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It Really Comes Down to this


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I watched the American Music Awards tonight, which I only watched it for Selena Gomez. As I was watching, I noticed how may celebrities just enjoy when they are on the stage. 

I'm not a Pink fan at all, but her performance was really good. It was really daring! Not saying that Britney has to do something like that, but her Piece of Me show is very basic to what we've seen in the past from her. I'm still shocked to see how she remains to shade her snake performance. 

The combination of her not enjoying being there, or maybe just her nerves, and the lack of creativity shows. 

None of us will ever get what and how Britney really feels, but if you were her, could you imagine tarnishing your image? If she's really not happy doing what she's doing, then why is she doing it at all? Wouldn't it make sense to leave the spotlight to be remembered for the hard work that you achieved? She could finally be with her kids and teach her dance classes. 

And then I thought about it. When I met Fe, she told me that a lot that she does is her ideas. So why perform a show for four years, and not promote your "baby" through it? It just doesn't make sense. The "old Britney" that we always loved, could it be that it's not who we thought she was? I think Jive forced Britney, who is obviously not remotely similar to the Britney we see today. It makes me think if Britney did what she does today, she wouldn't be much of an icon. 

I think it's truly sad that she doesn't show the spark that she once had. And I find it very rare, because many people who perform on stage don't show the same uncomfortable feelings and emotions that she does. There are so many people who dream to have the career that Britney once achieved. They would fight to the top to try to get there, and meanwhile it's like Britney takes it for granted because of her name. 

It really doesn't help that Glory was an era filled with great music and showcased a horrendous video, a lack of promo, and a cheap screenshot album cover. Where is the creativity? There are talented Exhale members that can Photoshop a beautiful album cover. 

I think the most important thing we wanted to see from her was to get better from her breakdown. Luckily that has happened. I think the second thing we all wanted was to see her rise above, and continue her music career legacy, but clearly that didn't happen. I guess now it's silly to think she would ever perform the Super Bowl, or even promote for her upcoming 10th album (can we swear she'll even make music for much longer?) 

The on-going threads in Exhale about this won't stop until all of us have moved on and finally accept that she is different from when she first started. We're still waiting to hear from her through that book, but maybe that won't ever happen. It's been a decade, and she's still under a conservatorship. And who knows, maybe even without that, it wouldn't make a difference. 

To wrap this up, I guess what I'm trying to say is that she should be happy with her life now then, and not fake her way through anymore. Her fans care about her past and don't want to see that forgotten. Why mess with something that didn't need to be touched? Clearly she's not as happy as what she once was (career wise). 

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I think part of the problem with the situation is all of the fans look back on old videos/performances and see what she brought to the table. When they see the current state of things, they just wonder what exactly was the tipping point that got us from point A to point B.

The thing is, I think Britney truly is a lot happier now. You said it yourself, we will never know how things would be without the conservatorship. She may have decided to never even bother to return to the spotlight if it were truly up to her, or maybe she would've pulled back an even more amazing comeback, because she could've had 100% creative control over the work. We will never know, unfortunately. And at this point, even if the conservatorship was lifted, I really do feel as if she is just so beyond over it, that she would bother even less than she does now with her career.

I don't know the politics involved that goes on between her and her team (no one here does). Do I think she's a slave to a system that just wants to keep the pay checks coming? To an extent, but probably a very watered down version of that. Her team has probably guilted her several times about how if she stops, the money stops pouring in for a lot of different people, also there's no doubt I'm sure they have even used her own children against her in different guilt trips. That's probably why she continues, because naturally she is a people pleaser and wants to make everyone around her happy.

So we get to where we are today, an uninterested pop star, who goes through the actions of her job just like the rest of us do day in and day out. How many people are passionate about their jobs? Not many I know, and that's exactly what this has become for her. She does her handful of shows in Vegas a month, records a few songs here and there, pushes out an album every few years with a few interviews to 'promote' it, but clearly even the new music itself is the furtherest thing from her mind during these interviews. She'd rather talk about her kids or her favorite foods, and maybe it's because she has been doing this all for so long thas it's become exactly how she put it: groundhogs day.

