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Exhale Census: POM


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Yes, Once (May 16, 2015) - I lived in California back then 

1 minute ago, danny1994 said:

No, 0, North America.  It's partly a money thing, but I don't think it's worth taking a trip from NY to Las Vegas just to see Britney live. If I lived in LA that would be a different story.

well you're not only going to see Britney live. There's a lot of other shows, restaurants, shows and activities to do in Vegas :ponderney:

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2 minutes ago, 3isacharm said:

Yes, Once (May 16, 2015) - I lived in California back then 

well you're not only going to see Britney live. There's a lot of other shows, restaurants, shows and activities to do in Vegas :ponderney:

I'm sure it would be a great time and I'd find stuff to occupy my trip, but Vegas has never been a destination trip for me or my family. But the restaurants looks very good, lol

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0, partly bc of money BUT i feel like even if i have the money i wouldn't want to with how meh i feel abt the show now. In my PERSONAL opinion the production looks so boring. even FFT production beat POM by miles. but hey there's always another chance (hopefully)

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