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Interesting article about lipsyncing and stand in vocalists (Britney related)

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It talks about Britney's comments on lipsyncing, her inconsistencies, a history of lipsyncing, the inconsistencies and rebuttals of other artists, accusations, as well as the face of the a brand or performer not being the voice.....

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This is such a great article I'm actually logging in after years of inactivity here just so that I can properly thank you for posting it! :clap:

That whole reflection about how bizarre and deformed our standards of perfection are when it comes to the way we consume pop music is spot on and pretty damn chilling.

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49 minutes ago, disastercake said:

This is such a great article I'm actually logging in after years of inactivity here just so that I can properly thank you for posting it! :clap:

That whole reflection about how bizarre and deformed our standards of perfection are when it comes to the way we consume pop music is spot on and pretty damn chilling.

Thank you!

its incredibly interesting, especially when you consider how easy it is for us to disprove their statements now, but we'll still pay to see them.

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"The most common explanation for the use of backing vocal tracks is that the sort of multi-threat spectacle now expected by audiences is just too difficult to pull off when sung entirely live."

Here's my take on this statement. The audience is only going to expect what you have shown you can do or what your competition has shown they can do. For example, let's say you own a company that makes wine. Everyone loves your wine and the price but then comes along a different company with a similar wine but at a better price. You realize that you can't price your wine the same way the other company does so your company folds. It's just basic business, but you don't get to complain and say, "I just can't be expected to do everything the consumers want at a price they want."

This is similar to performances. Britney came onto the scene and would actually sing live here and there, but as time went on instead of getting better and continuing to deliver, she actually declined. Her singing became less and less and so did her dancing. Meanwhile, her competition came in and showed that it is in fact possible to dance, put on a theatre style show and still show case some vocals. This brought the question to the table, "If everyone else can do it, why can't Britney?" This is when fans begin to turn on you because they feel cheated, much like how a customer would feel if their favorite restaurant starting serving less quality food while other restaurants delivered higher quality.

At the end of the day, this is Britney's business. I'm tired of the excuses, just give some results or get off the playing field.

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48 minutes ago, GypsyWoman said:

"The most common explanation for the use of backing vocal tracks is that the sort of multi-threat spectacle now expected by audiences is just too difficult to pull off when sung entirely live."

Here's my take on this statement. The audience is only going to expect what you have shown you can do or what your competition has shown they can do. For example, let's say you own a company that makes wine. Everyone loves your wine and the price but then comes along a different company with a similar wine but at a better price. You realize that you can't price your wine the same way the other company does so your company folds. It's just basic business, but you don't get to complain and say, "I just can't be expected to do everything the consumers want at a price they want."

This is similar to performances. Britney came onto the scene and would actually sing live here and there, but as time went on instead of getting better and continuing to deliver, she actually declined. Her singing became less and less and so did her dancing. Meanwhile, her competition came in and showed that it is in fact possible to dance, put on a theatre style show and still show case some vocals. This brought the question to the table, "If everyone else can do it, why can't Britney?" This is when fans begin to turn on you because they feel cheated, much like how a customer would feel if their favorite restaurant starting serving less quality food while other restaurants delivered higher quality.

At the end of the day, this is Britney's business. I'm tired of the excuses, just give some results or get off the playing field.

My question always is, so why if fans feel cheated whether is because of lipsyncing, or lack of dancing, or bad costumes, or any other thing that can bother them, why do they keep waiting something from her? As you said, if people think or realize there's "other restaurants" that deliver a "higher quality", they go to those new places without hesitation, and leave the old, decadent restaurant alone. You don't go to the new, better restaurant and keep sneaking on the old one everyday to see if suddenly they start doing things right again. Or you don't stand in front of the counter and complain to the owner, questioning him why doesn't he do or serve the things the new restaurant is doing. You just keep the good memories in your heart lol and go on with your life and the new options you have to choose from.

Even if there weren't other options with a better service, if one just starts to notice the same old restaurant is doing things wrong, you just leave, no one is forcing us to keep consuming their product or services, just like no one obliges them to keep their quality. There will always be some people, with different tastes, with different standards, that are perhaps easier to please, that will continue to consume in that old restaurant, for convinience, for nostalgia, for whatever reason. 


Leaving analogies behind, my personal opinion of the lipsyncing, is that I just don't give a damn. First of all, because I love the album tracks, and something I've always hated is when artists perform their songs live, and they do a different arrangement, or they don't sing all the verses, or they do it offbeat, or I don't know, sometimes the tiniest change on a song can trigger me so much, but that's me. If artists were to sing live the songs just like the record, then I'd enjoy it more. That doesn't mean I'm against live vocals or something, I get the point of what a music concert is, but I just think of Britney Spears as something completely different. She doesn't fall in the same category as other artists. Because I love her, and I love all of her songs, and I really don't mind if she lipsyncs to a 20 years old track, because is a track that I love. 

I totally see why an avarage person wouldn't be interested in attending a Britney Spears show, simply because they probably know people that is far more talented than her, according to their standards, and the songs probably don't have any meaning to them. So there's no point in going to see her. But for a real fan, just her presence will be enough, because that's what a fanatic is, someone with more than ordinary support or adherence for something, excessive devotion, unbalanced and obsessive behavior. It would be kind of nice if she sang live every now and then, but if she doesn't, I have no problem with it. 

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Thank you so much for finding this article and for sharing it. It was definitely an interesting read!! I miss so much Britney's live voice... It always felt raw and full of emotion. 

I think I kinda made up with the idea that she probably will never sing live ever again... But watching old videos of her, especially from the Onyx Hotel Tour make me sad :crying1: I rather have raw Britney than Danceney, and not just Britney... I'd rather have live imperfect vocals than CD vocals.

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