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Do you think britney is fake?


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I mean, in interviews etc, I got the feeling that she often says what people want to hear and that she isn't completely honest or something...

And I can't even blame her for that after all the **** she went through, but I can understand why people say she is fake....It looks like she doesn't

really show her real self anymore.

On the other hand, I think that she is the most humble and real superstar when you see her in her normal life. It's like people like beyonce are beyonce all the time, even when they are

at home, while Britney switches the 'superstar' part off when she is not working.

So I feel like she is the most humble and normal superstar in her normal life, but when she is working she is not herself and says what people want to hear.

Don't know if this makes sense lol, but do you also feel like this? :plzexplain:

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2 minutes ago, annonymous said:

I mean, in interviews etc, I got the feeling that she often says what people want to hear and that she isn't completely honest or something...

And I can't even blame her for that after all the **** she went through, but I can understand why people say she is fake....It looks like she doesn't

really show her real self anymore.

On the other hand, I think that she is the most humble and real superstar when you see her in her normal life. It's like people like beyonce are beyonce all the time, even when they are

at home, while Britney switches the 'superstar' part off when she is not working.

So I feel like she is the most humble and normal superstar in her normal life, but when she is working she is not herself and says what people want to hear.

Don't know if this makes sense lol, but do you also feel like this? :plzexplain:

She is much more open now.

Like in the Jonathon Ross interview she was really great!

Femme Fatale and before 2016 she was quite uptight and was trying to keep people happy, but like she says - she is a people pleaser :) 

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Just now, Bxnes said:

She is much more open now.

Like in the Jonathon Ross interview she was really great!

Femme Fatale and before 2016 she was quite uptight and was trying to keep people happy, but like she says - she is a people pleaser :) 

I know she is showing more of her real self, but still I never really trust her when she says something. For example I will be singing live, or this is the most personal album ever, I am a really competitive person.....You get what I mean? 

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Just now, annonymous said:

I know she is showing more of her real self, but still I never really trust her when she says something. For example I will be singing live, or this is the most personal album ever, I am a really competitive person.....You get what I mean? 

Yeh ok I see your point :) 

but she's probably scared of being judged...

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2 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

I think it comes done Britney just wants to make money and that's it.

She can't just be like I'm here to make money and don't care about any of it.

If she said that about Glory would you support it? Pom 

Its pretty clear that is how she feels deep down 


That's what you think sir

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A part of me thinks her team 'controlled' her in that sense from the very beginning with certain 'rehearsed' answers... she came into the industry as a child and was always told how to and what to say imo... Britney seems like a person that would love to elaborate more and be more personal and opinionated on stuff but I just always felt like they made her give short answers that don't mean anything... 

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Just now, InTheZone4U said:

A part of me thinks her team 'controlled' her in that sense from the very beginning with certain 'rehearsed' answers... she came into the industry as a child and was always told how to and what to say imo... Britney seems like a person that would love to elaborate more and be more personal and opinionated on stuff but I just always felt like they made her give short answers that don't mean anything... 

All celebs have rehearsed answers

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2 minutes ago, OopsOverprotected said:

I think you're right tbh. She's not as open as she used to be. She only tells people the obvious things about her kids and stuff. She does not go further into topics that could be controversial. I mean I can't blame her for that but I'd love to get to know her on a more personal level so I know what she's like nowadays. 

She never been an open book like that ever

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Just now, Cappycorn87 said:

A celebs are here to make money

They got bills to pay

So is every company/brand but if they delivered that message through their ads to sell...they wouldn't sell.

As ppl we want to hear what the item or entertainment will provide for us.

im answering the question from op. Her answers don't add up to what her motions are because she can't say she just wants money for the sake of her brand. 

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5 minutes ago, Cappycorn87 said:

There's nothing fake about Britney


Most celebs present a "public" image and persona and are completely different person off camera and in real life

But thats exactly the feeling I get from her....That she is completely different in real life than she is in her work....

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I think it's pretty obvious from her unfiltered Instagram account that she's probably the least "fake" at least personally she's been in a long time.

She doesn't make any big claims, and she's been pretty honest about seeing her career as not much more than just a "job"

Vegas, recording, albums... They're all just part of the "job" - plugging and cross-promoting other RCA artists, promoting nothing more than just Vegas.. She's in it to support her family, and she probably knows that this kind of income doesn't last long in Hollywood.

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6 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

So is every company/brand but if they delivered that message through their ads to sell...they wouldn't sell.

As ppl we want to hear what the item or entertainment will provide for us.

im answering the question from op. Her answers don't add up to what her motions are because she can't say she just wants money for the sake of her brand. 

Most celebs cannot say that but that dont mean she does not believe in what she's doing

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