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POM GA question


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Hi, everybody. I'm going by myself to POM on Dec 19th and I have some questions and I hope you can help me.

1) Is it ok if I get in line by 4:00 pm? Should I go earlier or later?
2) If I need to go to the restroom while we're waiting outside The Axis and before we get to the section (the line in front of The Axis bars), will people have any problem if I go back to my original spot or I have to go to the end of the line?

3) What's the best place to be at the GA sections?

4) Do y'all know the prices for drinks inside The Axis?


Thank you, guys!

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3 hours ago, LEMONADEGLORY said:

Hi, everybody. I'm going by myself to POM on Dec 19th and I have some questions and I hope you can help me.

1) Is it ok if I get in line by 4:00 pm? Should I go earlier or later?
2) If I need to go to the restroom while we're waiting outside The Axis and before we get to the section (the line in front of The Axis bars), will people have any problem if I go back to my original spot or I have to go to the end of the line?

3) What's the best place to be at the GA sections?

4) Do y'all know the prices for drinks inside The Axis?


Thank you, guys!

I had GA tickets to the show two weeks ago so I will try to shed some light.

I stayed at PH so I kept checking on the line. By 11:30am I was a bit nervous when I already saw 2 people sitting there! But those were the die hard fans I guess. By 3:30pm there was one more person on line with them. I played on the slots and then sat down to dinner, got ready and then grabbed a drink before getting in line at like 5:30 and there was about 20-25 people ahead of me. I'm sure this varies on the day and depending on the crowd but I went to a Wednesday show.  They only have one line for GA left and GA right tickets and just be ready because when they start letting people in, and the line splits and everyone starts to go through metal detectors, some people that were waiting wayyyy behind me started to run ahead like on the right side of me and I thought it was kind of messed up to people who literally stood there for hours. One girl in particular who stood right next to me at the concert who had been WAY behind me on line but ran in front of me and it kind of irked me the whole show. But life goes on :britannoyed: I can't remember times (got pretty tipsy that day- lots of spots for good frozen drinks around) I'm thinking they let us into the Axis at like 7:30 or maybe a little after- from there you split into a left line and a right line. We lost out friends because they were on the right side, but made new friends on line right away lol. Then we waited on another line to let us into the actual theater. There was a snack stand and I think they had drinks -there was also merchandise and this is where her outfits are displayed. I was too scared to leave the second line for **** but I did once to go to the bathroom because I knew it was the last chance I'd have. 

I was with my cousin so we lined up together, but then she left the line to go get ready and came back later on, so when I had to go for a bathroom break or to get a drink she stood and held my spot and I saw lots of others doing this as well. There was no problem getting your spot back. I don't know how it works if you go alone though but I really can't imagine you having a problem. The vibe is pretty cool everyone on line was talking and making friends and I actually really ended up having a great time meeting all the people on line before I knew it it was time to go in :tiffcackle: I was dressed like BOMTney and was surprised how many pic requests I got. It was fun and we were all adding each other on social media and even all left the line to go get pics with one of her dancers we saw. The bar is also RIGHT there so you can easily step off to get a drink. If you are planning on waiting in line by yourself, I would just confirm with multiple people that you will be right back for your spot. No one is going to act like you weren't just standing there. 

Everyone that was lined up right in the front fights right for the spot in the corner right where the catwalk first meets the stage. Lots of people had been to the show multiple times and swore this was the best spot and people just ran for it. I knew I wouldn't get that spot but didn't really care, as everyone was running in really quick I had to make the decision whether to choose stage vs. catwalk and I chose to go right up to the front of the stage, and was glad I did. I wanted to have a view with no one in front of me and she's not on the catwalk all that much so if your right in front of the catwalk your view would be more obstructed when trying to see her when she's on stage. I think it doesn't really matter where you are though but it's amazing to be able to see her with no one in front of you - either way she will pretty much be right in front of you at some point. 

I have no idea about drinks at the Axis - I wasn't really interested because they ran out of the Britney cups at the show I went to. I imagine they are expensive as hell though. Get your drinks before you get in that pit and don't leave it for anything lol. A lot of people said it doesn't really get that crowded but if your right in the front you would be crazy to leave. 

There she is, from front of GA left, no zoom or anything. I'd like to go back - I wish I was you.  :crying1:


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2 minutes ago, Anita **** said:

NOOO, I loved reading your POM experience! So happy you had a great time :carpoolney:

awwww thank you so much. I really did & I would totally go back if i had some extra money to throw around hahaha. I kept telling myself if I won on the slots I would extend my trip & go see the show again, but that didn't happen as planned :crying1:

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I was in GA right on October 25th. I was like suuuuper late because I actually arrived to Las Vegas that afternoon, and I could've made it on time, but the baggage took ages to arrive. Then I had to wait a lot for the check in of the hotel, because the damn "mobile check in" app never worked.