The girl has been abused by the industry left and right. She knows her name is Britney Spears, but she probably has looked at herself in the mirror and had no idea who that person is supposed to be. I think that's where we're at now, a damaged human soul who's just trying to figure out where she fits into this ****** up world, and trying to keep everyone satisfied in the meantime.

This is long and I'll wrap it up because I'm not even sure to where I was going with the whole thing originally. But the point is, Britney doesn't care. if Britney hasn't had a **** to give in years, I don't understand why these threads are a daily occurance truthfully, and I mean no disrespect by that. But if Britney has moved on and found other things in life to be passionate about, don't you think it's time everyone who's so bummed about the current state of things did too? Why put so much emphasis on someone else's choices? At the end of the day, it's really not effecting our lives in any way, shape or form. 

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Britney is comfortable. That's what is going on. And honestly, she deserves to be. But everybody has a different idea of comfortable. Britney is in that limbo where she doesn't know if she wants to keep up with everyone else. She's become stagnant as a result. She stays in her lane and only rocks the boat when she feels attacked (i.e. the lipsync comments which reached her and ruffled her feathers enough to make sure she belted Happy Birthday and sang a song completely live since 2009.)

That doesn't mean Britney needs to be bashed by every single media personality... but I believe she does need to be made aware of the GP's perception of her as of late. It's not the "Britney Spears" they know. And nobody's asking her to dance with a snake again or make out with another pop legend. All that would help is for Britney to simply know that everyone is thinking that she can do exponentially better than what she's bringing to the table at the moment. We've seen bursts of potential the past decade through various performances and rehearsal footage.

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13 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

Britney is comfortable. That's what is going on. And honestly, she deserves to be. But everybody has a different idea of comfortable. Britney is in that limbo where she doesn't know if she wants to keep up with everyone else. She's become stagnant as a result. She stays in her lane and only rocks the boat when she feels attacked (i.e. the lipsync comments which reached her and ruffled her feathers enough to make sure she belted Happy Birthday and sang a song completely live since 2009.)

That doesn't mean Britney needs to be bashed by every single media personality... but I believe she does need to be made aware of the GP's perception of her as of late. It's not the "Britney Spears" they know. And nobody's asking her to dance with a snake again or make out with another pop legend. All that would help is for Britney to simply know that everyone is thinking that she can do exponentially better than what she's bringing to the table at the moment. We've seen bursts of potential the past decade through various performances and rehearsal footage.


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We don't know for sure what happened, or when it happened or what was that turning point. The truth is after her breakdown, she "recovered", not 100% yet (who is 100% fine anyway?) but the Britney post-breakdown was not the Britney from the past. She went through some stuff, and the result was a completely different woman. Her whole perception of what's cool changed a lot.

I think there isn't much to talk about. We could spend hours and lines of discussion and speculation of what exactly happened, but that's pointless.

As a fan, obviously I wish she kept doing things similar to what she did in her early career, because that's what I fell in love with. But I've reached a point, and that didn't happen yesterday or last year, but for me it was since 2007 when her music changed so much, where I just don't care anymore, I just want her to keep releasing stuff. I couldn't care less if she keeps giving us Pretty Girls or Make Me... kind of videos. I just want more videos to keep watching in the future, that I can relate to a certain point in my life. I know it sounds stupid, but in the future I'll have troubles trying to remember this 2017 because of the lack of Britney videos. And the lack of Britney in the music scene, prevents me from watching other artists' stuff, because I just don't feel like turning on the radio or a music tv channel, because I know beforehand that Britney will not be there since she hasn't released anything.

I wish she got that confidence back, that made her own the stage in the past. But if she doesn't, and she still keeps doing these residencies and such, I'm totally here for it. I don't care about that "she's ruining her legacy, she'd better retire" ideology. As a fan, I've overcome 2007, I've overcome FFney. Nothing can be worse than that, and if it happened, I'd still be here for it, because I just can't get enough Britney Spears in my life.

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