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Why does Britney has the worst team?


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I think her team sucks when it comes to like knowing whats "cool" but in terms of getting her out there on the radio they literally do the best they can. Because quite honestly american radio is POLITICS. hardcore politics and its not easy. You have to pay up the *** to get yourself on rotation for real (and I dont just mean once every 3 hours rotation I mean some Selena Gomez/Rihanna/Justin Bieber type rotation). iheartradio owns american radio almost completely and they only give the time of day to male artists and young women like Selena/Ariana that are considered to be the new generation. They're starting to throw Britney, Gaga, etc to the side and its not because theyre not popular or dont have music that can top the charts. they're just literally not giving them a chance. I think Rihanna is the only one thats managing to keep herself front and center in that respect.

Glory may not be the best or most original album but its 100% commercially viable and had they shoved slumber party down everyones throats like they do with every bieber, khaled, and Selena gomez song, then it actually would have smashed or at least been a commendably moderate hit. Like yeah her team needs to wise up with whats "cool" but in terms of her exposure on radio, etc it has more to do with the bias in the industry rather than her team.

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1 minute ago, kutayuysaler said:

what's c-ship :girlwhat:

conservatorship.... i.e. she doesn't have the same control in most aspects of her life as she used to.  Her father does.  I think he's loosened the reigns a bit in recent years, but you can tell it still holds her back in truly feeling free/happy.

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