honestly, I think her breakdown helped Blackout sales. Original Doll wouldn’t have sold as well, especially with some of the poor parenting decisions she made I think people would’ve boycotted her.

Her breakdown has nothing to do with Blackout being successful, it's because the album, the songs and the singles were great and it was also due to the fanbase. But yea, Original Doll sadly would've flopped. :crying1:

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On 11/25/2017 at 10:17 AM, Alex_1991 said:

Anything after ITZ would have flopped.

1) People was tired of her. She was way too much overexposed, really. Taylor Swift media impact can't hold a candle to what Primeney went through during those times.
2) Her reputation was very low. She was looked at as untalented white trash. Her partying, the one-day-long marriage, the lipsynching, the onyx hotel, her trashy looks, the overly ****** image was bashed way too hard. She wasn't cool anymore for the general public
3) Toxic was a huge success BECAUSE of the song itself being great, not because it was Britney's. In The Zone sold very well, but her sales declined greatly compared to her three previous album.

She definitely needed a two - three years break, coming back in late 2005 - 2006 (of course  we know what happened but that's a different story).

We know way too little about Original Doll, let's be honest. The only OFFICIAL thing we've had it's Mona Lisa.
If Mona Lisa and her early - in the zone demos (Take Off, MLAH, Ouch, Welcome To Me ecc.) were an indication of Original Doll musical direction I really can't see how the record could have been successful.
Let's be honest. I love Ouch, Conscious, Mona Lisa and Welcome To Me but the material wasn't strong enough chart-wise and wasn't even groundbreaking sonically, lirically or vocalli speaking. It was her direction, of course, but as long as I would have loved to hear a final product I can really see why Jive decided to scrap the project.


So true. I mean I wish she had a success every time she releases an album but it was not going to sell good, especially after Chaotic mess.

Also I feel like some hearsays/opinions that some people still have on her appeared that time, like that she's not a wise person etc...

But the Circus era magically fixed some wounds on her image I think :xfactorlook:

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I bet critics would have loved it and the gp luke warm bc they only want pop bangers from her. 

 The meltdown breakdown was inevitable bc she wasnt handled, guided or brought up right. 

I do firmly believe she would have eventually quit the dancing/pyro (dwad forever) and settled into being more of a singer/songwriter. 

I think because the meltdown happened - it turned her into an A-List-Legend, and the conservatorship keeps her a workhorse with no regular or artistic freedom and conceals anything else wrong that went/goes on. If things were different i think she'd be more low key and serious and 'less successful' depending how you look at it. 

I feel like she loved performing the way she does but then there was sitting at a piano and singing live which is where I felt her heart really was. 

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Yeah I pictured it wouldn’t be commercial success and maybe wouldn’t be well received by both critics and fans but I think it would be a great transition into more serious work. I don’t think it would have been groundbreaking work but it would be a blueprint to greater works in the future. I love that Britney experiments and I love that she treats her albums as canvases and is just putting things together and seeing what works. That’s her process and that’s why we get such good bops because she’s not afraid to just go all Jackson Pollock and if it doesn’t work, she just moves on. 

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