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Britney's next POM cover: Open Arms


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You guys, what better way to continue Brit's newfound love for proving her vocals than to cover Open Arrms! 

NOT only do we know she can rock it, cause she's done it before, but it's a beautiful song with amazing vocal range. The media will be ALL over this! 

Can we get this to team Brit somehow? Let's start a trend! #BritneyOpenArms 


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5 hours ago, Body ache said:

Her voice sounds the same as it does now. It pairs well with the acustic music. She should get off the dance craze tbh and focus on real instruments than electronic.

I agree but it's too bad her team and record label probably won't let her. Larry is always about the latest trends and what's hot right now. 

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8 hours ago, Body ache said:

Her voice sounds the same as it does now. It pairs well with the acustic music. She should get off the dance craze tbh and focus on real instruments than electronic.

There's something amazing about seeing LIVE music in full, with real instruments and live singing. I'd so be here for it. 

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10 hours ago, Curiousexhaler86 said:

I don't think repeating herself is a good idea tho :calculating:

Uh.... last time she did this was 2 decades ago...... I think it'll be forgiven. Plus she could just lie and say, "This next song I'm gonna do is one of my favorite songs that I haven't covered in such a long time, and I hope you guys like it." :hairflip:

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