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Where you dissapointed with the Onyx Hotel choreo??

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For some reason I dont remember what my reaction was.. But I just watched her ABC Special and couldnt help but think that Toxic and Boom Boom had to be some of the best live choreo she has had in her carreer. And then I started wondering why she didnt do it on tour (probably because it would have been to exhausting for such a long show) And then I realized that I dont remember being dissapointed back then. Where you dissapointed?? I remember a lot of fans not liking Onyx as much as DWAD but I dont remember choreo complaints.

To be fair I think the Toxic, Boys and Overprotected dance breaks imo totally make up for the missing original choreo.


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The Onyx Hotel Tour and DWAD had incredible choreography that will still slay my existence till the world ends! I wish Britney could really bring back some good choreo like this in  her upcoming world tour! :janet:

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NO, I saw an special show on E! before the tour started and I was real excited, I was like 10 or 11 I guess but I was freaking out when I saw the rehearsals and everything, but I never saw the full show like a year after it started, we didnt have Internet as now and I am not american so I had to wait but hell no, I was so obsessed with Toxic breakdown, The hook up and the **** section (TOMH-BOM-Outrageous) :hype:

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48 minutes ago, Dark.Knight said:

she danced less than people think, but she did kill it during those times

i wasn't disappointed with the dancing, i was disappointed that she was trying too hard to be **** when she already was (is)

Yes!! Don't hate me but Onyx is so overrated! DWAD>>>>Onyx

For me the oops oppening and the BOMT ending its better than all Onyx performances :yesokay:

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The only thing that annoys me from the Onyx Hotel tour is the fact we can't hear her voice in the choruses, only the bg vocalists, but still she lipsynced that part. I find it pointless. But well, nowadays she lipsyncs to Iggy's verses in Pretty Girls so I guess some things don't change :tehe:

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4 minutes ago, RobRocks said:

The only thing that annoys me from the Onyx Hotel tour is the fact we can't hear her voice in the choruses, only the bg vocalists, but still she lipsynced that part. I find it pointless. But well, nowadays she lipsyncs to Iggy's verses in Pretty Girls so I guess some things don't change :tehe:

That's because the video from Showtime that we have online was from 5.1 audio. We never got a 2.1 audio, therefore lots of the channels were lost. It wasn't like that on the tour.

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