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Brit is such a shameless queen

Guest $elfish

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I've always wondered............ why does she ALWAYS lypsincs? Do any one of you know? I mean, it's ok to lypsinc while performing, I'm good with that. It's ok to lypsinc the ballads sometimes(I'm not ok with that, but I'll deal somehow), but to lypsinc ALL THE TIME?!?!? Like, I love Britney, but it's realy embarassing that a SINGER never SINGS live, like NEVER.......... :(  She can at least scream something, or say like "lalala", "oooooh-yeah", or scream some words from the song on the mic, can't she? Is there a particular reason why she never makes any noise live? And why the **** does she lypsinc to 84 years old vocals!?!? Why doesn't she prerecord the songs, or use the prerecorded ones from FF tour?!? It takes absolutely NOTHING to use the audios from the FF Tour, but they don't! It's a total mess!!! Someone needs to be fired and Britney needs a reality sheck, asap!! :meltdown: 

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2 minutes ago, skkskk said:

I've always wondered............ why does she ALWAYS lypsincs? Do any one of you know? I mean, it's ok to lypsinc while performing, I'm good with that. It's ok to lypsinc the ballads sometimes(I'm not ok with that, but I'll deal somehow), but to lypsinc ALL THE TIME?!?!? Like, I love Britney, but it's realy embarassing that a SINGER never SINGS live, like NEVER.......... :(  She can at least scream something, or say like "lalala", "oooooh-yeah", or scream some words from the song on the mic, can't she? Is there a particular reason why she never makes any noise live? And why the **** does she lypsinc to 84 years old vocals!?!? Why doesn't she prerecord the songs, or use the prerecorded ones from FF tour?!? It takes absolutely NOTHING to use the audios from the FF Tour, but they don't! It's a total mess!!! Someone needs to be fired and Britney needs a reality sheck, asap!! :meltdown: 

Laziness is my only guess. Only explanation really...she doesn't want to train her voice. 

Even the baby voice songs could be reworked for a show. Madonna is a great example she reworks old songs. Like do an acoustic version of boys live sort of like onyx where she made Baby jazzy but you know actually sing live..... 

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I dont find it funny or cool that she lies so shamelessly. Why would she say something so stubid "i've always sang live"??? Even the girl interviewing her was like what the **** and tried  to save the situation. I get mad when I think all the bullshit lies this lazy ***** tells us. She didint even sing on BJ. Maybe her clones change too often and arent given good enough advice on what to say 

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9 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

Laziness is my only guess. Only explanation really...she doesn't want to train her voice. 

Even the baby voice songs could be reworked for a show. Madonna is a great example she reworks old songs. Like do an acoustic version of boys live sort of like onyx where she made Baby jazzy but you know actually sing live..... 

She can use ******* prerecorded vocals ffs!! Even if she is THAT LAZY she can use the ******* vocals for FF Tour!! She is a mess and needs reality check.......... :donewithit:  If a normal persson is lazy and constantly skips work and doesn't do what he has to, he would be fired immediatley, why can she get away with it? Britney needs to realise that we won't be here forever if she doesn't change something at some point. I'm an optimist and think she will, but it's still realy embarassing for singer to never sing, wait, not even sing, but not to make ANY noise live for already a decade. Britney, I love you and I will always listen to your music, but you can't continue like that. :juggingu: 

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1 minute ago, skkskk said:

She can use ******* prerecorded vocals ffs!! Even if she is THAT LAZY she can use the ******* vocals for FF Tour!! She is a mess and needs reality check.......... :donewithit:  If a normal persson is lazy and constantly skips work and doesn't do what he has to, he would be fired immediatley, why can she get away with it? Britney needs to realise that we won't be here forever if she doesn't change something at some point. I'm an optimist and think she will, but it's still realy embarassing for singer to never sing, wait, not even sing, but not to make ANY noise live for already a decade. Britney, I love you and I will always listen to your music, but you can't continue like that. :juggingu: 

She keeps getting paid so until that stops it will continue tbh

I personally don't think she would sell tours out in Europe or US minus huge cities because of the last 5 years. 

 I'm so interested to see what will happen when Pom ends. 

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