Then, since I had never been in Vegas before, I had no idea how all those escalators and buildings work so I got lost trying to get to the theater :yesokay: I could see the PH sign in the distance but I didn't understand I had to walk under the escalators that would lead you to the other sidewalk, or take the elevator, so when I finally arrived I was all sweaty and breathless because I was running like crazy lol Then I entered the Planet Hollywood but had no idea where the theater was, so you can imagine how desperate I was haha When I finally made it to the theater, people was already waiting inside, past the metal detectors and stuff, so I was almost the last one in line, that's why I even took the time to take a picture with the dancers, because I knew I wasn't going to have the best spot anyway.  It was almost 8:00. Despite that, since it was a Wednesday I suppose, there weren't that many people I guess. I do believe the best spot is in the corner closest to the stage and the catwalk. I was closest to the stage, but almost in the middle, there was only a small girl in front of me that didn't block my vision, so it was ok, except for this drunk guy next to me that kept "dancing" and touching everyone around him britney_spears___bitch_by_pokemonspears-

I was very thirsty though, for the long run, and because I hadn't had anything to drink or eat since I was in the airport in San Diego, so I really, really had to go to have something to drink. I then bought the most expensive bottled water I have ever purchased in my entire life, which was like $6.00 but I REALLY needed it. The girls in front of me saved me the spot, because I was alone too, but as ifuseekamy already said, everyone is so nice and will respect your spot, unless you're very unlucky. Btw, they gave me the water bottle, but the ladies that are checking the tickets told me I had to serve it in a disposable cup before entering the GA section. When you're outside the actual theater, where the Toxic and Oops outfits are displayed, there is this store or bar or however you wanna call it, like in the movie theaters, and you can have drinks and snacks. Since I don't drink alcohol I didn't pay attention to the prices, but the popcorn and candies were like $10.00 and the sodas and frozen drinks (which I bought on my second show) were $7.00 I think. Inside the theater where I bought the water bottle they had a mini bar, that only had a small variety of drinks, so I think it's best if you buy whatever you want outside the theater.

Dec 19 is a Tuesday right? So for the day of the week one would think there will be less people, but since it's one of the final dates, I suppose there will be as much as in a regular weekend. I think if you can make it by 5:00 or 6:00 would be ok for you, unless you really, really want to be in the corner.

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6 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

I was in GA right on October 25th. I was like suuuuper late because I actually arrived to Las Vegas that afternoon, and I could've made it on time, but the baggage took ages to arrive. Then I had to wait a lot for the check in of the hotel, because the damn "mobile check in" app never worked.

Then, since I had never been in Vegas before, I had no idea how all those escalators and buildings work so I got lost trying to get to the theater :yesokay: I could see the PH sign in the distance but I didn't understand I had to walk under the escalators that would lead you to the other sidewalk, or take the elevator, so when I finally arrived I was all sweaty and breathless because I was running like crazy lol Then I entered the Planet Hollywood but had no idea where the theater was, so you can imagine how desperate I was haha When I finally made it to the theater, people was already waiting inside, past the metal detectors and stuff, so I was almost the last one in line, that's why I even took the time to take a picture with the dancers, because I knew I wasn't going to have the best spot anyway.  It was almost 8:00. Despite that, since it was a Wednesday I suppose, there weren't that many people I guess. I do believe the best spot is in the corner closest to the stage and the catwalk. I was closest to the stage, but almost in the middle, there was only a small girl in front of me that didn't block my vision, so it was ok, except for this drunk guy next to me that kept "dancing" and touching everyone around him britney_spears___bitch_by_pokemonspears-

I was very thirsty though, for the long run, and because I hadn't had anything to drink or eat since I was in the airport in San Diego, so I really, really had to go to have something to drink. I then bought the most expensive bottled water I have ever purchased in my entire life, which was like $6.00 but I REALLY needed it. The girls in front of me saved me the spot, because I was alone too, but as ifuseekamy already said, everyone is so nice and will respect your spot, unless you're very unlucky. Btw, they gave me the water bottle, but the ladies that are checking the tickets told me I had to serve it in a disposable cup before entering the GA section. When you're outside the actual theater, where the Toxic and Oops outfits are displayed, there is this store or bar or however you wanna call it, like in the movie theaters, and you can have drinks and snacks. Since I don't drink alcohol I didn't pay attention to the prices, but the popcorn and candies were like $10.00 and the sodas and frozen drinks (which I bought on my second show) were $7.00 I think. Inside the theater where I bought the water bottle they had a mini bar, that only had a small variety of drinks, so I think it's best if you buy whatever you want outside the theater.

