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Promotion Strategies for next album

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We all know there is a new album coming up eventually and it is obvious that team Britney has really listened to us on single choices for the last two albums.  Let's be real, the single choices the majority chose let us and Britney down.  We need to start a thread for team Britney to see on the front page of the forum so that they can actually see legitimate ideas from us.  We don't need to pick singles, they really just need to go by feedback from comments on all forums, not just here.  Also, the music industry is not what it once was and money is a little tighter... and that's okay.  Let's help them out by giving ideas on how to save money as well.  

My ideas:

  • Videos don't have to be on a  1-Mil budget anymore, a back to basics attempt could work.
    • For the past few eras, although Britney's videos seem to have a higher budget, they haven't stuck with the public.  Honestly, a less is more approach could work for Britney at this time to give her a little more artistic integrity.  Let Britney create a concept and pitch it to unknown (new on the scene or student) directors who have proof of their previous work and let them bring a story to life.  With all of the money you spent (threw away) on the 2 Make Me videos, you could have just given us a music video of Britney on a beach to go with the song (even her instagram videos are better than both Make Me's) and it would have worked and would have made headlines.  You left us confused and it was a horrible move.  Spend wisely.  
  • Choose the singles and how to promote them before you actually release the album (or even the first single)
    • We used to know what the singles were going to be just by reading the sticker on the album, I'm not saying you have to stick with the same ones, you can always switch, but at least have those 4 in mind with a promotion plan for each.  Don't be so messy and on the whim because it obviously isn't working for you.  We all know that Britney has priorities before her music so it will be much smarter to go ahead and have the singles chosen so that Britney can work smarter with her time; have it all planned and prerecorded so you would not have to scrap things due to her having to go to a little league soccer game or to caramelize onions for dinner.  
    • She has never been a collaboration artist.  Honestly, it's  a huge turnoff to hear someone else on a Britney song.  We have suffered enough collaborations, please stay away from them for the next album.  I'm sure this will save you some money as well
  • Diversity works for Britney albums
    • Britney does great with big name producers but she also makes magic with unknowns (Like the Outsiders) so please do not be afraid to release songs with unknown producers, Britney always seems to shine on those tracks.  
  • Communication with the fanbase is beneficial, please view it in this way
    • There aren't as many of us left, use us to your advantage.  Give us exact dates when they are set in stone, smash rumors of events, hire someone to communicate with what fanbase there is left - or better yet, round up a street team for Britney (not talking about paying them, just having contact with them could be enough).  IDK, if you are happy with the fans being in the dark and then being upset when rumors of Britney performances take life then that's fine but it has costed the Britney brand a lot of diehard fans.  


Add more guys!!!

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25 minutes ago, jordeezy said:

We all know there is a new album coming up eventually and it is obvious that team Britney has really listened to us on single choices for the last two albums.  Let's be real, the single choices the majority chose let us and Britney down.  We need to start a thread for team Britney to see on the front page of the forum so that they can actually see legitimate ideas from us.  We don't need to pick singles, they really just need to go by feedback from comments on all forums, not just here.  Also, the music industry is not what it once was and money is a little tighter... and that's okay.  Let's help them out by giving ideas on how to save money as well.  

My ideas:

  • Videos don't have to be on a  1-Mil budget anymore, a back to basics attempt could work.
    • For the past few eras, although Britney's videos seem to have a higher budget, they haven't stuck with the public.  Honestly, a less is more approach could work for Britney at this time to give her a little more artistic integrity.  Let Britney create a concept and pitch it to unknown (new on the scene or student) directors who have proof of their previous work and let them bring a story to life.  With all of the money you spent (threw away) on the 2 Make Me videos, you could have just given us a music video of Britney on a beach to go with the song (even her instagram videos are better than both Make Me's) and it would have worked and would have made headlines.  You left us confused and it was a horrible move.  Spend wisely.  
  • Choose the singles and how to promote them before you actually release the album (or even the first single)
    • We used to know what the singles were going to be just by reading the sticker on the album, I'm not saying you have to stick with the same ones, you can always switch, but at least have those 4 in mind with a promotion plan for each.  Don't be so messy and on the whim because it obviously isn't working for you.  We all know that Britney has priorities before her music so it will be much smarter to go ahead and have the singles chosen so that Britney can work smarter with her time; have it all planned and prerecorded so you would not have to scrap things due to her having to go to a little league soccer game or to caramelize onions for dinner.  
    • She has never been a collaboration artist.  Honestly, it's  a huge turnoff to hear someone else on a Britney song.  We have suffered enough collaborations, please stay away from them for the next album.  I'm sure this will save you some money as well
  • Diversity works for Britney albums
    • Britney does great with big name producers but she also makes magic with unknowns (Like the Outsiders) so please do not be afraid to release songs with unknown producers, Britney always seems to shine on those tracks.  
  • Communication with the fanbase is beneficial, please view it in this way
    • There aren't as many of us left, use us to your advantage.  Give us exact dates when they are set in stone, smash rumors of events, hire someone to communicate with what fanbase there is left - or better yet, round up a street team for Britney (not talking about paying them, just having contact with them could be enough).  IDK, if you are happy with the fans being in the dark and then being upset when rumors of Britney performances take life then that's fine but it has costed the Britney brand a lot of diehard fans.  


Add more guys!!!

C'mon sis don't be dramatic, this isn't The Walking Dead :ponderney:

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2 minutes ago, Derrick said:

Don't you guys get bored of doing this every single era? Her team wont do ANYTHING anymore for her, she would rather post run way videos in her home then promote a single. :queenriri::meltdown:

They listened about Slumber Party :plzexplain: and we see how that went... :staysalty:

2 minutes ago, Dripping For Britney said:

C'mon sis don't be dramatic, this isn't The Walking Dead :ponderney:

It seems more like Titanic, tbh.  :meltdown:  Especially after BJ and Glory

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Guest $elfish

A proper booklet and album photoshoot 

launch a new world tour along with b10 and sing more b10 songs than hits in honestly getting tired of britney abandoning all these amazing songs and prefroming bomt or oops we wanna hear your new songs not your old hits 

if she's gonna do another residency ( which I hope she doesn't ) her team should do the smart marketing trick that was discussed on another thread and make them buy the album with the ticket 

also this is what I hope she would do and really want to preform a medley for her 20 year anniversary in the Super Bowl from her biggest hits bomt - b10 and preform the b10 lead single there and launch the album then it would be amazing I really want britney to do this ( I hope ) 

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honestly I don't give a **** about promo anymore , nor the charts or anything , notice how all the big artists in pop music industry fail to reach the top 50 nowdays , what I DO WANT HOWEVER is a perfect album where each song will be a classic and song to listen to in eternity , like in blackout and in the zone or circus , she can do it , she only needs to work with the right people and choose good songs and not leftovers from dj mustard ...... glory is a good album but honestly most songs on it are not even a single worthy , I wish she took her time now and make every song on it to be a next level hit that would prove she is the princess of pop with revolutionary original music that comes from her heart and soul (kinda like the ray of light of today). :lessons:

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