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Sooooooo I isolated the vocals and seems like the countdown goes like cinq, quatre, and then switches to something similar to: 

TRÔNE DU HOMME  (not trois, deux, un)

Also I reversed random parts of the bridge, and one part sounds like the word '****' reversed, another part sounds like the word kvinna (Swedish for women). Lets solve this!

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Some say she says a french countdown but her pronunciation doesn't fit with the cinq, quatre, trois, deux, un :girlwhat:

She's obviosly mentioning the Chateau Marriott which is in Vegas but right between after this line and before the french countdown she says something. 

I suggest when should SPAM the MOTM writers:

... and ask them to reveal wtf she says cause it's impossible for a human ear to detect that whispering/singing line. :yeaok:

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8 hours ago, Delicious Pork Chops said:

Well that makes sense. Wasn't someone talking about how Man on the Moon was about castles and ****?


Trône = throne

Man's throne?  I have a feeling this is somehow grammatically incorrect.  Feel free to correct me.


With my very basic knowledge of French I’m guessing it should be TRÔNE D’HOMME sooo

5,4 man’s throne?

Also her quatre is the one that sounds like ‘****’ when reversed 

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i keep forgetting MOTM is Man on the Moon, so every time i see MOTM i think "Me Ogainst the Music? :calculating:

but it is a nice song and i feel like maybe she's speaking in a foreign language that can't be understood to kinda go with the theme that her man is from the moon, a foreign place that can not be understood bc of its mystery and theories behind it...? kinda like how were theorizing what she's talking about? but either way, it fuels my obsession with the moon and space tumblr_lywubuemv51r6f12do2_250.gif


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1 hour ago, Goku said:

da vinci code wishes :orangu:

OMG I spilled the water out of my mouth to this :tiffcackle:

26 minutes ago, The_Original_Toy said:


but it is a nice song and i feel like maybe she's speaking in a foreign language that can't be understood to kinda go with the theme that her man is from the moon, a foreign place that can not be understood bc of its mystery and theories behind it...? kinda like how were theorizing what she's talking about? but either way, it fuels my obsession with the moon and space tumblr_lywubuemv51r6f12do2_250.gif


OMG that actually makes sense :plzexplain:

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