Dec 19 is a Tuesday right? So for the day of the week one would think there will be less people, but since it's one of the final dates, I suppose there will be as much as in a regular weekend. I think if you can make it by 5:00 or 6:00 would be ok for you, unless you really, really want to be in the corner.

WAIt wait wait so we were at the same show 

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Also they made me throw out my frozen drink from Fat tuesdays before going through the metal detector. It was in one of those giant yard glasses and was half full I couldn't throw that **** out fast enough I was in such a rush. The lady who was scanning my ticket took so long I was like :wyd: LET ME IN 

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4 minutes ago, ifuseekamy_ said:

WAIt wait wait so we were at the same show 

Really?! that's cool

It was a great show. I went to the show on Friday 27th as well, and even though people in here prefer Britney with the straight hair, I think she looked prettier on the 25th with the curly hair. Although she looked hot on both dates. She's actually been looking hot lately every night.

I wanted to stay at Planet Hollywood too, but it was just too expensive for me, since I was going to stay three nights (I already spent a lot on the tickets :P )

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1 minute ago, ifuseekamy_ said:

Also they made me throw out my frozen drink from Fat tuesdays before going through the metal detector. It was in one of those giant yard glasses and was half full I couldn't throw that **** out fast enough I was in such a rush. The lady who was scanning my ticket took so long I was like :wyd: LET ME IN 

damn, so sorry about that britney_spears___yikes_by_pokemonspears-

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I know! I flew in on Tuesday and flew back to NY on Thursday morning and with the time change I was honestly sooooo exhausted when I got back to work on Friday - it was so rushed! I originally was going to stay elsewhere but I was really freaking out about to keeping track of the line lmao. I kind of put myself out a bit because I had to buy my GA ticket and I bought my cousins so $500 in tickets :crying1: I just really needed someone to go with me and she lives in Cali so it was easy for her to fly in and meet me. PH was easily about $300 for the 2 nights I stayed with these new resort fees they have configured in now. I made a promise to myself I would not buy any merch at this show because I had already spent enough, and ended up coming back with a magnet, keychain, a shirt and a program........whyyyyyyyyyy :boredashell: 

I'm honestly proud I didn't splurge and decide to do a M&G at the last minute because that's just the kind of extreme level I go to sometimes, & I heavily weighed that option..... but knew it would screw up my chance to get a good place in the pit. 

The things we do as fans :crying2:

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34 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

I was in GA right on October 25th. I was like suuuuper late because I actually arrived to Las Vegas that afternoon, and I could've made it on time, but the baggage took ages to arrive. Then I had to wait a lot for the check in of the hotel, because the damn "mobile check in" app never worked.

Then, since I had never been in Vegas before, I had no idea how all those escalators and buildings work so I got lost trying to get to the theater :yesokay: I could see the PH sign in the distance but I didn't understand I had to walk under the escalators that would lead you to the other sidewalk, or take the elevator, so when I finally arrived I was all sweaty and breathless because I was running like crazy lol Then I entered the Planet Hollywood but had no idea where the theater was, so you can imagine how desperate I was haha When I finally made it to the theater, people was already waiting inside, past the metal detectors and stuff, so I was almost the last one in line, that's why I even took the time to take a picture with the dancers, because I knew I wasn't going to have the best spot anyway.  It was almost 8:00. Despite that, since it was a Wednesday I suppose, there weren't that many people I guess. I do believe the best spot is in the corner closest to the stage and the catwalk. I was closest to the stage, but almost in the middle, there was only a small girl in front of me that didn't block my vision, so it was ok, except for this drunk guy next to me that kept "dancing" and touching everyone around him britney_spears___bitch_by_pokemonspears-

I was very thirsty though, for the long run, and because I hadn't had anything to drink or eat since I was in the airport in San Diego, so I really, really had to go to have something to drink. I then bought the most expensive bottled water I have ever purchased in my entire life, which was like $6.00 but I REALLY needed it. The girls in front of me saved me the spot, because I was alone too, but as ifuseekamy already said, everyone is so nice and will respect your spot, unless you're very unlucky. Btw, they gave me the water bottle, but the ladies that are checking the tickets told me I had to serve it in a disposable cup before entering the GA section. When you're outside the actual theater, where the Toxic and Oops outfits are displayed, there is this store or bar or however you wanna call it, like in the movie theaters, and you can have drinks and snacks. Since I don't drink alcohol I didn't pay attention to the prices, but the popcorn and candies were like $10.00 and the sodas and frozen drinks (which I bought on my second show) were $7.00 I think. Inside the theater where I bought the water bottle they had a mini bar, that only had a small variety of drinks, so I think it's best if you buy whatever you want outside the theater.

Dec 19 is a Tuesday right? So for the day of the week one would think there will be less people, but since it's one of the final dates, I suppose there will be as much as in a regular weekend. I think if you can make it by 5:00 or 6:00 would be ok for you, unless you really, really want to be in the corner.

It's always a pleasure to read your replies :mattafact:

OMG!  Were you really running out of time yo reach the theater?  That must have been crazy. I was supposed to go this season but I had some bills to pay and the friend who I was supposed to go with couldn't go with me and I didn't want to go alone so I was like anyway :icant2:

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19 minutes ago, Million Billion said:

It's always a pleasure to read your replies :mattafact:

OMG!  Were you really running out of time yo reach the theater?  That must have been crazy. I was supposed to go this season but I had some bills to pay and the friend who I was supposed to go with couldn't go with me and I didn't want to go alone so I was like anyway :icant2:

Yeah, I was actually supposed to go in August with my sister, but she didn't do anything at the end, so I had to plan the trip by myself. I had never traveled alone before, and I know it would've been funnier with someone else, but I couldn't wait any longer if I wanted to see the POM show before it was over. And yeah, I arrived at Las Vegas at 5:00, and the Excalibur hotel is like 15 minutes from the airport. I had read the check in was gonna be so much faster if I did it online, and then Google Maps said Planet Hollywood was 18 minutes away from Excalibur by walking, so I could've made it on time, I should've been at the Axis Theater before 7:00. But the baggage arrived almost at 5:30, the bus that took me to the airport departed at 5:48, and actually arrived in less than 15 minutes to the Excalibur, but then check-in line was very slow. The point is that by 7:00 I was just getting out of the hotel, and these girls from the entrance caught me to take some kinky pictures, because they told me they were free and then it resulted they were $25 each, and I was like "thanks for making me lose my time" :rihit: although it was funny :tehe: And then I got lost lol, I walked up and down that same escalator like 3 times lol

Off topic, that M&M store smells horrible even from the outside britney_spears___eew_by_pokemonspears-d8. The worst part is that I visited the next day just because I had to see the famous containers with all the different colors, but the smell was unbearable. It didn't smell like chocolate, it smelled like milk or something :ugh:

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21 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

I was in GA right on October 25th. I was like suuuuper late because I actually arrived to Las Vegas that afternoon, and I could've made it on time, but the baggage took ages to arrive. Then I had to wait a lot for the check in of the hotel, because the damn "mobile check in" app never worked.

Then, since I had never been in Vegas before, I had no idea how all those escalators and buildings work so I got lost trying to get to the theater :yesokay: I could see the PH sign in the distance but I didn't understand I had to walk under the escalators that would lead you to the other sidewalk, or take the elevator, so when I finally arrived I was all sweaty and breathless because I was running like crazy lol Then I entered the Planet Hollywood but had no idea where the theater was, so you can imagine how desperate I was haha When I finally made it to the theater, people was already waiting inside, past the metal detectors and stuff, so I was almost the last one in line, that's why I even took the time to take a picture with the dancers, because I knew I wasn't going to have the best spot anyway.  It was almost 8:00. Despite that, since it was a Wednesday I suppose, there weren't that many people I guess. I do believe the best spot is in the corner closest to the stage and the catwalk. I was closest to the stage, but almost in the middle, there was only a small girl in front of me that didn't block my vision, so it was ok, except for this drunk guy next to me that kept "dancing" and touching everyone around him britney_spears___bitch_by_pokemonspears-

I was very thirsty though, for the long run, and because I hadn't had anything to drink or eat since I was in the airport in San Diego, so I really, really had to go to have something to drink. I then bought the most expensive bottled water I have ever purchased in my entire life, which was like $6.00 but I REALLY needed it. The girls in front of me saved me the spot, because I was alone too, but as ifuseekamy already said, everyone is so nice and will respect your spot, unless you're very unlucky. Btw, they gave me the water bottle, but the ladies that are checking the tickets told me I had to serve it in a disposable cup before entering the GA section. When you're outside the actual theater, where the Toxic and Oops outfits are displayed, there is this store or bar or however you wanna call it, like in the movie theaters, and you can have drinks and snacks. Since I don't drink alcohol I didn't pay attention to the prices, but the popcorn and candies were like $10.00 and the sodas and frozen drinks (which I bought on my second show) were $7.00 I think. Inside the theater where I bought the water bottle they had a mini bar, that only had a small variety of drinks, so I think it's best if you buy whatever you want outside the theater.

Dec 19 is a Tuesday right? So for the day of the week one would think there will be less people, but since it's one of the final dates, I suppose there will be as much as in a regular weekend. I think if you can make it by 5:00 or 6:00 would be ok for you, unless you really, really want to be in the corner.

Thank you!

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